After many pleas with Little Johnny, the board moderator breaks down and emails Johnnys parents for their help with Little Johnny's behavior....
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| Honey!!! We got an email from some message board moderator.... | |
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Mother is confused, she did not even know that Little Johnny knew bad words..or was interested in seeing naked girls...he is only 8 years old!
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| It said that little Johnny is showing "bad behavior" spamming (whatever that is), cursing and OMG!! asking girls for naked pics of themselves!!!! Honey, I think you should talk to him about this!!! | |
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Big John decides it is probably best to get rid of the account he made for little Johnny and vows to NEVER sign in under his sons screen name again!
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| Johnny...whatever mommy says..just say you are sorry and that you will never do it go to sleep like a big boy...daddy has to borrow your pc again | |
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| Welcome back Johnny, you wish to delete your account? | |
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