Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

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(See, I'm allowed to say that.)

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by ladyjdotnet
Hey kiddo, ready for some quality time with your dad, playing D&D? Hey - this isn't D&D... what's Paranoia?
It's a dystopian world where the ruler is insane and capricious and controls the populous with misinformation and intimidation.
Teams are sent on missions to complete menial tasks with obstacles that can't be surmounted if you stick to the rules.
Characters have secret abilities and knowledge that it's criminal to even possess, let alone act on.
We all have secret agendas and look for opportunities to sacrifice each other to protect ourselves and advance...
Do you think we can play something that's a little less like going to work?
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umfumdisi says:

heh, good one. 'though i thought you were working toward something about family relations
posted Mar 11th, 2011 ( permalink )

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