Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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Welcome to LOLFG. *Update* 11/06/2009 - I've decided to steer away from being fixated on one game, and have decided to try and broaden my themes a bit more. These comics are inspired by my nerdy side. Many of these comics are referenced to video games, current events, and a random twist. If you aren't into gaming, chances are you won't get some of these. LF Nerdy readers!
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by jayo_27
Patch day insanity Part 2...
There I was on my way to the agreed meeting point...When all of the sudden the Lich King himself stepped out of a Toyota Prius!
Yes..because everyone knows the embodiment of death itself is environmentally conscious...
He fought vallantly, but was no match match for me in the end. Though I had won, I was drained of my light-blessed powers and HAD to come back here to rest up.
You went to Sizzler didn't you...
Uh yeah...but I brought you a 'doggie bag'.
God I hate you...
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