Everyone has a teacher like Mrs. Blanchard...
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| Damn summer reading list...Mrs. Blanchard, you evil english teacher. | |
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| Class, over the summer, you'll be required to read a ludicrous number of disgustingly long and dry books in order to pass 11th grade english. | |
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Sometimes, teachers like this can be ridiculously thick-headed.
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| Mrs. Blanchard, I don't think I'll be able to read twenty 250 page novels in only three months... | |
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| Over the summer, you'll be required to read a ludicrous number of disgustingly long and dry books in order to pass 11th grade english. | |
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I wish...well, someday...hehehe.
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| Even if you kill me, you be required to read a ludicrous number of disgustingly long and dry books in order to pass 11th grade english. | |
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| hehehe...you'll be wishing you never graduated 11th grade english...MUAHAHAHAHA!! | |
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