Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

stripcreator donor

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I'm a college student from Illinois, USA, majoring in English/Literature.

My dad emailed me a link to a page that helped me get some ideas (especially tips 3, 5, and 6).

Some of my sets:
href="">Best of/Variety Pack
Top Rated
Based on a True Story
Rated G

Winner of RCD #13, BTC #71, and PV #183

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by kane2742
*THUD*... Ow! Stupid automatic doors.
Umm... sir?
*THUD*... Ow! Stupid automatic doors.
*THUD*.... Ow! Stupid automatic doors.
Sir, that door's not automatic. Please stop running into it and just open it.
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Rated G : Based on a True Story

comments on this comic


kane2742 says:

When I worked in a grocery store, I constantly saw people crash their carts into doors that either weren't automatic or that were but went in the other direction (and were clearly marked "Do not enter").
posted Nov 17th, 2007 ( permalink )

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