Downstream Heather swims ashore and meets an old friend...
Marshal Wirthling! Oh, you've got to help me! Milton went insane and tried to take my temperature with his dick!
Whoa, slow down there little filly. What's all this rectal tomfoolery?
Oh, it was awful Marshal. I thought something strange was going on when he brought me inside to eat. He had all these candles lit, and he was playing Luther Vandross, and then... *sob!*
Don't you fret none, Heather. You run on down to Miss Sophie's place an' I'll head back to town and round up the boys. We'll make things right.
Boys, we're gettin' this posse together 'cause we got ourselves the worst kind of outlaw known to man. A donkey fucker.
Well I'll be a monkey's uncle, Marshal. I figured after we peeled all the skin off that last feller and tossed him in the barrel of hot sauce we wouldn't see no more of em 'round these parts.