Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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Tech Support yuppie. Yeah. Um...I do stuff. And yeah. Enjoy my much-retarded comicfulness...And twelve... What's to Watch: Roomies by wildjesus (Instant Inspiration version 1.funk) The Apartment by thedavefanclub (co-creator of this world of madness)
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by jimbob2000
At Jesus' Place...
Man, you shoulda just seen John MC a minute ago. He was HELLA tripped. And all it took was an itty bitty bong.
Sweet. So what that biznatch been up to anyway?
Smokin'. And escaping the pain of Tech Support.
Yeah, but that's really just the same thing, ain't it?
BINGO! So yeah, let's start escapin'!
You don't need to tell me twice!
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