So I have this English instructor that's a total loon. For reasons I'll go into in another strip, she's certifiable. Anyway, her cell phone policy for the classroom is if the cell rings...
She gets to answer it. Naturally, Ivy's decided this is a great opportunity to have some fun.
So what I need people to do, is call my cell phone between 10AM and 10:50 AM MST. That's 9-9:50 AM West Coast, 11-11:50 AM Central, and 12-12:50 PM Eastern.
But this is Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays only. Any other day will get a snarky recording.
This is a real nation with which Ivytopia has had diplomatic dealings. Name used because I can't think of anything else.
What should you say? Well, be creative. Say something ridiculous but not inplausible. Like say security's been breached and I'm needed. Or the Toakan* diplomat is early and I'm needed.
So anyway, Ivy's cell phone # is 307-761-2441. Go on, give her a call and annoy an insane teacher today.