Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)
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. Sorry 'bout all that.[br]
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Contest 241(c)
For some reason, the church we got married in had a spittoon.
I am so happy.
Same here.
We had some good times.
How is it possible to suck that bad at bowling?
How can you think you're so bad-ass when you had the bumpers up the whole time?
We had some really good times.
Holy sweet Goddamn, do you have a license for that tongue?
Ilth ailmth tlth plthtse.
habnem's Comics
03/27/08 - RCD18: Sadi-Maso-Tourism
03/26/08 - Maybe mom was right about the schizophrenia.
03/25/08 - Did you ever wake up with...
03/25/08 - CC 384b
03/25/08 - CC 384: Hope he's not pregnant.
11/07/06 - Many happy returns
01/31/06 - CC 312e: Falling action.
01/31/06 - CC 312d: Girlie action.
01/31/06 - CC 312c: Peaking action.
01/31/06 - CC 312b: Rising action
01/31/06 - CC 312: A call to action
01/26/06 - CC 311: Jackson Family Honors blooper reel
12/27/05 - The joke that waited twenty years.
07/06/05 - CC 287c
07/05/05 - CC 287b
07/05/05 - CC 287
05/21/05 - SCBR: Littlegirl's victory speech 3
05/21/05 - SCBR: Littlegirl's victory speech 2
05/21/05 - SCBR: Littlegirl's victory speech, pt. 1
05/06/05 - CC 281b
05/06/05 - CC 281
01/22/05 - CC 273: Repeat 62,000,000 times
01/14/05 - If mmyers' slow-ass computer were MENBAH!
01/14/05 - mmyers' slow-ass computer at the movies
01/14/05 - If mmyers' slow-ass computer had an emergency
01/14/05 - If mmyers' slow-ass computer played baseball
01/14/05 - If mmyers' slow-ass computer played Dr. Frank-N-Furter (2)
01/14/05 - If mmyers' slow-ass computer played Dr. Frank-N-Furter (1)
01/10/05 - Orvilleredenbacher 5.59999997
01/10/05 - Oraljet 3.56
01/10/05 - Oravat 3.5
01/07/05 - The Young and the Conclusive
01/07/05 - The Young and the Vengeful
01/07/05 - The Young and the Over-Their-Heads
01/07/05 - The Young and the Mesoamerican
11/11/04 - CC CCLIVb: Nightmare Exam Board
11/10/04 - CC CCLIV: wehn a man teeches a women
07/30/04 - Contest 252: Disturbing.
06/07/04 - Comic Cup 12.2: Zodiac Filler
06/01/04 - CC 247: Everyone else is calling it that.
05/26/04 - Contest 246: Hippopotomonstrosesquipidelianism
05/19/04 - ZS 32: Aggressive Advertising
05/17/04 - Contest 244b: My personal dream.
05/16/04 - Video game cliches 4
05/16/04 - Video game cliches 3
05/16/04 - Video game cliches 2
05/16/04 - Video game cliches
05/14/04 - Contest 244: Court TV
05/07/04 - Cowboy vs. Killer Squirrel, 5
05/07/04 - Cowboy vs. Killer Squirrel 4
05/07/04 - Cowboy vs. Killer Squirrel 3
05/07/04 - Cowboy vs. Killer Squirrel 2
05/07/04 - Cowboy vs. Killer Squirrel 1
04/24/04 - Contest 241(e)
04/24/04 - Contest 241(d)
04/24/04 - Contest 241(c)
04/24/04 - Contest 241(b)
04/24/04 - Contest 241(a): In which Roger decides to look for love.
04/05/04 - It's-a me!
03/22/04 - Cup XII: The Masturbaceous Period
03/10/04 - Aaron and Ted 6
03/10/04 - Aaron and Ted 5
03/10/04 - Aaron and Ted 4
03/10/04 - Aaron and Ted 3
03/10/04 - Aaron and Ted 2
03/10/04 - Aaron and Ted 1
03/05/04 - FTC 26 - Advent Children: After Dark
02/27/04 - Little Girl vs. Wirthling
02/13/04 - ZS 24: Bigger Fish to Fry
02/13/04 - CC 232: are we having fun yet?
02/13/04 - CC 232: Presents!
02/13/04 - CC 232: 5 letters, starts with 'C,' "Something You Sit On"
02/04/04 - ZS 20: Brigham's Army
02/04/04 - My own private Zing series #5
02/04/04 - My own private Zing series #4
02/04/04 - My own private Zing series #3
02/04/04 - My own private Zing series #2
02/04/04 - My own private Zing series #1
02/04/04 - ZS #18 : Forensic Science for Dummies
01/30/04 - CC 231: Life in Pissmania (4)
01/30/04 - CC 231: Life in Pissmania (3)
01/30/04 - CC 231: Life in Pissmania (2)
01/30/04 - CC 231: Life in Pissmania (1)
01/26/04 - Dinner gaffes 3
01/26/04 - Dinner gaffes 2
01/26/04 - Dinner gaffes 1
01/26/04 - FTC 20: Make it so.
01/22/04 - The Nerdiest Comic Ever (maybe)
01/17/04 - CC 229: Where are they now?
01/17/04 - CC 229: They're too busy singing.
01/15/04 - CC 229: Paradise delayed.
01/15/04 - CC 229: Ode to that one guy.
01/15/04 - CC 229: An 8-bit tragedy (2)
01/15/04 - CC 229: An 8-bit tragedy (1)
01/15/04 - CC 229: That's just absurd.
01/10/04 - Don't call it a trilogy.
01/10/04 - Deux (ex machina?)
01/10/04 - Dating Game
12/17/03 - Hussein it's not a victory?
12/13/03 - Grey vs. Jesus 2
12/13/03 - Grey vs. Jesus 1
12/10/03 - Monkey vs. Snowman 2
12/10/03 - Monkey vs. Snowman 1
09/24/03 - CC 212: Tard and Tarder.
09/24/03 - CC 212: Dancing with Clango
09/24/03 - CC 212: man@work (in the cosmos)
09/24/03 - CC 212: I don't know how to make a tilde.
09/23/03 - CC 212: Giles...transcending it :)
09/22/03 - CC 211: One joke in three panels.
09/12/03 - Seven hundred thirty days
09/06/03 - CC 209: The "U.S. Acres" Jim Davis Doesn't Want You to See
09/06/03 - Click here for another surprise ending.
09/06/03 - Kangaroo vs. Squirrel 5
09/06/03 - Kangaroo vs. Squirrel 4
09/06/03 - Kangaroo vs. Squirrel 3
09/06/03 - Kangaroo vs. Squirrel 2
09/06/03 - Kangaroo vs. Squirrel 1
08/25/03 - CC 206: Happy Birthday
08/20/03 - Comic Cup 10.1 (b)
08/20/03 - Comic Cup 10.1 (a)
08/19/03 - Boozer vs. Robo2 (2)
08/19/03 - Boozer vs. Robo2 (1)
08/18/03 - ...
08/15/03 - Untitled
08/14/03 - CC 204f (with apologies to TheGovernor)
08/14/03 - Gabe's reflections...
08/14/03 - CC 204e: Compliant in spirit...
08/14/03 - CC 204d
08/14/03 - CC 204: The Mic Family
08/12/03 - CtCCC 204: One more.
08/12/03 - CtCCC 204: Theoretically speaking...
08/11/03 - Ten yards for piling on.
08/08/03 - Descolada vs. Ghost, finale
08/08/03 - Descolada vs. Ghost 3
08/08/03 - Descolada vs. Ghost 2
08/08/03 - Descolada vs. Ghost: Prologue
08/01/03 - Contest 202b
08/01/03 - Contest 202: What really happens.
07/30/03 - Contest 201: Fecal matters.
07/30/03 - One day at the Robot Courthouse...
07/28/03 - Milestones.
07/28/03 - Counterpoint
07/28/03 - A Subtle and Pervasive Form of Brainwashing
07/28/03 - Cuticles
04/18/02 - C.C. CXIVb: Seven (yet another alternate ending)
04/18/02 - C.C. CXIV: Did Forrest Gump even have a cutting room?
04/09/02 - C.C. CXIIh: The Mediocres 5 - The Cliffhanger Issue
04/09/02 - C.C. CXIIg: The Mediocres 4, I guess
04/09/02 - C.C. CXIIf: The Mediocres -1
04/09/02 - C.C. CXIIe: The Mediocres 1/2
04/09/02 - C.C. CXIId: The Mediocres 0 - Another Member?
04/09/02 - The Great Pimp-Off
04/08/02 - "Panic Room" in three frams (by a dismayed Fincher fan)
04/08/02 - C.C. CXIIc: The Mediocres 3 - A Superteam is Born
04/08/02 - C.C. CXIIb: The Mediocres 2--Don't Call It a Crossover
04/08/02 - C.C. CXIIa: The Mediocres' Origin Issue
12/20/01 - C.C. LXXXVII: Rite of Passage
12/17/01 - C.C. LXXXVI: Barely legal
12/17/01 - Harry Potter and the Bad Running Joke
12/17/01 - Harry Potter and the Sceptre of Pain
12/17/01 - Harry Potter and the Curse of Askanfilardiphilipiano
11/29/01 - ...and i'm not even christian.
11/08/01 - Serial Comic |\/: Meanwhile...
11/03/01 - the SoCratic method
11/03/01 - from the secret files of max kaufman
11/03/01 - Cup 6.1: The Greatest Story Never Told
11/01/01 - C.C. LXXVI: H.G. Wells was a pussy
10/26/01 - C.C. LXXV: Maura Takes a Dump III
10/23/01 - C.C. LXXV: Return of the Killer Kangeroo (sic)
10/19/01 - C.C. LXXIV: fuck-style
10/19/01 - Cup 5 Final: Tidings of Discomfort and Death
10/18/01 - C.C. LXXIII: In the beginning
10/17/01 - C.C. LXXIII: The Hits Just Keep On Coming.
10/16/01 - Snapshots of a Disaster II: Disaster Averted
10/15/01 - Cup 5 Interlude: A Stripper Prepares
10/13/01 - Band Names: Pop Will Eat Itself
10/13/01 - Band Names: Black Sabbath
10/13/01 - Band Names: They Might Be Giants
10/13/01 - C.C. LXXII(b): Snapshots of a Disaster
10/12/01 - C.C. LXXII: Third Panel for Rent or Sale
10/12/01 - "Oedipus Rex" in three panels
10/12/01 - "Pet Sematary" in three panels
10/12/01 - "Forrest Gump" in three panels
10/12/01 - A Very Special Moment.
10/12/01 - The First Comic Ever to Mention Askanfilardiphilipiano
10/12/01 - The First Comic Ever to Mention Ladoga, IN
10/12/01 - The First Comic Ever to Mention Autoerotic Asphyxiation
10/12/01 - C.C. LXXI: The Life (in a day) of Habnem.
10/11/01 - Cup 5.3 - Anyone can make a good point occasionally.
10/05/01 - Cup 5.2 - Strip Trek
10/02/01 - Maura Takes a Dump!
09/27/01 - C.C. LXVII: G3+ |=UXXO|2D |\|OO|3!!!!1!!1!WTF
09/26/01 - Cup 5.1: The World's Smallest Silver Lining
09/24/01 - C.C. LXVI: Blackmail Backfire.
09/23/01 - Busy Work Theatre
09/23/01 - C.C. LXV: Soliloquy, Interrupted.
09/22/01 - Operators are standing. Bye!
09/22/01 - C.C. LXIV: Beam me elsewhere.
09/18/01 - Serial Comic ]|[ -- The Inevitable Cameo
09/17/01 - Church of Arse: The Crusades.
09/16/01 - Comics Cup 4.2--The Madness of LadyJ
09/16/01 - Church of Arse: Another congregant...
09/16/01 - How It Really Happened (or, In-Joke Theatre)
09/15/01 - Untitled
09/14/01 - Things Not to Say in West Virginia
09/14/01 - Things Not to Say When Killing People
09/14/01 - Things Not to Say During Sex
09/14/01 - Untitled
09/14/01 - Untitled
09/14/01 - Davey Jones Revisited
09/14/01 - TITANIC: The Alternate Ending.
09/12/01 - Back to Normal.
09/11/01 - Comics Cup 4.1--Episode 4: A New Timekiller
09/09/01 - C.C. LXI: The (more or less) Straight Story
09/05/01 - C.C. LX: Davey Jones' Chiffarobe
09/01/01 - What they're really saying.
08/25/01 - C.C. LVI finale: ABSOLUTELY UNTRUE!
08/25/01 - C.C. LVI redux: AMAZINGER!!
08/23/01 - C.C. LVI: AMAZING!!
08/23/01 - A relatively decent proposal.
08/23/01 - Film at 11.
08/22/01 - C.C. LV: Because he can.
08/18/01 - Limerick Time! (thanks, dad)
08/18/01 - Boring Confessions, Fin.
08/18/01 - Boring Confessions, Part II
08/18/01 - Boring Confessions, Part I
08/18/01 - C.C. LIV: From the obscurest chapters of the Pokedex...
08/06/01 - Biblical Adventures--Of The Bible!
08/06/01 - Temping Sucks: Finale
08/06/01 - Temping Still Sucks.
08/06/01 - Temping Sucks.
08/05/01 - Political Strip II: George W. Bush is stupid.
08/05/01 - Spiritual Interlude, Pt. Trois
08/05/01 - Fun with Default Settings!
08/05/01 - Another Spiritual Interlude
08/05/01 - A Spiritual Interlude
08/04/01 - All Points Bulletin
08/04/01 - Now for a Public Service Announcement
08/04/01 - The Mildly Happy Hooker
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