Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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My comics rock! They're all about the life of a character called Hey Richey who is not me. If you read them and like them send me a message, or e-mail me or something. If you hate them do exactly the same. Oh and me, myself, I am 19, male, english and stuff.
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by heyrichey
It's late at night, and Hey Richey's lost his mind
The duck's quacking really gets me going, a-shuddering, shudder, go, quack
How do you do? You old whore. How do you do? Whorebag. Dirty whorebag! Go put some knickers on! You whore. Go put some kinky knickers on. Whore.
Demon, Demon, smells of semen, masturbates all night and day, because he can't help but play with his weener!
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