This summer on FOX enjoy an all new line up of great shows. Including...... Asians vs the Ghetto!
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| What the fuck dog! I live in the suburbs of Seattle... hey, holy shit its Bruce Lie! | |
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| Holy crap its Michael Jordan! | |
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at 8 oclock... He is a man of honor. One dream, one passion, one man. Michael Jordan stars in...... all we can do.(a basketball documentary)
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| Your little rasict bitch. I'm 13 goddamnit. | |
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| Please sir calm down, you are being charged with murder, possesion of a deadly weapon and possesion of cocain with intent to sell.................................. Holy crap are you Michael Jordan?!?! | |
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And if that isnt "age appropriate" enough tune in to our great family shows, starting with......Midgets and beastiality
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| Here kitty kitty. I dont even care if your neutered. | |
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