Executive Decisions & Poetry Contests
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| Guy's, as architects, I want to support Homeless-Veterans in our Community this year. As a corporate sponsor..What do you think? | |
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Poetry in Motion...Team Energy...
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| Breaking Through The Barrier: "I walked a blighted area, city terrain, metro, urban navigable arenas. I unraveled a corner in mind, holding not one displeasure... | |
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| . or judgement. I blueprinted a baseball batting-cage where the homeless live, thinking coaches, if they knew. I scratched a draft print, and I marched a road less - taken. Never needing an eraser... | |
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Poetic Trees Vs. Decision Trees.
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| I feel like calling this poem "architects for humanity"... so I did...breaking down one barrier. I took another step, a threshold step, a second breaking barrier leads to a third. Thinking between... | |
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| ..These steps, Architects haven't yet designed four Laws of Continuum, Two laws, collab'ing, Or one rough draft for fields wherein humanities roughest of lives Collab and breath." Yes, we agree.." | |
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