Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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Dig this. 26 years old. I am a phone pimp, don't ask. Kickin' it old school, yo. Chillaxe, and enjoy! Disclaimer: All characters involved in these stories are not based on actual events or real people... though, they could be, so just be careful. 'Cause you could be next.
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Call Centre workers attack!!!
"Hello, this is member services, we are asking you to re-record as your ad was more lame than Christopher Reeves legs. YA Douche!"
These stupid bastid's i outta....
Umm, excuse me Jayzuz, can you come with me?
Yeah Yeah, here you go Glenary.. my passcard and headset....... oh by the way, BM!
... and so, We think you might better fit in with another company. One that doesn't rely on good customer service. Maybe the Telluswesuck phone company? It's just that...
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