Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

stripcreator donor

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I came into the world naked, wet, and hungry. Then things got worse.

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by itsclark
No, no, no.... you're missing it. Way back when when the cool shit was on AM radio, or early FM rock was starting to become marketable, there were no genre's and sub-genres.
OK, I see your point about the consumerism deal, but think of it this way... does anyone look at fine art and say "Boy, it sure is silly to differentiate between baroque, surrealism, ect.
I'm not saying it's inherently without merit, but please be reminded that all those schools of creative form evolved from the artists need for a broader range of expression covering several decades...
... and your ads and sales channels and the content thereof appeal to the hanging-on-by-a-thread- feeling of importance that permeates adolescent iconography...
Kill... me...
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