you know, the fault lies within religion. because after all...
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| you wanna buy som droogs? | |
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| nah mang, i'm alreedy lit up, yo. | |
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without the martyr know as jesus, there would be no christianity. but, sometimes you have to hurt...or kill the one you love.
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| i gotta som crack i ken sell youze. you wanna som crack. taka the crack. coom on now, mang and buy mah crack. esa so good for you, maka you feel good eeenside. | |
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| alright mang, hit me up with a gram, bling bling. | |
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if they were all willing to hurt jesus, don't you think he'd do the same in turn to them?
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| ah hells no motherfecker. damn sinner, i used to love you, but no, you gave into the temptation of substance. next time get high on JESUS. hope you think hell is "dope", yo. | |
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| damn HAYSOOS, that's a raw deal. | |
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