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| "Haha, you're so funny and cool...I love hanging out with you Johnny..and ur good looking...how do you not have a girlfriend?" | |
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| "Haha, thanks Jen...It's funny you mention that..cuz u see I've been meaning to say something to you for awhile...I really like you, I think we would make a great couple.." | |
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Johnny reveals his feelings
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| "You see, the way I look at it is,we could be togetha foreva..you know..eatin ice cream cones togetha,wipin it off our cute noses,maybe even have a little Johnny one day, and you know, be a....family" | |
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| "Uhh yea...you know that sounds so good...but I'm seriously like..not good enough for you..I mean I'm nothing, you could do so much better Johnny, you don't want me..I'd let you down and stuff..." | |
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| "Oh my god..I'll never be the same...why doesnt she realize how great she is..I'd give her anything and she thinks shes nothing..why god, why...." | |
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| "Goddamn I'm so hott and way too good for him..what the hell was he thinking..seriously thought he was good enough for me..haha,yea right..what a loser,probably doesnt even know I lied through my ass" | |
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