Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

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Breast cancer is the best cancer!
(See, I'm allowed to say that.)

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by ladyjdotnet
I needed money to move into my own apartment, so I decided to sell my Magic cards.
Phil, will you help me go through my cards and see what they're worth?
Sure. I'll ask Paul to help. He's like a Magic:TheGathering GOD.
Phil and Paul and I spent a lot of time together after the move.
I'm really glad you introduced me to Jess, Phil. I really like her a lot.
Yeah well, just don't hog her up all the time.
We all got... very close.
Shouldn't we wait for Paul?
I'm sure we'll still be at it when he gets here.
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