Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

stripcreator donor

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"More features than a rotary phone but less easy to use than a touch tone phone" - Attitudechicka

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by jes_lawson
*ZZZZZnnnrt*....'re so pixelated, and yet, so curvy....*zzz*...does John Allison draw you in a C cup, coz you feel like more of a D...
JES! Wake Up! What happened with that order you had to send back?
Red-headed Amazons? Oh, you mean the botched order from a month ago. Yeah, the correct replacement CD arrived today.
Let's review: It took a month for a response, you sent them back two perfectly good CDs at your own expense, with no refund?
Look, I got the MP3s, CD, and best of all, contacts in Ivytopia who'll return "special merchandise" next time they bollocks my order.
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