Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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I am Kat. I think that pretty much sums it up.
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by ihateyousomuch
Power animals are people too. Well, not technically.. but yea.
...Yeah and then she's like "you better make this worth my while little man" As if I was doing something wrong!
Woah... What a BITCH. Being a power animal is so under appreciated these days.
I know, she'd probably prefer if I were a penguin or something, I was just trying to help her out in a time of need. What a whiney bitch.
Humans are so goddamned stupid, all they think about is sex. I'm a power animal for this guy and it's all he talks about.
You're telling ME this! Try listening to this chick Kat for more than 30 seconds and you'll want to rip your eardrums out.
Wow, man. She totally doesn't realize how deep your wisdom really goes. Just give it time, she'll come around.
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