Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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Everyone has something to live for. Some live for love, a noble cause, for money, some for success, and some live simply for themselves. I, however, live to kick people.
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by highway40
Die, motherfucker! I'm really Italian and I'm really pissed off. My last name isn't Sopprano just for shits and giggles.
Getting HBO was a great idea. The constant re-runs kinda suck, but how can you get tired of watching a stereotypical yet modern Italian mafia drama? Let's see what else is on.
Let God lift your spirit upwards to heaven. Raise your arms in praise, and worship our loving father. Surrender your everything, and everything will be taken care of. Just join me in praise now.
Maybe I should surrender it all. I can't deny the Lord's spiritual presence. I should go pick up a Bible. Praise Jesus! I've been living in sin, but i'm saved. Praise Jes... Where's the remote?
When I'm through with you, this will look like a fucking accident. People accidentally slip and fall on bullets every day. How ya like that lasagna, Frank?
Fuck his ass up, Tony.
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