Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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James from Vienna,West Virginia
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by jammerfilms
The North Pole 12/28/05
Hello All. It's me again Sara from the CSGH paranormal group.
Hi I'm Garth a Demonoligist. We will be investigating the North Pole. A few Elves reported a strange behavior in Santa this year.
Well as you can tell we are at the North Pole and there is no snow. That is the first sign of the paranormal.
Oh Yes, I'm glad you brought that up I almost overlooked it. It is so hot here what could be causing this, Lets go check out Santa.
The Real Santa
Hello Santa. I mean Satin I must through holy water on you if it means Christmas or no Christmas
So what if you found out my real identity. Christmas is gone, Now it's a holiday where people spends all their money while hating it just to put presents under the holiday tree and CHRIST IS GONE
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