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| So, here's the deal, I'm five minutes into spring break and I haven't seen ANY boobs yet!! | |
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| Dude, Dude, it's because you're saying it wrong, you have to say SPRINGGGGGG BREAAAAAAAK! | |
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| Hmmm, I guess that might work, but I also think going to Cancun instead of my lameass wintery hometown might have helped... | |
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| Naw man, it's all in your attitude, if you think boobs, boobs will come. It's a lot like Field of Dreams crossed with Girls Gone Wild. | |
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| Have you ever spontaneously vomited from the pure ridiculousness of the words you've just spoken? | |
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| Well, there was that time I asked my dental hygeneist to take off her blouse to help fight gingivitis... | |
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