2.3.03: Lemur brings his new computer home, after lacking one for 15 months.
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| Alright! Now I'll be better able to keep up with everything I want to--I'm gonna start participating in SC again. | |
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| A lot has changed, though. The layout's a little different, there's a bunch of new characters, and I don't recognize 75% of the names in the forums. (...okay, what's this thread all about?) | |
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| l00zr_n00b: t3h wr0d iz l3g5 spr3d t3h wr0d OMFG LOL :( | |
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| But, it's good to know that some things will always remain constant. | |
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| l33t_r3g: Eat fuck and die, troll. l00zr_n00b: YU0R T3H GH3Y LOL :( | |
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