After two days of entering various arcane trinkets into his "Master List of Magic Items," DM Deathspell is beginning to make some headway...
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| *type type* Hi all. I finally started compiling a list of magic items... probably just in time for 4th ed. to come out... | |
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| ...Here are the Special Abilites lists for Armor and Weapons from every book we have... -Deathspell | |
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Twenty-six more days of on and off data entry and...
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| *type type* Here she be doods... Over 1,200 Wonderous items and 1,000s of other weapons, staves, shields, potions, etc. from all 68 D&D books we have. That's everything! Enjoy, Deathspell | |
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| Now, a little free time of my own to check the D&D updates at the Wizards' site. Gargantuan Blue Dragon mini this January... Mine's already shipped! Ha! | |
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| What's this? "March: Magic Item Compendium: More Magic Items Than You Can Fit in a Bag of Holding... including hundreds of new low-cost items..." | |
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