Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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I sing karaoke. I might just rule the world one day. Love me now, and you will be spared later.
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by karaokedictator
Introducing our heroine --
Yo~. Call me Nuri. Pleased to meet you, dah-lings. Welcome to my comic.
Her motto is, "Monkeys eat bananas." None of her other friends are allowed to eat bananas but me.
I like to sing. However, despite all my practice, I'm still not very good.
I want to see her try out for American Idol. That'd be funny.
The valley, unfortunately, gives her some inspiration.
Hey, I'm feeling like sharing the love right now.
The hills are alive with the sound of muuusic~!
*passes out*
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