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"Christ" - a song by The Billy Nayer Show –part 6
But I was there the night he rolled his truck. And I remember thinking, "What the fuck, man?
He was a real good driver. He was a real survivor.
He had the driving skills Americans should really strive for."
Suspect is a Jewish male in his mid-30s...
lara7's Comics
03/30/09 - deciphering the Personals, Part 6
03/30/09 - deciphering the Personals, Part 5
03/30/09 - Deciphering the Personals, Part 4
03/24/09 - Deciphering the Personals, Part 3
03/24/09 - Deciphering the Personals, Part 2
03/24/09 - Deciphering the Personals, Part 1
03/23/09 - I was off in the Peace Corps. or prison. or both.
09/10/06 - Tribute to the 20 questions joke:
02/02/05 - My anual chekup, by fuck
07/14/04 - Passing Constitutional Amendments, starring Rick Santorum
04/24/04 - CC 241: desperate times call for desperate measures, part 5
04/24/04 - CC 241: desperate times call for desperate measures, part 4
04/24/04 - CC 241: desperate times call for desperate measures, part 3
04/24/04 - CC 241: desperate times call for desperate measures, part 2
04/24/04 - CC 241: desperate times call for desperate measures, part 1
02/24/04 - CC234: V1@gra sold separately...
10/08/03 - CC214: the dread pirate Derek Zoolander
09/16/03 - CC210:Friends Creep; you just sulk red (thrak!)
04/09/03 - CC 160: Get your Kaufman on...
03/04/03 - The Immortal TTC: My contest will go on
02/19/03 - cc171: Inside of a dog, its too dark to read.
02/16/03 - CC170: Office Despot
02/10/03 - CC169:rock bottom
02/07/03 - True life dating tales, part 4
02/03/03 - cc 168: Reunion
01/26/03 - CC167: use only as directed...
01/21/03 - True life dating tales, #3
01/21/03 - cc 166: Cheap shots at regs
01/18/03 - True life dating tales, #2
01/17/03 - True life dating tales, #1
01/17/03 - CC165: fuck's hit's of the eightie's: Blondie
01/16/03 - shameless meme attempt: Emo Pirate Physics
01/16/03 - shameless meme attempt: Emo Pirate
01/12/03 - CC 164: Tales from my transcript (a true story)
01/04/03 - CC163 fuck- the focus group results
12/31/02 - CC162: The greatest hit(s) of Paul Young
12/21/02 - TTCC 3: at least its not haggis...
11/28/02 - CC156: It's not the heat, its the infidelity
11/19/02 - TTC3- The postman shoots twice
11/08/02 - CC152: The banality of evil
10/25/02 - TTCC3: Meanwhile, a tender moment....
10/05/02 - CC145: The lighter side of Breast Cancer
09/16/02 - CC 142: She's in parties
09/08/02 - CC 141: 16 clumsy & shy, that's the story of my life. (17)
09/08/02 - CC 141: 16 clumsy & shy, that's the story of my life. (16)
09/08/02 - CC 141: 16 clumsy & shy, that's the story of my life. (15)
09/08/02 - CC 141: 16 clumsy & shy, that's the story of my life. (14)
09/08/02 - CC 141: 16 clumsy & shy, that's the story of my life. (13)
09/08/02 - CC 141: 16 clumsy & shy, that's the story of my life. (12)
09/08/02 - CC 141: 16 clumsy & shy, that's the story of my life. (11)
09/08/02 - CC 141: 16 clumsy & shy, that's the story of my life. (10)
09/08/02 - CC 141: 16 clumsy and shy, that's the story of my life. (9)
09/08/02 - CC 141: 16 clumsy and shy, that's the story of my life. (8)
09/08/02 - CC 141: 16 clumsy and shy, that's the story of my life. (7)
09/08/02 - CC 141: 16 clumsy and shy, that's the story of my life. (6)
09/08/02 - CC 141: 16 clumsy and shy, that's the story of my life. (5)
09/08/02 - CC 141: 16 clumsy and shy, that's the story of my life. (4)
09/08/02 - CC 141: 16 clumsy and shy, that's the story of my life. (3)
09/08/02 - CC 141: 16 clumsy and shy, that's the story of my life. (2)
09/08/02 - CC 141: 16 clumsy and shy, that's the story of my life. (1)
08/27/02 - CC139: no escape from reality
08/24/02 - CC 139 - Doctor, Doctor, can't you see I'm burning, burning
08/16/02 - CC 137 CD-ARRRRR.
08/13/02 - CC 10001000: Metal up your ASCII
07/31/02 - CCIX #16: Be precise when you get your three wishes....
07/14/02 - CC 131: Advice
07/11/02 - CC 9: David Copper-River-Salmon
07/09/02 - cc 130: The audition
06/19/02 - cc 126: Occam's razor (finale)
06/19/02 - cc 126: Occam's razor (continued)
06/18/02 - cc 126: Occam's razor (continued)
06/18/02 - cc 126: Occam's razor (continued)
06/18/02 - cc 126: Occam's razor
06/15/02 - CC125: post surgery dad (a true story)
06/09/02 - A (sorta) true story...
06/07/02 - CC 123- tragedy depends on perspective
06/03/02 - Do not provoke the Head Librarian
06/02/02 - Al meets bill (after 7513, for CC 121)
06/02/02 - ooh baby, hey...who is out there? (after comic 979, CC121)
05/30/02 - Uncle Jimbo Vs. The World (after #57733)
05/29/02 - Euphoria
05/03/02 - Butter/ parkay (inspired by comic #67996)
05/02/02 - CC 118: Any reasonable person would agree....
04/26/02 - CC116: War is Herr (After Drexle's comic # 67143)
04/22/02 - This is Comedy? part 2 (after Drexle)
04/22/02 - This is Comedy? (after Drexle)
04/18/02 - CC 115: Elvis has left the building, and he sucks.
04/17/02 - cc 113: We'll go back and fix this digitally in 20 years....
04/07/02 - 112: Piercin' your Brosnan
03/28/02 - A threat to family values
03/26/02 - CC109: no title needed.
03/18/02 - cc107: Everyone loves Ellen
03/14/02 - CC 106: Don't kill the Whale
03/05/02 - Stripvivor part 4
03/05/02 - Stripvivor part 3
03/05/02 - Stripvivor part 2
03/05/02 - Stripvivor part 1
02/09/02 - CC99: Happy VD
02/02/02 - CC97: Which desk would you like to hide under today?
02/01/02 - CC97: and now a word from our sponsors in the Liberal media
01/20/02 - CC93: The Cleveland SC munch (based on a true story)
12/29/01 - Kramer vs. fuck
12/25/01 - Stale one-liner theatre
12/25/01 - cc88- fuck Christmas
12/21/01 - CC87- what's the name of this contest again?
12/21/01 - CC87- Worst question to ask at the SC holiday party
12/19/01 - Tribut to fuck
12/19/01 - CC87 - do not feed the trolls
12/17/01 - Tag Team Cup 3.1: Buttery Nut Surprise (follows comic 48307)
12/13/01 - CC Weakest Strip Pedantic League Round 2 :Mall in the family
12/12/01 - Tag Team Cup Round 2.1( follows 47574)
12/09/01 - X-files: 9 seasons and still going strong
12/07/01 - CC85: Take my wives, please.
12/04/01 - Kaufman physics
12/03/01 - "Christ" - a song by The Billy Nayer Show –part 8
12/03/01 - "Christ" - a song by The Billy Nayer Show - part 7
12/03/01 - "Christ" - a song by The Billy Nayer Show –part 6
12/03/01 - "Christ" - a song by The Billy Nayer Show –part 5
12/03/01 - "Christ" - a song by The Billy Nayer Show –part 4
12/03/01 - "Christ" - a song by The Billy Nayer Show -part 3
12/03/01 - "Christ" - a song by The Billy Nayer Show -part 2
12/03/01 - "Christ" - a song by The Billy Nayer Show -part 1
11/30/01 - Cow Physics
11/30/01 - Why I hate office Christmas parties
11/29/01 - It looks like you're running this joke into the ground
11/27/01 - One day at Toys in Babeland
11/26/01 - Newbie Onslaught
11/26/01 - Scenes from "Milo goes to college": Fraternity Rush
11/26/01 - Tag Team Cup 1.1: Cherry Scented Bath Towels (follows 44188)
11/19/01 - Variations on a theme: Maternal clock
11/16/01 - CC80: Mother Goose is cooked
11/13/01 - The Greatest Generation..or something.
11/12/01 - Dr. Pedantic shows you the door.
11/11/01 - How to tell if you're on LiveJournal or StripCreator
11/10/01 - CC 78: Everything but the non-sequitor donkey
11/06/01 - Austin Powers 3: Dr. Evil is a Colossally Geeky linguist
11/04/01 - cc 77: Beauty is only SCSI deep
11/01/01 - cc76: "Scarface" in three panels
10/30/01 - One night while channel surfing....
10/28/01 - Allah Tha Ladiez, Part 2
10/16/01 - Grabbing Kabul By the Horns
10/16/01 - Parenthood in the insect world
10/14/01 - CC 72: Today's Health PSA
10/11/01 - CC71: A day in the life of the self-employed
10/04/01 - He deserved Mad Props for his actions
10/03/01 - True-life Public Library stories
10/03/01 - Band name in 3 panels: Black Flag
10/02/01 - CC 69 - 4 appropriations
10/02/01 - CC 68- Tobor has enough "A-levels" for University
10/01/01 - X-files season premiere, finished verson
09/30/01 - this would have been funny a year ago, or, Chem 1001
09/30/01 - CC68: This semester I have Anal. Chem.
09/29/01 - Typographical error theatre #3
09/29/01 - Typographical error theatre #2
09/29/01 - Typographical error theatre #1
09/28/01 - CC 67 Hey, What do you D00DZ think og my comix?!
09/28/01 - "Our band could be your life": a Book in 3 panels
09/26/01 - CC66 - huh huh, she said burning bush
09/25/01 - One day on Yahoo tech news...
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