Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

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Veterans Edge Press, writer, poetry & clarinet student for life.

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by jpwsme
Executive Decisions & Poetry Contests
Guy's, as architects, I want to support Homeless-Veterans in our Community this year. As a corporate sponsor..What do you think?
Poetry in Motion...Team Energy...
Breaking Through The Barrier: "I walked a blighted area, city terrain, metro, urban navigable arenas. I unraveled a corner in mind, holding not one displeasure...
. or judgement. I blueprinted a baseball batting-cage where the homeless live, thinking coaches, if they knew. I scratched a draft print, and I marched a road less - taken. Never needing an eraser...
Poetic Trees Vs. Decision Trees.
I feel like calling this poem "architects for humanity"... so I did...breaking down one barrier. I took another step, a threshold step, a second breaking barrier leads to a third. Thinking between...
..These steps, Architects haven't yet designed four Laws of Continuum, Two laws, collab'ing, Or one rough draft for fields wherein humanities roughest of lives Collab and breath." Yes, we agree.."
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