Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)
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Proposition Continued
just to suprise u
just to suprise u
I defentally have a unique boyfriend
Wou;dn't that be a story you'd like to tell the kids?
one who obiously needs some work on being romantic....
krisitan's Comics
09/10/04 - College nap
03/28/04 - Chris and his superior euphonium skills
02/19/04 - Your not a bad b/f
01/29/04 - ugh, stupid entry into lj...WAY to mushy
01/25/04 - Trading?
01/24/04 - Travling back in time
01/24/04 - when are you gonna make one?
01/20/04 - I love it when 3
01/18/04 - Live Journal
01/18/04 - Computer Science
01/18/04 - 100 reasons i hate computer science....
01/18/04 - My singing
01/13/04 - So i become friends with the Green-eyed monster
01/13/04 - The green-eyed monster
01/11/04 - It's wierd when continued
01/11/04 - Its wierd when...
01/11/04 - Sweet Hal
01/11/04 - Proposition Continued
01/11/04 - Proposition....tbc
01/11/04 - Sweet 2
01/11/04 - sweet1
01/09/04 - Spoiled Sam Cat
01/08/04 - Bad Girl Friend
01/08/04 - you say your not addicted 3
01/08/04 - You Say your not addicted 2
01/08/04 - You Say your not addicted
01/07/04 - One time, at band Camp
01/07/04 - current convo, followup to "cafeteria" and "Cris' gift"
01/07/04 - Cris' gift
01/07/04 - What a great guy
01/07/04 - Cafeteria....this is a rather lame comic
01/07/04 - fantisies
01/04/04 - I think this one is pretty self explanitory
01/04/04 - Boyfriends Bad Timing once again
01/04/04 - I Was just joking Part 2
01/04/04 - I was just joking don't get mad!!!
01/01/04 - sorry about the nosey comics revised
01/01/04 - sorry about nosey
01/01/04 - Wild Monkey Dance Of Love (suggested by Hal)
01/01/04 - follow up to nosey
12/30/03 - nosy
12/28/03 - Calling
12/26/03 - confusion
12/19/03 - Happy Aniversery to my wonderful boyfriend :)
12/17/03 - x-mas gifts
12/17/03 - serrious--follow up to the last comic
12/17/03 - in responce to "why me?" by treetops---my verson
12/17/03 - bored
12/17/03 - no more what?
12/16/03 - in his thoughts?
12/16/03 - mush
12/10/03 - The week before exams
12/10/03 - Gag gift for a teacher
12/10/03 - Queenie
12/08/03 - political discussions
12/07/03 - sneaky gifts
12/06/03 - carreer
12/01/03 - boring comics
11/30/03 - commentary on what was just printed
11/30/03 - The Perfect fairy tale ending
11/30/03 - this series is going WAY to long
11/30/03 - Patti and cris, why it really wouldn't work
11/30/03 - on the moon
11/30/03 - and cris reaches the moon, and gets a lesson from mr monkey
11/30/03 - patti's short quest
11/30/03 - Cris' journey has almost begun
11/30/03 - and cris finds a way
11/30/03 - Cris number 6 i think
11/30/03 - Cris and patti minus patti #5
11/30/03 - patti and cris # 4
11/30/03 - patti and cris, this time # 3
11/30/03 - oops, looks like it did.
11/30/03 - my thoughts, that may turn into another patti and cris strip
11/30/03 - fight
11/27/03 - deleted?? (con't)
11/27/03 - deleted??
11/26/03 - Sexy Hal
11/26/03 - quest to find dad 2
11/26/03 - dad1
11/26/03 - birthday2
11/26/03 - Captin winky
11/26/03 - Birthday
11/24/03 - Shy
11/24/03 - grandma
11/24/03 - francaise
11/19/03 - forgotten
11/19/03 - complaints
11/17/03 - the reason i've posted so much lately
11/17/03 - courting 8/ what was with you last night?
11/16/03 - I love.....2
11/16/03 - I love.....
11/16/03 - guys
11/16/03 - patti and cris
11/16/03 - asian girl 3
11/16/03 - SAT
11/16/03 - asian girl 2
11/16/03 - asian girl
11/16/03 - julie
11/16/03 - courting last (7 i think)
11/16/03 - courting 6
11/16/03 - courting...ugh what number am i on? 5?
11/16/03 - courting 4, boy am i bored
11/16/03 - courting 3
11/16/03 - Courting2
11/16/03 - Cris' courting
11/11/03 - comics
11/10/03 - complaints
11/10/03 - The secret 2
11/10/03 - The secret
11/09/03 - |~|~|~|~Hippy ME ~|~|~|~|
11/09/03 - poses
11/09/03 - PLAYOFFS
11/09/03 - masters
11/03/03 - intro3
11/03/03 - intro2
10/29/03 - santa
10/29/03 - random journal thingy
10/29/03 - punchbag bob # 2
10/29/03 - punchbag bob 1
10/29/03 - Sleepy
10/23/03 - In the land of the imagination
10/23/03 - on the bus
10/23/03 - talking to myself
10/23/03 - back pain
10/16/03 - follow up to the clown bunny scandal thingy
10/15/03 - sleeping in school last
10/15/03 - Sleeping in school continued
10/15/03 - Why you shouldn't sleep in school part 2
10/15/03 - Why you shouldn't sleep in school!
10/15/03 - Monkey
10/14/03 - e-mail
10/14/03 - will and vampires
10/13/03 - girl with the big head part 2
10/13/03 - Girl with the big version
10/09/03 - Lameness
10/08/03 - Lecture about Complements from my mother.
10/08/03 - Math test
10/07/03 - Patti and Kristian World geo 2
10/07/03 - Patti and Kristian in World Geo
10/06/03 - Chatting online
10/06/03 - Patti and Cris (second and hopefully last)
10/06/03 - Cris and Patti
10/06/03 - Patti and Walter/Cris/Kristian 4
10/06/03 - Patti and Walter 3
10/06/03 - Patti and Walter 2
10/06/03 - 2 of a kind Without the mistake
10/06/03 - 2 of a kind
10/06/03 - Monica and Andy
10/06/03 - Will vs Mel
10/06/03 - Paul Horlocker
10/06/03 - Patti and Walter
10/06/03 - Patti 4
10/06/03 - patti3
10/06/03 - Patti 2
10/06/03 - Patti1
10/06/03 - Bad Timing
10/05/03 - School
10/02/03 - Untitled
10/02/03 - Untitled
09/30/03 - Bad gift 2
09/30/03 - Bad gifts
09/29/03 - *scared*
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