Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

stripcreator donor

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SC's Most Inconsistent Regular, Est 2001.

I've been on the site on and off for a while, stripping with varying degrees of success. If you want to peruse my stuff then comics dated 2005 and later are a good place start, there's nothing much of any value before that.

Any feedback, whether good or bad, constructive or otherwise, is very welcome, if you're so inclined.

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by lima
Christians have a stupid saying that I don't understand:

'There's no such thing as an atheist in a foxhole'

It means that everybody - even atheists - turns to god when facing danger.
Bullshit. Foxes live in foxholes. You mean to tell me they have a religion?
Foxes are protestant
Orange bastards
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comments on this comic


Injokester says:

Awesome comic, though please consider fixing the grammar in the second text box, I found it a little distracting to the rhythm and this comic is worth it! 'even an atheist' would do it, or change 'turns' to 'turn' :)
posted Mar 2nd, 2018 ( permalink )

lima says:

posted Jan 1st, 2019 ( permalink )

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