Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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Hilarity 'n' Suze (forum thread) teknomage goes fourth beckyconnor
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by hilaritynsuze
Oh. Well... Sorry. Anyway, are you saying you don't want to go to the movie? It's not like it'd be a date, or anything...
Oh, I know. No one would ask me out on a date, I know that.
Oh, that's just another psychological hang-up. You're self-aware, so you should know it's not true.
Well, maybe. But I'm 32 years old, and no one's ever asked me out so far.
Holy crap, you're 32? You look so much younger!
Yeah, I get that alot. ...See how I didn't say "I imagine" this time?
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