Right people, now to introduce our cast....
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| Hi There! We'd thought we'd introduce ourselves formally... I am, but of course, Clango, fun loving and full of life... | |
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| Hello, I'm Red Robot codenamed No.5 (I dunno why) I'm the more depressive emotional side of our stoned existance... Now sod off! | |
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| Hey I'm Indie Pete, a buddy of Clango 'N' Red's... I've lived my life and have matured onto bigger and better things | |
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| Hey, I'm Maura and I'm friends with Clango 'N' Red and we have a laugh | |
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| ...we certainly DO! Theres some funny stories to tell! Well folks, I hope you have enjoyed so far, take care and cum back soon! | |
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| Eeesh! He HAD to spell it "cum" back soon, did'nt he? Men! | |
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