Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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Hilarity 'n' Suze (forum thread) teknomage goes fourth beckyconnor
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by hilaritynsuze
The point being, I suppose, that unlike those things you mentioned, it's not something that can be learned. Kind of like how you think God can't fix it.
Right. But dude, I'm not saying he can't, just that he won't. He's not a genie, he has his own plans.
And don't you think those plans might be a bit more important than your own?
Hey, I'm not interested in running the universe, I just want to get through the occasional day without thinking about killing myself.
Fair enough. Now, do you think you could get through the day without alcohol? It'd be healthier, plus save you money.
I get through plenty of days without alcohol. Even the occasional night. But to give it up entirely? I'm afraid I don't have the strength.
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