Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

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"More features than a rotary phone but less easy to use than a touch tone phone" - Attitudechicka

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by jes_lawson
Captain's Log. Stardate: Morning After. Picard wakes in a pool of his own vomit...
Urrr...Sweet Rabid Jesus, Laforge, it feels like a Klingon shat in my mouth
Worse still, Captain! Someone dropped the keys of the Enterprise down the warp core last night and we can't reach them.
Have you tried a coathanger?
Engineering's all got the DT's sir. We're shaking like Elvis's leg on the vinegar strokes . Plus we're more concerned about the foam in the shuttlebay!
Foam in the shu...Oh shit! I ordered we all have a foam party in there didn't I?
You also ordered we all "get naked and do the inter-species wild thing" as well, sir!
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