Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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by lame
With the self-imposed demise of Stick-E behind him, our alien friend resolves to wander the galaxy alone, or so he thinks.
Idiot...who needs your sadistic suicidal ass anyhow.
pft, I'm not really dead just in a self-imposed catatonic state that I may never fully awaken from.
What a strange encounter in an even stranger place.
Wha...What the FUCK!?!? Where am I, what happened to my spaceship!? NOOOOOOO!!! Who the fuck are you by the way?
Well, I'm the overlord/creator of Earth, my minions call me God but you can call me Frank.
Apparently God...I mean Frank is the biggest molester around :('re getting a little too close for comfort pal.
Where do you think all the priests on Earth learned all of their tricks from buck-o. Me, Numero Uno, The Big Cheese, The Grand Poobah...hah...Poo-bah, I could go on forever with these.
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