Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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Well I was born into a family of treveling circus freaks in the middle of the Civil War,and obviously my early years were difficult. I could never get over the fact that the poinsetta was the official plant of Christmas even thought it has such a high sensitivity to cold.Then to top off an extremely hard childhood i was caught by Thomas_Ferguson and his black,chinese,midget parter Too_Easy and sold as a slave to portugese winemakers. Thankfully the transition into adultedhood was easier as I landed a job as President Nixon's personal vibrating footstool.After being fired by Mr. Nixon for putting cling wrap in his toilet for my and I quote "12th strike" I enjoyed a long succesfull career as the worlds strongest man,having victories over Mark Henry,Louis Cyr and Moses.Dieing in 1912 my funeral was a beautiful affair attended by the likes of Dumbledore from Harry Potter and Tom Cruise as Ethan Hawk from the Mission Impossible series.I also hate everything random.
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by goldenchild
My fellow Americans with the war on terrorism over and the elections fast approaching I realise Americans need a new war to satisfy our urge to urinate on other peoples cultures.
Hell yeh Bush! War feels almost as good as that night spend alone in the barn with my sister.
I propose a war on earthquakes. Earthquakes attempting to target our cities will immediately be targeted by our own nookyuler arms. If that plan fails, our forces will procede to eradicate the Amish.
What is this talking box!?!?
God lord......God bless America, you violent dicks.
In a last ditch effort we will restart our war with them damn Viet-kong. Lets ass rape those bastards. These plans will help fuel our own inflated cultural masturbation. God bless America.
But Mama and Papa still live in old country!
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