Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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Hilarity 'n' Suze (forum thread) teknomage goes fourth beckyconnor
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by hilaritynsuze
Well, I can tell you this much: the chicken definitely came first, because God created it that way, ha ha ha. Seriously.
*sigh* Okay, let's forget philosophical jokes. The fact remains that I have real problems I have to deal with on a daily basis.
Okay. I take it one problem is money, since you said you can't afford anti-depressants. Do you have a job?
Yeah, but once I pay for necessities like rent, food, utilities, cable TV and internet, beer, I'm lucky if I have $10 or $20 spending money left each week. I can't even afford a car, let alone gas.
I'm sure some of the things you consider "necessities" really aren't. What if you gave up cable and the internet?
Dude, don't take this the wrong way, I mean I don't worship the internet or anything... but it'd still be sort of like asking you to give up God. Or, you know, a layperson to give up sex.
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