Power animals are people too. Well, not technically.. but yea.
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| ...Yeah and then she's like "you better make this worth my while little man" As if I was doing something wrong! | |
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| Woah... What a BITCH. Being a power animal is so under appreciated these days. | |
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| I know, she'd probably prefer if I were a penguin or something, I was just trying to help her out in a time of need. What a whiney bitch. | |
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| Humans are so goddamned stupid, all they think about is sex. I'm a power animal for this guy and it's all he talks about. | |
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| You're telling ME this! Try listening to this chick Kat for more than 30 seconds and you'll want to rip your eardrums out. | |
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| Wow, man. She totally doesn't realize how deep your wisdom really goes. Just give it time, she'll come around. | |
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