Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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I know you think that some of my strips sucks, but they don't suck that much So please if you think my comics are funny vote okay Thank you, plus if you think my comics do suck then don't vote Thank you for the last time LOL.
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by hellomikie93
You look like a pickle with slime on it and with legs! Slime: well please eat me just once I never seen a inside of a puppet before.
I love cheeseburgers sliced up I love fries sliced up
Here have some slime its good its tasty and its me to eat.
Cool I want you to die I only like pretty GIRLS PUPPET GIRLS! Blonde: *dies*
I love any girl even fat ones they are cuddly and they turn me on!
Hey look at me I am your type you can see me do anything I do you make me so horny and you make me die!
NO!!!!!!!!!! I didn't mean BABY GAMES UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Baby: To bad you said any!
I love games they are so fun and sweet! I love any game they are so sweet they make my eyes hurt and make me sleepy!
Well play hide and seek with me I will be easy to find you know how I am I hide easy!
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