Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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"The Cornett Universe" and "JND.MP3" were known for pushing the boundaries of what was acceptable in comedy. Now comic mastermind James M. Cornett is back with "JND.RMX". The newest entry into the webcomic route puts JMC (formerly C-Note) and Big-D back together with new characters familiar faces and stranger storylines. The settings might have changed but the humor is never toned down.
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by jamesmcornett
We join Big-D and Merri on a walk through town.
I think we need to start a goth band.
And I have the perfect name for it, too.
Let's hear it.
High On Catnip.
That's an awesome name, honey!
No, I meant I was so high on catnip when I came up with the name, Master Jager and the Bombs.
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