Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)
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. Sorry 'bout all that.[br]
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Grey vs. Jesus 1
Ahh, Mr. Christo. Long have I admired you. To think that you would die for the sins of your people.
And how fitting that now you'll have the chance to do it again.
Not even God can help you now. Shall we start with some probing?
How original.
habnem's Comics
03/27/08 - RCD18: Sadi-Maso-Tourism
03/26/08 - Maybe mom was right about the schizophrenia.
03/25/08 - Did you ever wake up with...
03/25/08 - CC 384b
03/25/08 - CC 384: Hope he's not pregnant.
11/07/06 - Many happy returns
01/31/06 - CC 312e: Falling action.
01/31/06 - CC 312d: Girlie action.
01/31/06 - CC 312c: Peaking action.
01/31/06 - CC 312b: Rising action
01/31/06 - CC 312: A call to action
01/26/06 - CC 311: Jackson Family Honors blooper reel
12/27/05 - The joke that waited twenty years.
07/06/05 - CC 287c
07/05/05 - CC 287b
07/05/05 - CC 287
05/21/05 - SCBR: Littlegirl's victory speech 3
05/21/05 - SCBR: Littlegirl's victory speech 2
05/21/05 - SCBR: Littlegirl's victory speech, pt. 1
05/06/05 - CC 281b
05/06/05 - CC 281
01/22/05 - CC 273: Repeat 62,000,000 times
01/14/05 - If mmyers' slow-ass computer were MENBAH!
01/14/05 - mmyers' slow-ass computer at the movies
01/14/05 - If mmyers' slow-ass computer had an emergency
01/14/05 - If mmyers' slow-ass computer played baseball
01/14/05 - If mmyers' slow-ass computer played Dr. Frank-N-Furter (2)
01/14/05 - If mmyers' slow-ass computer played Dr. Frank-N-Furter (1)
01/10/05 - Orvilleredenbacher 5.59999997
01/10/05 - Oraljet 3.56
01/10/05 - Oravat 3.5
01/07/05 - The Young and the Conclusive
01/07/05 - The Young and the Vengeful
01/07/05 - The Young and the Over-Their-Heads
01/07/05 - The Young and the Mesoamerican
11/11/04 - CC CCLIVb: Nightmare Exam Board
11/10/04 - CC CCLIV: wehn a man teeches a women
07/30/04 - Contest 252: Disturbing.
06/07/04 - Comic Cup 12.2: Zodiac Filler
06/01/04 - CC 247: Everyone else is calling it that.
05/26/04 - Contest 246: Hippopotomonstrosesquipidelianism
05/19/04 - ZS 32: Aggressive Advertising
05/17/04 - Contest 244b: My personal dream.
05/16/04 - Video game cliches 4
05/16/04 - Video game cliches 3
05/16/04 - Video game cliches 2
05/16/04 - Video game cliches
05/14/04 - Contest 244: Court TV
05/07/04 - Cowboy vs. Killer Squirrel, 5
05/07/04 - Cowboy vs. Killer Squirrel 4
05/07/04 - Cowboy vs. Killer Squirrel 3
05/07/04 - Cowboy vs. Killer Squirrel 2
05/07/04 - Cowboy vs. Killer Squirrel 1
04/24/04 - Contest 241(e)
04/24/04 - Contest 241(d)
04/24/04 - Contest 241(c)
04/24/04 - Contest 241(b)
04/24/04 - Contest 241(a): In which Roger decides to look for love.
04/05/04 - It's-a me!
03/22/04 - Cup XII: The Masturbaceous Period
03/10/04 - Aaron and Ted 6
03/10/04 - Aaron and Ted 5
03/10/04 - Aaron and Ted 4
03/10/04 - Aaron and Ted 3
03/10/04 - Aaron and Ted 2
03/10/04 - Aaron and Ted 1
03/05/04 - FTC 26 - Advent Children: After Dark
02/27/04 - Little Girl vs. Wirthling
02/13/04 - ZS 24: Bigger Fish to Fry
02/13/04 - CC 232: are we having fun yet?
02/13/04 - CC 232: Presents!
02/13/04 - CC 232: 5 letters, starts with 'C,' "Something You Sit On"
02/04/04 - ZS 20: Brigham's Army
02/04/04 - My own private Zing series #5
02/04/04 - My own private Zing series #4
02/04/04 - My own private Zing series #3
02/04/04 - My own private Zing series #2
02/04/04 - My own private Zing series #1
02/04/04 - ZS #18 : Forensic Science for Dummies
01/30/04 - CC 231: Life in Pissmania (4)
01/30/04 - CC 231: Life in Pissmania (3)
01/30/04 - CC 231: Life in Pissmania (2)
01/30/04 - CC 231: Life in Pissmania (1)
01/26/04 - Dinner gaffes 3
01/26/04 - Dinner gaffes 2
01/26/04 - Dinner gaffes 1
01/26/04 - FTC 20: Make it so.
01/22/04 - The Nerdiest Comic Ever (maybe)
01/17/04 - CC 229: Where are they now?
01/17/04 - CC 229: They're too busy singing.
01/15/04 - CC 229: Paradise delayed.
01/15/04 - CC 229: Ode to that one guy.
01/15/04 - CC 229: An 8-bit tragedy (2)
01/15/04 - CC 229: An 8-bit tragedy (1)
01/15/04 - CC 229: That's just absurd.
01/10/04 - Don't call it a trilogy.
01/10/04 - Deux (ex machina?)
01/10/04 - Dating Game
12/17/03 - Hussein it's not a victory?
12/13/03 - Grey vs. Jesus 2
12/13/03 - Grey vs. Jesus 1
12/10/03 - Monkey vs. Snowman 2
12/10/03 - Monkey vs. Snowman 1
09/24/03 - CC 212: Tard and Tarder.
09/24/03 - CC 212: Dancing with Clango
09/24/03 - CC 212: man@work (in the cosmos)
09/24/03 - CC 212: I don't know how to make a tilde.
09/23/03 - CC 212: Giles...transcending it :)
09/22/03 - CC 211: One joke in three panels.
09/12/03 - Seven hundred thirty days
09/06/03 - CC 209: The "U.S. Acres" Jim Davis Doesn't Want You to See
09/06/03 - Click here for another surprise ending.
09/06/03 - Kangaroo vs. Squirrel 5
09/06/03 - Kangaroo vs. Squirrel 4
09/06/03 - Kangaroo vs. Squirrel 3
09/06/03 - Kangaroo vs. Squirrel 2
09/06/03 - Kangaroo vs. Squirrel 1
08/25/03 - CC 206: Happy Birthday
08/20/03 - Comic Cup 10.1 (b)
08/20/03 - Comic Cup 10.1 (a)
08/19/03 - Boozer vs. Robo2 (2)
08/19/03 - Boozer vs. Robo2 (1)
08/18/03 - ...
08/15/03 - Untitled
08/14/03 - CC 204f (with apologies to TheGovernor)
08/14/03 - Gabe's reflections...
08/14/03 - CC 204e: Compliant in spirit...
08/14/03 - CC 204d
08/14/03 - CC 204: The Mic Family
08/12/03 - CtCCC 204: One more.
08/12/03 - CtCCC 204: Theoretically speaking...
08/11/03 - Ten yards for piling on.
08/08/03 - Descolada vs. Ghost, finale
08/08/03 - Descolada vs. Ghost 3
08/08/03 - Descolada vs. Ghost 2
08/08/03 - Descolada vs. Ghost: Prologue
08/01/03 - Contest 202b
08/01/03 - Contest 202: What really happens.
07/30/03 - Contest 201: Fecal matters.
07/30/03 - One day at the Robot Courthouse...
07/28/03 - Milestones.
07/28/03 - Counterpoint
07/28/03 - A Subtle and Pervasive Form of Brainwashing
07/28/03 - Cuticles
04/18/02 - C.C. CXIVb: Seven (yet another alternate ending)
04/18/02 - C.C. CXIV: Did Forrest Gump even have a cutting room?
04/09/02 - C.C. CXIIh: The Mediocres 5 - The Cliffhanger Issue
04/09/02 - C.C. CXIIg: The Mediocres 4, I guess
04/09/02 - C.C. CXIIf: The Mediocres -1
04/09/02 - C.C. CXIIe: The Mediocres 1/2
04/09/02 - C.C. CXIId: The Mediocres 0 - Another Member?
04/09/02 - The Great Pimp-Off
04/08/02 - "Panic Room" in three frams (by a dismayed Fincher fan)
04/08/02 - C.C. CXIIc: The Mediocres 3 - A Superteam is Born
04/08/02 - C.C. CXIIb: The Mediocres 2--Don't Call It a Crossover
04/08/02 - C.C. CXIIa: The Mediocres' Origin Issue
12/20/01 - C.C. LXXXVII: Rite of Passage
12/17/01 - C.C. LXXXVI: Barely legal
12/17/01 - Harry Potter and the Bad Running Joke
12/17/01 - Harry Potter and the Sceptre of Pain
12/17/01 - Harry Potter and the Curse of Askanfilardiphilipiano
11/29/01 - ...and i'm not even christian.
11/08/01 - Serial Comic |\/: Meanwhile...
11/03/01 - the SoCratic method
11/03/01 - from the secret files of max kaufman
11/03/01 - Cup 6.1: The Greatest Story Never Told
11/01/01 - C.C. LXXVI: H.G. Wells was a pussy
10/26/01 - C.C. LXXV: Maura Takes a Dump III
10/23/01 - C.C. LXXV: Return of the Killer Kangeroo (sic)
10/19/01 - C.C. LXXIV: fuck-style
10/19/01 - Cup 5 Final: Tidings of Discomfort and Death
10/18/01 - C.C. LXXIII: In the beginning
10/17/01 - C.C. LXXIII: The Hits Just Keep On Coming.
10/16/01 - Snapshots of a Disaster II: Disaster Averted
10/15/01 - Cup 5 Interlude: A Stripper Prepares
10/13/01 - Band Names: Pop Will Eat Itself
10/13/01 - Band Names: Black Sabbath
10/13/01 - Band Names: They Might Be Giants
10/13/01 - C.C. LXXII(b): Snapshots of a Disaster
10/12/01 - C.C. LXXII: Third Panel for Rent or Sale
10/12/01 - "Oedipus Rex" in three panels
10/12/01 - "Pet Sematary" in three panels
10/12/01 - "Forrest Gump" in three panels
10/12/01 - A Very Special Moment.
10/12/01 - The First Comic Ever to Mention Askanfilardiphilipiano
10/12/01 - The First Comic Ever to Mention Ladoga, IN
10/12/01 - The First Comic Ever to Mention Autoerotic Asphyxiation
10/12/01 - C.C. LXXI: The Life (in a day) of Habnem.
10/11/01 - Cup 5.3 - Anyone can make a good point occasionally.
10/05/01 - Cup 5.2 - Strip Trek
10/02/01 - Maura Takes a Dump!
09/27/01 - C.C. LXVII: G3+ |=UXXO|2D |\|OO|3!!!!1!!1!WTF
09/26/01 - Cup 5.1: The World's Smallest Silver Lining
09/24/01 - C.C. LXVI: Blackmail Backfire.
09/23/01 - Busy Work Theatre
09/23/01 - C.C. LXV: Soliloquy, Interrupted.
09/22/01 - Operators are standing. Bye!
09/22/01 - C.C. LXIV: Beam me elsewhere.
09/18/01 - Serial Comic ]|[ -- The Inevitable Cameo
09/17/01 - Church of Arse: The Crusades.
09/16/01 - Comics Cup 4.2--The Madness of LadyJ
09/16/01 - Church of Arse: Another congregant...
09/16/01 - How It Really Happened (or, In-Joke Theatre)
09/15/01 - Untitled
09/14/01 - Things Not to Say in West Virginia
09/14/01 - Things Not to Say When Killing People
09/14/01 - Things Not to Say During Sex
09/14/01 - Untitled
09/14/01 - Untitled
09/14/01 - Davey Jones Revisited
09/14/01 - TITANIC: The Alternate Ending.
09/12/01 - Back to Normal.
09/11/01 - Comics Cup 4.1--Episode 4: A New Timekiller
09/09/01 - C.C. LXI: The (more or less) Straight Story
09/05/01 - C.C. LX: Davey Jones' Chiffarobe
09/01/01 - What they're really saying.
08/25/01 - C.C. LVI finale: ABSOLUTELY UNTRUE!
08/25/01 - C.C. LVI redux: AMAZINGER!!
08/23/01 - C.C. LVI: AMAZING!!
08/23/01 - A relatively decent proposal.
08/23/01 - Film at 11.
08/22/01 - C.C. LV: Because he can.
08/18/01 - Limerick Time! (thanks, dad)
08/18/01 - Boring Confessions, Fin.
08/18/01 - Boring Confessions, Part II
08/18/01 - Boring Confessions, Part I
08/18/01 - C.C. LIV: From the obscurest chapters of the Pokedex...
08/06/01 - Biblical Adventures--Of The Bible!
08/06/01 - Temping Sucks: Finale
08/06/01 - Temping Still Sucks.
08/06/01 - Temping Sucks.
08/05/01 - Political Strip II: George W. Bush is stupid.
08/05/01 - Spiritual Interlude, Pt. Trois
08/05/01 - Fun with Default Settings!
08/05/01 - Another Spiritual Interlude
08/05/01 - A Spiritual Interlude
08/04/01 - All Points Bulletin
08/04/01 - Now for a Public Service Announcement
08/04/01 - The Mildly Happy Hooker
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