Last year Dem's agreed to 25 billion for a Wall in exchange for a DREAM Act.
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| Option 1. The Wall is good. Lives are at stake, and The Wall is the only solution. | |
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| Trump's moral purity keeps him from offering anything Dems want. He is risking our safety! | |
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The President's job is hard and Trump is bad at it.
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| Option 2. "Experts" were right all along. The Wall won't help with security. | |
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| Trump's admin stops him from trading anything of value for a symbol. Yet to admit that would reveal The Wall as a symbol of lies fear and hate! | |
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| Option 3. I don't know anything. Indeed, reality is unknowable. | |
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| Paychecks are a luxury. The gov't doesn't do anything anyways. The Walls that matter are in your mind. | |
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