Small Eyed Donkey snubs Snowman when an attempt at conversation is made...
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| How about that--after all these years we really DO have something in common. | |
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| What in the name of sag are you talking about? We're arch enemies. | |
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Small Eyed Donkey hesitates to listen to Snowman. He has no time for tomfoolery, but listens in anyway...
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| No, seriously. It's really quite a good uh.. "point".. to be made. | |
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| What? And by the way shouldn't you be melting? | |
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Snowman and Small Eyed Donkey realise their wrongs, shake phalluses and start a fresh.
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| Well look at my face and your face. We both have REALLY phallic noses. What's the deal? | |
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| Oh god.. wow, you're right. Your nose is phallic just like mine. Let's say we forget our past and live in phallic peace, together? | |
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