once upon a time a child who I arrive to his house and upo entering he met a very funny Martian
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| Hello, who are you?Where did you come from?What's your name? | |
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| hello quiet do not be scared I co to make you laugh because I know the earth is boring and you have to laugh.and I can tell you jokes | |
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They very impressed child tells him to tell a joke
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| I really think it's a good idea to aber tell me one, tell me one | |
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| good I'll tell you one, a boy goes and tells his mom, ma ma I was bitten by a snake cobra did not noo gave it to me for free | |
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the boy loved his jokes I support the Martian to make the number one
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| hahahaha good joke everyone will love your jokes, that I will support you to be number one ,and do not be afraid,you will be the best | |
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| thank you very much if I hope to be number one with your support ...... | |
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