Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)
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CC 182: Want to Play Again?
You sleep with Stripcreator's resident slut! You die of veneral disease! Lose all your winnings and go back to start.
Maw! Not on my bed with the vicar!
You make a pun! You die! Lose all your winnings, return to start, and receive a kick to the crotch from the other players.
I'm a frayed knot!
You sleep with Stripcreator's resident pervert and people find out! You die of embarrassment! Lose all your winnings and go back to start.
This time you'll be Ned Beatty!
israphael's Comics
07/11/05 - My Little Circle of Hell 10
02/24/04 - FTC 24: Home of Rice-a-roni
02/23/04 - FTC 24: Except in the Roman Catholic Church
02/20/04 - My Little Circle of Hell 9
02/20/04 - My Little Circle of Hell 8
02/17/04 - Worst Thing to Say Trying to Get Sex
02/17/04 - CC 232: What can I say, I like anime too
02/16/04 - CC 232: Things That Tenderize
02/16/04 - CC 232: Bad Bull
02/14/04 - CC 232: Fourteen of your fifteen minutes are up!
02/13/04 - CC 232: Eldritch Idol
02/08/04 - My Little Circle of Hell 7
02/08/04 - My Little Circle of Hell 6
02/07/04 - ZS 23: Upclose and Personal
02/04/04 - ZS #21: Litters of Fun
02/04/04 - ZS #16: Can't we all just get along?
02/03/04 - My Little Circle of Hell 5
02/02/04 - CC231: War comes on little cat feet IV
02/02/04 - CC231: War comes on little cat feet III
02/02/04 - War comes on little cat feet II
02/02/04 - CC 231: War comes on little cat feet I
02/02/04 - My Little Circle of Hell 4
01/30/04 - My Little Circle of Hell 3
01/30/04 - My Little Circle of Hell 2
01/24/04 - My Little Circle of Hell 1
01/24/04 - My Little Circle of Hell i
01/21/04 - My Little Circle of Hell ii
01/21/04 - CC228: Another Night Ironing the Kilt
01/19/04 - My Little Circle of Hell iii
11/14/03 - We'll leave the light on for you
11/14/03 - Thrasher in the Wry 4
11/14/03 - Thrasher in the Wry 3
11/14/03 - Thrasher in the Wry 2
11/14/03 - Thrasher in the Wry 1
11/06/03 - CC 219: Good Things are Cumming Your Way!
11/06/03 - CC 218: The mother of all Halloween jokes
08/13/03 - The Life of Israphael, Part 9
08/13/03 - The Life of Israphael, Part 8
08/13/03 - The Life of Israphael, Part 7
08/13/03 - The Life of Israphael, Part 6
08/13/03 - The Life of Israphael, Part 5
08/13/03 - The Life of Israphael, Part 4
08/13/03 - The Life of Israphael, Part 3
08/13/03 - The Life of Israphael, Part 2
08/13/03 - The Life of Israphael, Part 1
07/11/03 - CC 196: A meeting with my ex
04/22/03 - CC 182: Want to Play Again?
04/14/03 - SC Greeting Card #1: Congratulations on the New Job
04/13/03 - Get Thee Behind Me, Brad!
04/11/03 - I'll Even Let You Squeeze The Tube
01/30/03 - CC 167: Now, About Your Cat's Bad Breath...
01/17/03 - Not an Official CC163 Entry
12/17/02 - Thanks for the Memories
12/17/02 - CC 159: All I Want for Christmas
12/12/02 - CC 159: All I Want for Christmas is...
12/11/02 - CC 158: It Hurts When I Do This 7
12/11/02 - CC 158: It Hurts When I Do This 6
12/11/02 - CC 158: It Hurts When I Do That 5
12/11/02 - CC 158: It Hurts When I Do This 4
12/11/02 - CC 158: It Hurts When I Do This 3
12/11/02 - CC 158: I Hurts When I Do This 2
12/11/02 - CC 158: It Hurts When I Do This 1
12/05/02 - CC 157: Boogie Afternoons XI
12/05/02 - CC 157: Boogie Afternoons X
12/05/02 - CC 157: Boogie Afternoons IX
12/05/02 - CC 157: Boogie Afternoons VIII
12/05/02 - CC 157: Boogie Afternoons VII
12/05/02 - CC 157: Boogie Afternoons VI
12/05/02 - CC 157: Boogie Afternoons V
12/05/02 - CC 157: Boogie Afternoons IV
12/05/02 - CC 157: Boogie Afternoons III
12/05/02 - CC 157: Boogie Afternoons II
12/05/02 - CC 157: Boogie Afternoons I
12/03/02 - Where Every Hour is Unhappy Hour
11/26/02 - You're Going Down!
11/25/02 - The Spanklings IX
11/22/02 - Beats Having Your Ass Beaten With A Chair
11/22/02 - Five Things I Hate About IRC #6
11/22/02 - Five Things I Hate About IRC #5
11/22/02 - Five Things I Hate About IRC #4
11/22/02 - Five Things I Hate About IRC #3
11/22/02 - Five Things I Hate About IRC #2
11/22/02 - Five Things I Hate About IRC #1
11/19/02 - I Say Give Into Their Demands
11/17/02 - Gallipoli 1915
11/16/02 - EVIL 9
11/16/02 - EVIL 6
11/16/02 - EVIL 3
11/10/02 - Tales of Terror V
11/07/02 - Tales of Terror IV
11/05/02 - Tales of Terror III
11/05/02 - Tales of Terror II
11/05/02 - Tales of Terror I
11/04/02 - On the Road Again IV
11/04/02 - On the Road Again III
11/04/02 - On the Road Again II
11/04/02 - On the Road Again I
10/25/02 - The Second Cumming II
10/25/02 - The Second Cumming I
10/21/02 - Going Down to the River to Pray 3
10/21/02 - Going Down to the River to Pray 2
10/21/02 - Going Down to the River to Pray 1
10/19/02 - A Bicycle Built For Two #3
10/19/02 - A Bicycle Built For Two #2
10/19/02 - A Bicycle Built For Two #1
10/18/02 - No Good Deed III
10/18/02 - No Good Deed II
10/18/02 - No Good Deed I
10/18/02 - Oh, the Weather Outside is Frightful #3
10/18/02 - Oh, the Weather Outside is Frightful #2
10/18/02 - Oh, the Weather Outside is Frightful #1
10/15/02 - Millenium: It Was a Dark and Stormy Night (Act III)
10/15/02 - Millenium: It Was a Dark and Stormy Night (Act I)
10/15/02 - Millenium: It Was a Dark and Stormy Night (Act II)
10/15/02 - Millenium: It Was a Dark and Stormy Night (Act I)
10/13/02 - From the Mouths of Babes
10/13/02 - Space station plumbers finish work (, Oct 12)
10/13/02 - Snuff maker's settlement could be a first (, Oct. 12)
10/13/02 - Is it really good-bye for Kyle? (, Oct. 12)
10/12/02 - The Evolution of Tobor
10/12/02 - Johnny Reb Will Get His In the End
10/11/02 - Women Become Hookers, Dump Fiances to Follow Beckham
10/11/02 - I Did It for Science: Cross-Dressing (, Oct. 11)
10/11/02 - Japanese Augmenting Their Penises (, Oct. 11)
10/11/02 - Ghosts Put N.J. Town in High Spirits (, Oct. 11)
10/08/02 - And Now Let Us Consume Mass Quantaties, Amen.
10/08/02 - My Brunch with Andretti
10/08/02 - East of Manhattan, North of My Penis
10/07/02 - CC 146: This is not an Entry
10/06/02 - Public Service Announcement #3
10/05/02 - Knock, Knock, Knockin' on Heaven's Door
10/05/02 - Remember to Fondle Your Pets Regularly
10/03/02 - DexX's Big Adventure IX
10/03/02 - DexX's Big Adventure VIII
10/03/02 - DexX's Big Adventure VI
10/03/02 - DexX's Big Adventure VI
10/03/02 - DexX's Big Adventure V
10/03/02 - DexX's Big Adventure IV
10/03/02 - DexX's Big Adventure III
10/03/02 - DexX's Big Adventure II
10/03/02 - DexX's Big Adventure I
09/29/02 - CC143: A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Sucking-Up
09/26/02 - I Didn't Write This Strip
09/24/02 - The Laziest Man In Stripcreator
09/24/02 - Right Said Med
09/24/02 - A Proud Family Tradition
09/24/02 - Kind Words in an Hour of Need
09/19/02 - I Must Apologize In Advance
09/15/02 - The Spanklings VIII
09/11/02 - A Tempered Reflection on the Anniversary of 9-11
09/10/02 - The Past, Present, and Future of ObiJo
09/06/02 - Israphael, The Motion Picture: Epilogue
09/06/02 - Israphael, The Motion Picture: Act VIII
09/06/02 - Israphael, The Motion Picture: Act VII
09/06/02 - Israphael, The Motion Picture: Act VI
09/06/02 - Israphael, The Motion Picture: Act V
09/06/02 - Israphael, The Motion Picture: Act IV
09/06/02 - Israphael, The Motion Picture: Act III
09/06/02 - Israphael, The Motion Picture: Act II
09/06/02 - Israphael, The Motion Picture: Act I
09/06/02 - Israphael, The Motion Picture: Prologue
08/29/02 - The Spanklings VII
08/28/02 - The Spanklings
08/27/02 - The Spanklings V
08/27/02 - (Almost) True Veterinary Tales, Part IV
08/26/02 - The Spanklings IV
08/26/02 - CC 139: Followed by an Extensive Course of Rectal Palpation
08/20/02 - CC 138: Why Must It Always Be About You?
08/17/02 - Raiders Throughout the Ages
08/12/02 - The Spanklings III
08/12/02 - The Spanklings II
08/11/02 - CC 10001000: Y Tu Mama Tambien
07/30/02 - In an Elevator, Somewhere in the World
07/09/02 - The Spanklings
07/09/02 - Popular Science
07/04/02 - Next Year We're Going to the Renaissance Fair
07/04/02 - A Day in the Life...
06/24/02 - Drag On Tales
06/24/02 - Next up: Journey to Ernie
06/19/02 - CC 126: The Eternal Question
05/08/02 - Time for a Little R&R 6
05/08/02 - Time for a Little R&R 5
05/08/02 - Time for a Little R&R 4
05/08/02 - Time for a Little R&R 3
05/08/02 - Time for a Little R&R 2
05/08/02 - Time for a Little R&R 1
05/06/02 - When Brad's Away...
04/23/02 - Jailhouse Rock II
04/16/02 - CC114: One Night at McCool's
04/16/02 - CC114: One Night at McCool's
04/09/02 - Tales from the Script 13
04/09/02 - Tales from the Script 12
04/08/02 - Tales from the Script 10
04/08/02 - Tales from the Script 9
04/08/02 - Tales from the Script 8
04/08/02 - Tales from the Script 7
04/08/02 - Tales from the Script 6
04/08/02 - Tales from the Script 5
04/06/02 - Tales From The Script 4
04/06/02 - Tales From The Script 3
04/06/02 - Tales From The Script 2
04/06/02 - Tales From The Script 1
04/06/02 - CC112: The Origin of "The Head"
04/04/02 - CC111: Submitted For Your Approval
04/04/02 - CC111: My Fawn Has Diarrhea!
04/04/02 - CC111: Tobor (The Movie)
04/04/02 - CC111: Emily Bronte's "Wirthling Heights"
04/04/02 - CC111: Emily Bronte's "Wirthling Heights"
04/03/02 - An (Almost) True Story
04/03/02 - CC111: Koyaanisqatsi (Stomach out of Balance)
04/03/02 - CC111: When Hannibal Ate Sally
04/01/02 - Now With 50% Less Donkeys And Sodomy
03/30/02 - CC110: We've Already Established What You Are...
03/29/02 - CC110: A Sad Day In Stripcreatorland
03/28/02 - CC110: How do you think Miss Manners started?
03/28/02 - CC110: Lay Me In My Grave Face Down
03/28/02 - CC110: God Bless Frank Nelson
03/26/02 - CC109: Tobor
03/26/02 - CC109: Spankling
03/26/02 - CC109: Bazilla
03/26/02 - CC109: Siegfried and Roy
03/25/02 - CC109: Isaac Asimov
03/25/02 - CC109: Catherine the Great
03/23/02 - CC108: Stripcreator (The Movie)
03/22/02 - CC108: A Beautiful Mime
03/19/02 - CC107: Sleepers, Episode 7
03/19/02 - CC107: Sleepers, Episode 6
03/19/02 - CC107: Sleepers, Episode 5
03/19/02 - CC107: Sleepers, Episode 4
03/19/02 - CC107: Sleepers, Episode 3
03/19/02 - CC107: Sleepers, Episode 2
03/19/02 - CC107: Sleepers, Episode 1
03/10/02 - You Are What You Regurgitate
03/09/02 - CC104: Fun at the Old Folk's Home 2
03/08/02 - CC 104: Diesel Beatings #6
03/08/02 - CC 104: Diesel Beatings #5
03/08/02 - CC 104: Diesel Beatings #4
03/08/02 - CC 104: Diesel Beatings #3
03/08/02 - CC 104: Diesel Beatings #2
03/08/02 - CC 104: Diesel Beatings #1
03/02/02 - Maybe I'll Do Better on "Change of Heart"
02/15/02 - Scenes from the 20th Annual Stripcreator Reunion II
02/15/02 - Scenes from the 20th Annual Stripcreator Reunion I
02/14/02 - CC100: Fun at the Old Folk's Home.
02/14/02 - At Least This Year I Didn't Wake Up in a Bathtub Full of Ice
02/11/02 - The Dreadful Truth About 4e 1/2
02/07/02 - The Dreadful Truth About 4h
02/07/02 - The Dreadful Truth About 4g
02/07/02 - The Dreadful Truth About 4f
02/07/02 - The Dreadful Truth About 4e
02/07/02 - The Dreadful Truth About 4d
02/07/02 - The Dreadful Truth About 4c
02/07/02 - The Dreadful Truth About 4b
02/07/02 - The Dreadful Truth About 4a
02/06/02 - The Dreadful Truth About III
02/06/02 - The Dreadful Truth About II
02/06/02 - The Dreadful Truth About I
02/01/02 - Comic Cup 8 Round 1 - The Plan Unfurls
01/29/02 - And it's the Wrong Color and Size
01/26/02 - Maybe You Should Consider Getting Him Neutered
01/26/02 - Public Service Announcement #2
01/25/02 - And Maybe There is a Role for Phylicia Rashad
01/23/02 - Indy Pete: Lady's Man II
01/23/02 - Indy Pete: Lady's Man I
01/23/02 - Indy Pete: Lady's Man
01/20/02 - Serial Comic VI: Everybody Loves Somebody Sometime
01/19/02 - Bunnerabb and NastyPope Ate My Balls
01/17/02 - CC 93: Shouldn't This Be An Ad For Preparation H?
01/16/02 - What's Eatin' You?
01/14/02 - Geography (or Kabul is the capital of South Dakota)
01/11/02 - The Difference Between Men and Women
01/09/02 - The Sin of Pride (or at Least of Heresy)
01/09/02 - Theology and a Can of Whoop-Ass
01/05/02 - Why is Tobor always the victim?
01/05/02 - CC 90: B is for a "Bad" strip, which I have myself to blame
01/02/02 - You Know You Want To
01/01/02 - Times They Are A-Changing
01/01/02 - What Will You Have For Breakfast On New Year's Morning?
12/31/01 - My Dinner With Spankling IV
12/31/01 - My Dinner With Spankling III
12/31/01 - My Dinner With Spankling II
12/31/01 - My Dinner With Spankling I
12/31/01 - Clash of the Titans III
12/31/01 - Clash of the Titans II
12/31/01 - Clash of the Titans I
12/25/01 - CC88: I Still Didn't Get My Pony This Christmas
12/20/01 - All in the Family
12/17/01 - Reservoir Donkeys
12/14/01 - Dial "M" for Mental
12/10/01 - Let the Beatings and Manrape Begin
12/10/01 - Let the Beatings and Manrape Begin
12/10/01 - Let the Beatings and Manrape Begin
12/05/01 - Introducing Stan
12/05/01 - And I Still
12/04/01 - Cowboy Poli Sci
12/03/01 - CC83d: Meeting the Parents
12/03/01 - CC83c: Meeting the Parents
12/03/01 - CC83b: Meeting the Parents
12/03/01 - CC83a: Meeting the Parents
12/03/01 - At Least It Wasn't A Sucking Punchline
12/03/01 - A Natural Talent
12/03/01 - The Stars Are Brightly Shining
12/03/01 - Pee Wee Where Art Thou?
12/03/01 - I'm Not a Diva!
11/30/01 - Commercial Break #2
11/29/01 - Commercial Break #1
11/29/01 - Do You Smell What I Smell?
11/29/01 - Jolly Old Elf, My Ass!
11/29/01 - Creative Differences
11/28/01 - The First Annual Stripcreators Christmas Special
11/27/01 - CC82: Spankling - Princess of Darkness IV
11/27/01 - CC82: Spankling - Princess of Darkness III
11/27/01 - CC82: Spankling - Princess of Darkness II
11/27/01 - CC82: Spankling - Princess of Darkness I
11/25/01 - Acme Industries, Proudly Serving Coyotes For Over 50 Years
11/19/01 - Maternal Clock
11/19/01 - Maternal Clock
11/17/01 - Coming To A Pub Near You
11/15/01 - Forum-Users Theater: Little Red Riding Vest
11/14/01 - Israphael's Life Lessons #3
11/14/01 - Israphael's Life Lessons #3
11/14/01 - Israphael's Life Lessons #2
11/12/01 - CC79: A Meeting Of Minds
11/12/01 - CC79: Won't or Shockie, You Decide
11/08/01 - The Love That Dare Not Spe..... Whatever (Part XV)
11/08/01 - WE WILL SAVE YOU MONEY!!!
11/08/01 - Israphael's Life Lessons #1
11/08/01 - The Love That Dare Not Spe..... Whatever (Part XIV)
11/07/01 - You Never Do See The Two Of Them Together At The Same Time
11/07/01 - And I Stepped In It Too!
11/07/01 - Not An Entry To CC77 (But Ought To Be)
11/05/01 - The Love That Dare Not Spe..... Whatever (Part XIII)
11/05/01 - The Love That Dare Not Spe..... Whatever (Part XII)
11/05/01 - Serial Comic IV: Just Like Deliverance Without Banjo Music
11/05/01 - And When Mr. Bigglesworth Gets Upset... People Die!
11/02/01 - CC76: Sorry I Asked
10/28/01 - Even Forum Users Have A Purpose In Life
10/28/01 - My Relationship Paranoia Pt. 5: When Life Hands You Lemons
10/27/01 - Got Scrote? (The Director's Cut)
10/26/01 - Proctology
10/26/01 - The Love That Dare Not Spe..... Whatever (Part XI)
10/26/01 - Historically Inevitable Tobor
10/24/01 - CC75: Maura Takes A Dump II
10/24/01 - CC75: Merl the Misogynist Squirrel 26
10/24/01 - CC75: Less is More II - More or Less
10/21/01 - CC74: Wirthling Still Continues to Suck - by gabe_billings
10/19/01 - Why Max Cannon Has A Restraining Order Out On Me
10/18/01 - CC73: Excuse Me While I Kiss This Guy
10/18/01 - A Kinder and Gentler Tobor
10/17/01 - The Love That Dare Not Spe..... Whatever (Part X)
10/12/01 - The Love That Dare Not Spe..... Whatever (Part IX)
10/11/01 - The Love That Dare Not Spe..... Whatever (Part VIII)
10/11/01 - The Love That Dare Not Spe..... Whatever (Part VII)
10/11/01 - The Love That Dare Not Spe..... Whatever (Part VI)
10/10/01 - The Love That Dare Not Spe..... Whatever (Part V)
10/10/01 - The Love That Dare Not Spe..... Whatever (Part IV)
10/06/01 - CC 70: Worked for Shatner
10/04/01 - CC 69
10/04/01 - CC 69: The Anguished States Of Israphael
10/04/01 - I'm not saying she's a whore, but...
10/03/01 - Meet the Author II
10/02/01 - A Scene From The New Live-Action Scoobie-Doo Movie
10/01/01 - CC68: Orgasmic Chemistry
10/01/01 - Who Left Their Dirty Underwear In The Refrigerator?
09/29/01 - The Love That Dare Not Spe..... Whatever (Part III)
09/29/01 - The Love That Dare Not Spe..... Whatever (Part II)
09/29/01 - The Love That Dare Not Spe..... Whatever (Part I)
09/27/01 - But You Knew That Already
09/26/01 - This Is Some Sort Of Political Humor, Isn't It?
09/26/01 - Trials of TOBOR, Part XX
09/26/01 - Trials of TOBOR, Part XIX
09/26/01 - Trials of TOBOR, Part XVIII
09/26/01 - Trials of TOBOR, Part XVII
09/26/01 - Trials of TOBOR, Part XVI
09/26/01 - Trials of TOBOR, Part XV
09/26/01 - Trials of TOBOR, Part XIV
09/26/01 - Trials of TOBOR, Part XIII
09/26/01 - Trials of TOBOR, Part XII
09/26/01 - Trials of TOBOR, Part XI
09/26/01 - Trials of TOBOR, Part X
09/25/01 - An Apology
09/25/01 - Trials of TOBOR, Part IX
09/25/01 - Trials of TOBOR, Part VIII (Director's Cut)
09/25/01 - Trials of TOBOR, Part VIII (Corrected Version)
09/25/01 - Trials of TOBOR, Part VIII
09/25/01 - (Almost) True Veterinary Tales, Part III
09/25/01 - Trials of TOBOR, Part VII
09/25/01 - Trials of TOBOR, Part VI
09/25/01 - Trials of TOBOR, Part V
09/25/01 - Caffiene By Day, Alcohol By Night!
09/25/01 - Public Service Announcement #1
09/25/01 - Trials of TOBOR, Part IV
09/25/01 - Trials of TOBOR, Part III
09/25/01 - CC66: Void Where Prohibited by Law.
09/23/01 - Reflections on 9-11
09/23/01 - Trials of TOBOR, Part II
09/23/01 - Trials of TOBOR, Part I
09/23/01 - I Feel Your Pain.
09/23/01 - Meet the Author
09/23/01 - (Almost) True Veterinary Tales, Part II
09/23/01 - (Almost) True Veterinary Tales, Part I
09/23/01 - The Hardest Work is Finding Work
09/23/01 - Have your people call my people.
09/20/01 - Why I never could sell a script to Seinfeld
09/06/01 - Resistance is Futile
09/06/01 - And afterwards we can talk about our relationship.
09/06/01 - Hey, I used that Punchline already
09/03/01 - You think you hate your life.
09/03/01 - Inevitable really...
09/02/01 - Twist my arm already.
09/02/01 - Dreamweaver... get me through the night.
08/31/01 - Fully Functional
08/31/01 - Don't mess with my Toot-toot!
08/31/01 - How I eat a Reeses Peanut Butter Cup
08/31/01 - Be gentle, it's my first time.
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