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| So, I'm sitting on the train, and there's this guy all the way at the other end of the train, and he's talking really loud. And first I'm like "What a dick." | |
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| But then I'm like "Well, that was a really culturally insensitive thing for me to think, I mean, black people are just loud." | |
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| And then I'm like "Holy shit, now that was a racist thing to think, I'm an asshole!" | |
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| And as I'm having this whole internal struggle over what is and is not ok for me to think, the song on my ipod ends, and I can actually hear what he's saying clearly. | |
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| And the first thing I hear out of his mouth is "DO THEY GOT FRIED CHICKEN? BECAUSE I LOOOVE FRIED CHICKEN" | |
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| Here I am mentally berating myself for judging this man based on the color of his skin, and he's just diving right into the stereotype like Greg Loughainis. | |
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