Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)
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FTC 31: Duh!?
I think I just took a shit in this spacesuit.
Why the fuck are you wearing that? We're in Kansas!
Just in case a tornado picks me up and carries me ... WHOOOAAAA! ... to the moon.
Earthling, you landed on top of our second most wicked witch. You know what you must do now, don't you?
Kill the most wicked witch?
What about finishing the one you're standing on off first? It's not like we have much gravity here.
lukket's Comics
06/24/12 - The lukket standup show - The Molko way
01/25/12 - E-hi-quent speakers needed
12/29/11 - CC493 - Have a sad death Jesus!
12/29/11 - CC493 - Pull its ... er?
12/29/11 - Old school nerds should appreciate this
11/06/11 - CC489 - Pickup lines
11/06/11 - The lukket standup show - Next up: Time
10/08/11 - Trench setting
10/04/11 - Word! You've got a PowerPoint.
09/30/11 - Cross. Over.
09/22/11 - The lukket standup show - reflection
05/23/11 - Strips made easy by being inspired by mandingo (297236)
05/23/11 - All's well
05/22/11 - Not a keeper
05/21/11 - Because Silverlight Gordon just doesn't work that well...
05/21/11 - Crastination is for amateurs
05/20/11 - The lukket standup show - rapture
05/20/11 - The Rapture
05/08/11 - Isn't this strip a ladyjdotnet rip-off?
05/04/11 - I would take a bank holiday
04/22/11 - LDF 3
04/22/11 - LDF 2
04/22/11 - LDF 1
04/21/11 - Inspired by Real Life: Rhyme Time by four_legged_tripod
04/20/11 - The lukket standup show - vial of bile
04/17/11 - OPC57: Quake, Tsunami and Fallout - sounds like a game pack
04/17/11 - Consolation
04/17/11 - An Englishman and an Australian discuss the Bible in a bar
04/13/11 - Johnny H(e)art tribute
04/13/11 - The lukket standup show - man ager
04/11/11 - The lukket standup show - Pun reliever
04/11/11 - D'oh. A Deer.
04/09/11 - The lukket standup show - Seinfeld style
04/08/11 - Striking
04/06/11 - Current news - Norway wants its loot fish back
04/03/11 - Hand in hoes
04/03/11 - WW
03/29/11 - The lukket standup show - Lost Kid 3/3
03/29/11 - The lukket standup show - Lost Kid 2/3
03/29/11 - The lukket standup show - Lost Kid 1/3
03/28/11 - In a relationship with the modern world and it's complicated
03/28/11 - How many kilos is a Barry-ton?
03/26/11 - Stingy with the love
03/14/11 - While it lasts
03/13/11 - Dusty
03/11/11 - If phones are for asses - smartphones must be for smartasses
03/08/11 - The lukket standup show - Sheen on again
03/08/11 - Grand unified theory
03/06/11 - Tact will only get you so far
03/06/11 - Private Party - DVD bonus edition
03/06/11 - Out of the box and into the trash
03/05/11 - Private party
03/05/11 - "Not drinking too much" was maybe a better option
03/05/11 - Wear and tear
03/02/11 - People that are hooked on darjeeling
02/13/11 - Nice to meat you
02/13/11 - Grisly indeed
02/12/11 - Re: Re: Physical
02/12/11 - Physical
02/11/11 - All's well that ends on a lame pun
02/11/11 - CC 469 - V - ADH... uh... hi!
02/08/11 - Prospects
02/07/11 - Bookkeeping
02/07/11 - CC 469 - IV
02/04/11 - CC 469 - III - Terraced wives?
02/04/11 - CC 469 - II
02/04/11 - CC 469 - I
02/01/11 - Foreshadowing blocks sun rays
02/01/11 - Bottom-up approach
01/30/11 - The geek shall inherit the earth?
01/24/11 - This strip makes your head crash
01/24/11 - Can o' peas
01/24/11 - OPC 55
01/24/11 - CTS can be an STD
01/22/11 - It sneaks in everywhere...
01/18/11 - Happy Feet
01/18/11 - Whose style is it anyway?
01/17/11 - You just can't ruin it
01/16/11 - RCD 44 #2
01/16/11 - The lukket standup show - Reference
01/15/11 - The lukket standup show - Striking
01/14/11 - The lukket standup show - Go get them...
01/14/11 - If I was a vegetarian I would miss steak
01/12/11 - The lukket standup show - Unpolished Polish jokes
01/12/11 - The lukket standup show - God part II
01/12/11 - The lukket standup show - God part I
01/12/11 - CC 467
01/11/11 - The lukket standup show - The truth about mice
01/11/11 - Mice and men
01/11/11 - Maculated misconceptions
01/09/11 - Cool - as a cucumber
12/31/10 - In a relationship with the modern world and it's complicated
12/17/10 - Not short
12/14/10 - What a closet to jump out of
12/12/10 - The lukket standup show - A Nobel spirit
12/11/10 - I've had customers like that
12/08/10 - WW76 - World's Worst Wedding DJ
12/08/10 - The lukket standup show - Jew know the way to the showers?
12/05/10 - RCD 44
12/05/10 - The lukket standup show - Cereal killers
12/05/10 - CC 465: Brings out your pest in the morning - 2
12/05/10 - CC 465: Brings out your pest in the morning - 1
12/05/10 - Recorderly
12/05/10 - Profound: (adj) Having searched for something through Google
11/15/10 - The lukket standup show - Untranslatable (reference to Ã…)
11/15/10 - You may already be a loser
11/14/10 - CC 463 - Punctual
11/14/10 - Con tact
11/14/10 - Like staring at the boiling water
11/06/10 - How rumours get started
11/02/10 - Reading the signs
10/24/10 - Weak Week-end Wit
10/17/10 - Ten-ace-ity
09/26/10 - CC 461 - We didn't start the fire
09/26/10 - CC 461 - Lady in red
09/24/10 - The lukket standup show - Count/tell intelligence
09/21/10 - Light snack
09/20/10 - Healing faculties
09/17/10 - A not-so-new hope
09/14/10 - CC460: The lukket standup sho... oh lukket that
09/13/10 - Impressions from my stay in Dublin
09/10/10 - Cryptonite is SO last year
09/10/10 - Keep cool
09/05/10 - The lukket standup show - Vegetarianism
09/04/10 - It's not like it's the end of the world...
09/04/10 - The lukket standup show - Kitchen Revolution
09/02/10 - Important distinction
08/23/10 - Zed's dead, baby, Zed's dead.
08/22/10 - Goners and boners
08/18/10 - The lukket standup show - Lennon Dating
08/18/10 - What would happen if the British invented super heroes
08/18/10 - At least it's low carb
08/16/10 - The lukket standup show - Stripcreator sessions
08/15/10 - Mexican stand-up
08/13/10 - Farse Pletences
08/07/10 - Things people say
08/06/10 - Boom Shake-n-bake
08/05/10 - 3410 AD
07/28/10 - Sawyer-Dickinson syndrome
07/26/10 - Le grand chef recollects
07/25/10 - Prodigality
07/24/10 - Re: Bait?
07/22/10 - CC 455 - Sick evil brat
07/22/10 - Yuly
07/21/10 - Record breaker
07/21/10 - The Mosby Children
07/20/10 - Nice CaCO3 flavour
07/19/10 - Courtin' a bar romance
07/17/10 - CC 455 - Not without a hitch
07/16/10 - Case closed
07/16/10 - CC 455 - Hero in need of bm
07/15/10 - CC 455
07/15/10 - If they do, the press coverage may be low...
07/15/10 - Coffee wrecks
07/14/10 - Army Strip
07/12/10 - Termites having fun with backgrounds
07/11/10 - Have some karma, please
07/11/10 - The lukket standup show - Cool reason
07/10/10 - The lukket standup show - It's bad if they send an e-mail
07/10/10 - I never heard of Wiley's Dictionary or Johnny Hart
07/10/10 - Up in arms
07/09/10 - Delivered by Lincolns?
07/07/10 - Brown control
06/20/10 - Weak end
06/20/10 - Ex-factor
06/19/10 - A greasy affair
06/19/10 - Buzzwords
06/19/10 - Let's take a swing at Oswald
06/16/10 - The lukket standup show - Anna and Josef
06/14/10 - So, what's up with the weather these days?
06/07/10 - Cash Drawer II - Too much?
06/07/10 - Cash Drawer I - IMF who RU?
05/31/10 - The lukket standup show - Horst around?
05/30/10 - Vaya con dio
05/30/10 - Works every time
05/24/10 - Can you draw heat?
05/24/10 - The old don had a farm
05/24/10 - Tribute to a black-haired late night host
05/21/10 - The lukket standup show - walk, man
05/18/10 - I guess you better pack, man
05/16/10 - CC 451 - Unrealistic? The 18th amendment wants a word...
05/15/10 - If you like it...
05/15/10 - How to alienate women
05/15/10 - CC 451 - Let's call her Rita
05/15/10 - Watching Spider-Man
05/14/10 - The lukket standup show - Probably the worst joke ...
05/14/10 - God's owned country
05/13/10 - CC 451 - from ER to HR
05/13/10 - CC 451 - It's 2020 and man is threatened by his own creation
05/13/10 - A grim(m) tale
05/11/10 - That's why I don't read the onion
05/09/10 - Technically correct
05/05/10 - The lukket standup show - And they suck
05/03/10 - Comic Cup XIV - Tough call
05/01/10 - Hour hands are tide
05/01/10 - CC 450 - Far away
05/01/10 - Inspired by current events in science
04/28/10 - CC 450 - Do I Have To Say The Words?
04/28/10 - CC 450 - Think Twice
04/28/10 - Wait
04/27/10 - Fine dining
04/20/10 - IM up 2 here w/tech
04/20/10 - Taming of the shoe
04/18/10 - RCD 33
04/18/10 - New meaning to 'sweat shop' - the outtake reel
04/18/10 - New meaning to 'sweat shop'
04/17/10 - A question of definition
04/16/10 - The story of how Richard ended up in therapy
04/16/10 - Payback time
04/14/10 - Must be high up in top.
04/12/10 - RCD 32 - She did Arizona once...
04/11/10 - Feedbacklash
04/10/10 - Now listen...
04/07/10 - The lukket standup show - Inspired by AttitudeChicka
04/07/10 - CC 449
04/07/10 - The lukket standup show - Bummer
04/07/10 - The lukket standup show - Math geeks: Wait for it
04/06/10 - Guess who I just added to my favourites?
04/06/10 - Close to you
04/02/10 - The lukket standup show - Previous one was funny or not
04/01/10 - Pro- or congress
04/01/10 - The lukket standup show - ole limb pricks?
03/30/10 - CC 448 - Diesel Sweeties - the very late years
03/27/10 - The lukket standup show - riot shields?
03/27/10 - One strip - to go
03/27/10 - CC 448 - Grave
03/27/10 - CC 448 - Catch
03/26/10 - CC 448 - Devil in the details
03/26/10 - Who nose
03/25/10 - It's all about preparation
03/22/10 - (Forewarned=fourarmed)/2
03/18/10 - Abridged over troubled waters
03/17/10 - A thin layer of satire dipped in a thick layer of puns
03/15/10 - Transparency: How Leaders Create a Culture of Candor
03/15/10 - You probably need a receipt as well...
03/14/10 - Did you know the one about the kangaroo in the loo?
03/13/10 - The lukket standup show - animal strategies
03/12/10 - Nice indeed...
03/10/10 - The lukket standup show - Father figure + Daddy-0
03/09/10 - Oar-some
03/06/10 - Glass struggle
03/05/10 - The lukket standup show - inspired by a pic on Facebook
03/05/10 - Always look on the bright side of wife
03/05/10 - Rodney's wife
03/05/10 - Lunatics
03/02/10 - Potty mouth
03/01/10 - The best laid plans...
03/01/10 - Real Girlfriends squared - tribute to flipnyif1
03/01/10 - I call bereishit
03/01/10 - Bang?
02/25/10 - Hitting the nail on the head
02/24/10 - The lukket standup show - slight difference
02/22/10 - Care tactics
02/18/10 - Let's prepare for the 19th of September...
02/17/10 - Workplace Learning in Context
02/16/10 - Practice makes perfect
02/16/10 - Adaption
02/15/10 - A Practical Guide to Needs Assessment
02/15/10 - Smashing
02/09/10 - Saves on shoes as well
02/08/10 - The lukket standup show - King of comedy?
02/08/10 - Self Help Book
02/07/10 - Sperm whales and petunias beware
02/06/10 - Small details
02/06/10 - Burger flip-flop
02/03/10 - The lukket standup show - Can't spell Hollywood without wood
02/03/10 - Navigating the Mergers and Acquisitions Minefield
02/03/10 - Marketing Communications Strategy
01/21/10 - Up! in one panel
01/21/10 - The lukket standup show - Try with a yolk
01/21/10 - Too much or too little too late
01/20/10 - You know where to go if you go there
01/19/10 - Lesson in tactics
01/17/10 - The lowbrow lands
01/17/10 - About time
01/13/10 - The lukket standup show - To bacco or not to bacco
01/11/10 - Mixed results
01/10/10 - CC 443 - Adamant
01/08/10 - CC 443 - Missionary position wanted?
01/06/10 - CC 443 - rejected religion names
01/06/10 - The lukket standup show - Not available in Ireland
01/05/10 - Don't gymmy me joules
01/04/10 - CC 443 - Pathways - option 2
01/04/10 - CC 443 - Pathways - option 1
01/04/10 - None of this happened to me ...
01/04/10 - Too little of this happened to me ...
01/03/10 - Some of this happened to me ...
12/29/09 - Force of habit - two
12/29/09 - CC 442 - Fowl play
12/29/09 - CC 442 - The heat is off part two
12/29/09 - Beneath me
12/29/09 - The lighter side of crime scene investigation
12/28/09 - CC 442 - The heat is off
12/28/09 - Old nudes
12/28/09 - Change you can believe in?
12/21/09 - CC 442 - Last Comic Standing First
12/20/09 - CC 441 - Kwanzen
12/18/09 - Current news - COP15 edition
12/16/09 - A lead zinger
12/15/09 - There will hopefully be an opening soon
12/14/09 - Diary from a dictatorship
12/14/09 - Are time flies and secondants related?
12/14/09 - CC 441 - The Seven Days of Kwanzaa
12/13/09 - Steaks are high
12/12/09 - Assessment
12/11/09 - Be good for goodness sake
12/08/09 - Down
12/08/09 - Trigger happy
12/08/09 - CC 441 - Think of the kwanzaakwenzes
12/06/09 - You may already be a beginner
12/05/09 - The lukket standup show - Has soul - wants iPhone
12/04/09 - Hail Melvin
12/02/09 - Lend me your dears and I'll sing you a song
12/02/09 - Company presentation video unseen extras
12/01/09 - CC 440 - Hearts
12/01/09 - Doesn't work with Gilligan's Island
11/30/09 - I want you to transearly...
11/30/09 - CC 440 - Squigley bares it all
11/28/09 - Crummy
11/28/09 - Twisting news till they break
11/28/09 - RCD 30
11/26/09 - CC 440 - Let's jump some sharks
11/26/09 - Be thankful for what you haven't got
11/25/09 - Spit shine
11/24/09 - There's two bars on the window though
11/23/09 - hands against the 5th wall (Tribute to FactoryRejects)
11/23/09 - Suture self
11/21/09 - Showbuzz
11/19/09 - The lukket standup show - nerds should appreciate this
11/18/09 - Brown paper packages
11/17/09 - Experiences (Inspired by Choad)
11/16/09 - I've seen the future, brother
11/16/09 - Reference
11/14/09 - Room
11/12/09 - Random Brad
11/09/09 - Actually based on an idea (Tribute to
11/09/09 - Rabbit exit
11/08/09 - Why Garfield is a cat
11/08/09 - Gunfidence
11/06/09 - There's one for everything nowadays
11/04/09 - Of course it was.
10/29/09 - Timing
10/20/09 - Star Whores (Inspired by Externalization)
10/20/09 - Not my cup of tee
10/20/09 - Clever Pun Relief (Thanks go to René)
10/13/09 - Interspecial, international crime mystery
10/12/09 - Hungry violence seeker
10/08/09 - He ain't heavy
10/07/09 - Better equipped
10/03/09 - Details
10/03/09 - Too soon?
10/01/09 - The son of the boss
09/30/09 - Mike, sign language interpreter (or A/S/L)
09/29/09 - One thought at the time.
09/28/09 - HMS
09/28/09 - The lukket standup show - current events in Copenhagen
09/28/09 - Inspired extremely loosely by Jstrong
09/27/09 - CC 434 - also they tend to stink
09/27/09 - A con choice
09/26/09 - CC 434 - both
09/26/09 - CC 434 - something in between
09/25/09 - Things that may happen at some of our customers.
09/25/09 - DDistraction
09/24/09 - A reaper
09/22/09 - Hell; o darkness my old friend
09/22/09 - Games people play
09/22/09 - Jung and a Freud
09/21/09 - The lukket standup show - five leaves left
09/20/09 - Behind the crime scenes
09/20/09 - CC 433
09/19/09 - Lord of quotation mark's and apostrophe"s
09/18/09 - Soon to be found in an Alabama schoolbook...
09/14/09 - Chapter 7 and 11 in the book of life
09/13/09 - The lukket standup show - Gomorry didn't catch on
09/13/09 - ... and grey too...
09/12/09 - Adult stuff
09/12/09 - That's how I imagine US TV commercials are...
09/12/09 - The lukket standup show - going nerdy
09/12/09 - And it goes like "One, two, three..."
09/12/09 - On the other hand: Knife assaults in meetings on the decline
09/12/09 - Liberal media
09/10/09 - CC 433
09/08/09 - RDC #28 III
09/07/09 - RDC #28 II
09/05/09 - Based on a well-known feeling
08/31/09 - Sometimes he only rings once
08/30/09 - RDC #28
08/25/09 - More tactics - part two of two
08/25/09 - More tactics - part one of two
08/24/09 - New tactics
08/15/09 - Exit strategy
08/12/09 - I'm so ready for Vampire Weekend tomorrow night
08/11/09 - The world must know - based on real "life"
08/11/09 - No haraam done
08/10/09 - School of Rock
08/10/09 - Stone cold crazy
08/09/09 - Some things never change
08/06/09 - Stinestregen (Warning - Danish content)
08/06/09 - This carp - inspired by a friend's guest strip elsewhere
08/04/09 - WW75
08/04/09 - Smooth operator
07/08/09 - Let it be known to all mankind...
06/22/09 - FTC 145 - template
06/19/09 - FTC 144 - rhymes with Monkey
05/14/09 - FTC 142 - non-compliant entry
05/09/09 - FTC 142 - Your chi may improve
05/09/09 - FTC 142
05/06/09 - Force of habit
04/29/09 - The lukket standup show - it's worse in Danish
04/23/09 - Tribute to
04/21/09 - CC424 - Experiments in the bathroom
04/21/09 - FTC 140
04/21/09 - Differences
04/19/09 - Revelations
04/16/09 - Integrity
04/04/09 - STM
03/30/09 - The truth
03/21/09 - CC420
03/18/09 - CC420
03/04/09 - CC418 - Sussex and rapes
02/28/09 - CC418
02/27/09 - CC418 - Specifics
02/27/09 - Inspired by real sms correspondance
02/26/09 - WW 71 - spoiler alert
02/26/09 - CC418 - Inspired by current news
02/18/09 - CC417 - All you need is love
01/05/09 - ***
01/04/09 - What you put into your mouth
11/24/08 - CC408
11/20/08 - Anybody willing to participate in this comic is an idiot
11/18/08 - This man will die from untreated Sodoku fever
11/11/08 - The lukket standup show - catching up with not-so-new-news
11/04/08 - CC 405 - Recycling parts of a FTC 129 entry...
11/02/08 - CC 405 - At least they come in couples
11/02/08 - Inspired by my second entry to CC 405
11/02/08 - CC 405 - From my new upcoming family sitcom...
10/30/08 - CC 405 - Yorkshire pie
10/26/08 - Tribute to Doonesbury
10/26/08 - Puppy love
10/23/08 - He will have things in common with Jefferson...
10/23/08 - Scythe and the city
10/20/08 - CC 405 - Annie the 13th
10/20/08 - CC 405 - Hannah and her scream
10/08/08 - What a kerfuffle
07/23/08 - Inspired by current events in sports and entertainment
06/24/08 - Inspired by current events in sports
06/15/08 - Inspired by real-life issues
06/08/08 - In too deep - version three
06/08/08 - Inspiration
05/29/08 - Change
05/27/08 - How to lay a periodic table
05/25/08 - Happens all the time
05/25/08 - Guess what I just watched
05/24/08 - Continuum
05/23/08 - Crappy Mealâ„¢
05/22/08 - Is it too soon, or is it too old?
05/20/08 - Forever
03/24/08 - FTC 132 - the template
03/16/08 - FTC 131
03/10/08 - Don't try to compare us to another bad little fad
03/03/08 - FTC 130
03/01/08 - FTC 129: Oh brother
02/17/08 - CC 380 - 9 - Co-literal damage part 2
02/16/08 - CC 380 - 8
02/12/08 - CC 380 - 7
02/12/08 - CC 380 - 6
02/12/08 - CC 380 - 5
02/11/08 - CC 380 - 4
02/11/08 - CC 380 - 2, 3 and 3.5
02/11/08 - CC 380 - 1
02/11/08 - For this one I need a punch-line-drummer... three(DVD bonus)
02/10/08 - For this one I need a punch-line-drummer... three
02/06/08 - You don't like discrimination, do you little one
01/28/08 - Tired old pun - the nasty sequel
01/28/08 - Tired old pun - and tribute to AccentuateNegative
01/17/08 - You only die once
01/16/08 - In deep water
01/12/08 - Intricate, prehensile, multi-fingered body part
01/11/08 - The first law of powermugging
01/11/08 - For this one I need a punch-line-drummer... too
01/09/08 - RCD #12
01/02/08 - BTC 70 template
12/26/07 - For this one I need a punch-line-drummer...
12/23/07 - Weirdish entry for BTC 69
12/23/07 - FTC 124
11/12/07 - CC 373
10/21/07 - FTC 119: Template
10/21/07 - FTC 118: The winning entry...
10/14/07 - RCD #9
09/16/07 - CC 368: At least Robinson Crusoe could jack off Friday
09/16/07 - CC 368: Debugging
09/16/07 - CC 368: Another moment of carelessness
09/16/07 - CC 368: A moment of carelessness
09/16/07 - CC 368: Making the cut
09/15/07 - FTC 117: Probably true
09/11/07 - FTC 117 - More where that came from
09/09/07 - Not an entry for CC 368
09/09/07 - CC 367: The Hiroshima August 6 1945 school start
09/08/07 - A 9-digit number that begins with 124 695 and ends with 78?
09/08/07 - RIP LP
09/08/07 - Obfuscation
09/03/07 - No company should be without one
08/22/07 - FTC 115: Pearls for swine
08/22/07 - FTC 115: The Wolf teams up with The Wolf
08/12/07 - They aren't - partly based on a true story
06/24/07 - Some bees...
06/23/07 - Safety first
06/10/07 - CC 357: Blade runner
05/28/07 - Reasons my mother shouldn't open up a diner - 2
05/28/07 - Reasons my mother shouldn't open up a diner
05/23/07 - CC 355: Aburrido, NM
05/22/07 - In too deep version 2 - tribute to ArtemisStrong
05/22/07 - Every pickup has a silver lining
05/20/07 - Irrefutable
05/20/07 - UTC 5: Toxic / Sir Winston Churchill would approve
05/20/07 - Disbelief Man - tribute to Xuanwu
05/19/07 - Pun de relay
05/19/07 - The legacy of Vladimir ***in
05/18/07 - OPC 36: Accept tentatively
05/17/07 - CC 354: A-Jizz-era
05/17/07 - CC 354: A job for the drill sergeants
05/14/07 - Papa don't beach
05/13/07 - CC 354: Just like playing Risk
05/12/07 - My 700th Comic: It takes one to know one
05/12/07 - Stupid What's Your Sign Tribute to attitudechicka
05/11/07 - BTC 62: Control of Nonconforming Product / Service (8.3)
05/09/07 - UTC 4: Protector of the office supplies
05/09/07 - Like a diabetic in an insulin store
05/07/07 - Loose
05/06/07 - The same guy that translated the bible in an East German car
05/06/07 - Making light of nasty stuff
05/04/07 - The inside joke of the clothes repair shop
05/02/07 - Blasphemous rumours
04/30/07 - The further adventures of Stu Pitt's daughter
04/30/07 - Potentially obscure/offensive foreshadowing
04/29/07 - Cowboy Logic - Three Examples
04/29/07 - Exit strategy
04/28/07 - If you don't believe me, see for yourself
04/28/07 - The Current News - 5
04/28/07 - Guess who I met in Goa
04/28/07 - I want your problems
04/22/07 - Does Fox keep geese?
04/22/07 - Ghost of futures exchange
04/22/07 - Reference Librarian - Remix
04/22/07 - I blame Amnesty International
04/18/07 - Happens all the time
04/07/07 - A suture without a thread of evidence
04/06/07 - Under S
04/05/07 - A valet excuse for a pun
03/27/07 - OPC 34: 2 2 +
03/26/07 - OPC 34: Bothering Heights
03/26/07 - OPC 34: No registration required
03/26/07 - Punderwater
03/25/07 - CC 350: From the barrel of a Browning version 2 - by request
03/25/07 - CC 350: From the barrel of a Browning
03/25/07 - CC 350: A literary beacon in the night of ignorance
03/25/07 - Record Store
03/24/07 - Comedian seeks to spoon
03/24/07 - CC 350: 45 seconds of fame
03/23/07 - Meet the Buffets
03/23/07 - An inconvenient truth
03/22/07 - Da capo ad infinito
03/22/07 - BTC 61 Template
03/21/07 - Distraction
03/19/07 - Hallelujah!
03/19/07 - Dreams
03/18/07 - 1-900-623-9433
03/18/07 - What's Ludolph's Number Again?
03/18/07 - Didi's Gogo Bar
03/18/07 - BTC 60: Yo mamma's so fat she probably liked this comic
03/17/07 - Pun-religious reasoning
03/17/07 - Cup of coffee in the morning - injokester tribute
03/16/07 - In a British office
03/14/07 - Stealth
03/13/07 - Out of a clear blue scythe
03/12/07 - Goodbye Abbey Road?
03/12/07 - Stripcreator Typecasting
03/11/07 - The new boyfriend
03/11/07 - The Sexual adventures of Stu Pitt's daughter - 14
03/11/07 - The Sexual adventures of Stu Pitt's daughter - 13
03/10/07 - Sequels have weak stories - 3
03/10/07 - Sequels have weak stories - 2
03/10/07 - Sequels have weak stories - 1
03/10/07 - Supposedly very infectious
03/08/07 - Works with customers too
03/07/07 - Answer: Quite a lot
03/07/07 - The Current News - 4
03/06/07 - Gillette HQ
03/05/07 - Jesus 2007 A.D.
03/04/07 - Goth Titanic
03/03/07 - Candidates - read and learn - part 1
03/03/07 - In too deep
03/03/07 - The morning after
03/02/07 - You make me feel so hot
03/01/07 - Tie a red ribbon round the ole oak tree
02/28/07 - Down with the man on the floor
02/27/07 - Expert's opinion
02/27/07 - A first time for everything
02/26/07 - I'm walking on the beach
02/25/07 - How Romantic
02/25/07 - Latin lover?
02/25/07 - Pun-conventional
02/24/07 - No water - just add words
02/24/07 - Ninja Kitchen TV
02/23/07 - Faith v2 RC 4 (tribute to AccentuateNegative)
02/22/07 - Newsflash
02/21/07 - CC 347: Le portmanteur magnifique
02/21/07 - Steve, the inappropriate news caster (sorry choad)
02/21/07 - How fine are you today
02/20/07 - Untimely death
02/19/07 - Not-so-randomly-appearing snowman
02/18/07 - Couplings
02/16/07 - FTC106: It's in order
02/16/07 - OPC 32: ... and nice tits too...
02/15/07 - Inspired by Windows 2000 Server
02/14/07 - An ode to the things people say
02/14/07 - CC 347: You'll appreciate this more if you're a geek
02/13/07 - If it was good enough in 1991...
02/12/07 - Where am I
02/11/07 - FTC105: The Kind of stuff that only Prince would sing about
02/11/07 - Office Space Invaders 10 (fin?)
02/11/07 - Office Space Invaders 9
02/11/07 - Office Space Invaders 8
02/11/07 - Office Space Invaders 7
02/11/07 - Office Space Invaders 6
02/11/07 - Office Space Invaders 5
02/11/07 - Office Space Invaders 4
02/11/07 - Office Space Invaders 3
02/11/07 - Office Space Invaders 2
02/11/07 - Office Space Invaders 1
02/10/07 - It's all about the Monet
02/10/07 - Now he works with Unix
02/10/07 - Me Sweepstakes
02/10/07 - Rightsizing
02/08/07 - Rabbit changes
02/07/07 - Shake your spear like a polaroid picture
02/07/07 - Special order
02/04/07 - Zest for life
02/04/07 - Quiet Sundays 4
02/04/07 - Quiet Sundays 3
02/04/07 - Quiet Sundays 2
02/04/07 - Quiet Sundays
02/03/07 - OPC 31: Life in Whiterock
02/03/07 - Saved by the cripple - 5 (Attention Whore 72)
02/03/07 - Saved by the cripple - 4 (Attention Whore 71)
02/03/07 - Saved by the cripple - 3 (Attention Whore 70)
02/03/07 - Saved by the cripple - 2 (Attention Whore 69)
02/03/07 - Saved by the cripple - 1 (Attention Whore 68)
01/29/07 - FTC 104: Rubber versus Broken Glass
01/28/07 - ____________*___________
01/21/07 - The Current News - 3
01/21/07 - CC 345: It's four o'clock and we're in trouble deep
01/21/07 - Creampie train - 2
01/21/07 - Creampie train - 1
01/20/07 - Hillarious
01/20/07 - Cell reception
01/20/07 - Brownback Mountain - sponsored by the GOP
01/20/07 - The Current News - 2
01/20/07 - The Current News - 1
01/17/07 - Wasn't this in Deja Vu 2 ?
01/15/07 - Time to turn over another bay-leaf...
01/14/07 - CC 344: Technically healthier
01/11/07 - CC 344: Technically on the safer side
01/10/07 - FTC 103: A date out of hell...
01/10/07 - OPC 28: ... and rushed Las Vegas marriages too...
01/08/07 - CC 344: Technically on the safe side
01/06/07 - Cowboy physics - the outtakes (5)
01/06/07 - Cowboy physics - the outtakes (4)
01/06/07 - Cowboy physics - the outtakes (3)
01/06/07 - Cowboy physics - the outtakes (2)
01/06/07 - Cowboy physics - the outtakes (1)
12/18/06 - I'm a frayed I don't think so
12/17/06 - To be Into mail
12/16/06 - Viva Las Vegan
12/16/06 - Punish me
12/09/06 - Inspired by real Swedish events
12/03/06 - A new partner - 4 - apologies to HCRoyall
12/03/06 - OPC26 - This comic is about getting way to much information
12/03/06 - A new partner - 3
12/02/06 - A new partner - 2
11/29/06 - A new partner
11/14/06 - No need for PI's
11/12/06 - CC 337: Land of the fee
11/12/06 - OPC 23: This comic doesn't have a good zinger or singer
11/12/06 - OPC 23: Got a license to quilt
11/09/06 - OPC 23: Donald Duck should be proof of concept
10/22/06 - I live in the country
10/21/06 - CC 335: Why you should always hire strippers
10/21/06 - FTC 97: And stealing from Monty Python qualifies as?
10/21/06 - FTC 97: You wouldn't want to see that
10/14/06 - CC 334: Torture Time - 4
10/14/06 - CC 334: Torture Time - 3
10/14/06 - CC 334: Torture Time - 2
10/14/06 - CC 334: Torture Time - 1
09/30/06 - I know this one about an ice cream parlour
09/24/06 - The True Story of Lot
09/17/06 - FTC 93: Didn't mention what's-her-name
09/17/06 - Oh snap!
08/27/06 - Inspired by Neovid
07/05/06 - Rock's greatest questions answered.
06/26/06 - The reason why USPS got a stingray ban
06/24/06 - Bush and the GOP are SO thoughful! (sorry inflatable_man)
06/11/06 - CC 324: A count'ry entry
05/22/06 - BTC 53: Bad on so many levels
05/21/06 - Babel babble
05/15/06 - CC 321: At least he's recycling
04/30/06 - Is that sow?
04/13/06 - WW 45: Smashing
04/12/06 - Reference
04/12/06 - Got it 100%
04/10/06 - Fifty/Fifthief
04/09/06 - The Sexual adventures of Stu Pitt's daughter - 12
04/09/06 - The Sexual adventures of Stu Pitt's daughter - 11
04/09/06 - The Sexual adventures of Stu Pitt's daughter - 10
04/09/06 - The Sexual adventures of Stu Pitt's daughter - 9
04/09/06 - The Sexual adventures of Stu Pitt's daughter - 8
03/25/06 - The Sexual adventures of Stu Pitt's daughter - 7
03/25/06 - The Sexual adventures of Stu Pitt's daughter - 6
03/25/06 - The Sexual adventures of Stu Pitt's daughter - 5
03/25/06 - The Sexual adventures of Stu Pitt's daughter - 4
03/25/06 - The Sexual adventures of Stu Pitt's daughter - 3
03/25/06 - The Sexual adventures of Stu Pitt's daughter - 2
03/25/06 - The Sexual adventures of Stu Pitt's daughter - 1
03/19/06 - Double randomnification - getting creepier all the time
03/19/06 - BTC 50: A stupid entry
03/19/06 - CC 315: Acquit playing games with me
03/19/06 - CC 315: Uh huh?
03/11/06 - Background story
03/05/06 - CC 314: Funny? Dunno, but true.
02/17/06 - ICC 28: Not-so-happy camper
02/12/06 - You might be a Dane if...
01/28/06 - CC 311: Thank you for the demo
01/22/06 - Diner's club
01/22/06 - CC 311: There's a Natasha Bedingfield reference for you
01/22/06 - CC 311: Are you lonesome tonight is no laughing matter
01/22/06 - CC 311: I will survive - 3
01/22/06 - CC 311: I will survive - 2
01/22/06 - CC 311: I will survive - 1
01/16/06 - Xeroman 10 - An offer you can't refuse
01/16/06 - Xeroman 9 - Another reference
01/16/06 - Xeroman 8 - The inevitable reference
01/16/06 - Xeroman 7 - The deal is sealed
01/16/06 - Xeroman 6 - Arch enemies meet for the first time
01/16/06 - Xeroman 5 - Arch enemy pt 2
01/16/06 - Xeroman 4 - Arch enemy pt 1
01/16/06 - Xeroman 3 - lovelife pt 2
01/16/06 - Xeroman 2 - lovelife pt 1
01/16/06 - Xeroman 1 - the beginning
01/16/06 - You're so bunny
01/15/06 - Fool me once
01/15/06 - DIC: Anacomical info
01/14/06 - CC 310: MyDork
01/09/06 - Lesser known signs of the apocalypse 12
01/09/06 - Lesser known signs of the apocalypse 11
01/09/06 - Lesser known signs of the apocalypse 10
01/09/06 - Lesser known signs of the apocalypse 9
01/09/06 - Lesser known signs of the apocalypse 8
01/09/06 - Lesser known signs of the apocalypse 7
01/09/06 - Lesser known signs of the apocalypse 6
01/09/06 - Lesser known signs of the apocalypse 5
01/09/06 - Lesser known signs of the apocalypse 4
01/09/06 - Lesser known signs of the apocalypse 3
01/09/06 - Lesser known signs of the apocalypse 2
01/09/06 - Lesser known signs of the apocalypse 1
01/03/06 - ICC #21
01/03/06 - ICC #21
01/03/06 - ICC #21: Somewhere between 1 and 99%
12/11/05 - OPC 19: Under the misspelltoe
12/11/05 - FTC 79: Another Dead Kennedy bites the Dust
12/11/05 - OPC 19: That's where it all went wrong with christmas
11/29/05 - CC 305: That explains a lot (based on finn34 + squidrabies)
11/27/05 - CC 305: Nailed that one (based on gabe_billings')
11/27/05 - CC 305: Tard boy and finkelman (sorry squabies)
11/26/05 - ICC #15: Give it a tight squeeze
11/26/05 - ICC #15: Forest chipmunk
11/26/05 - ICC #15: Resheepe
11/26/05 - ICC #15: Meal value
11/26/05 - ICC #15: That's what safe search is for...
11/21/05 - CC 305: Dexxlexic zombie
11/21/05 - CC 305: Not without tumor (Hommage to Wirthling)
11/17/05 - ICC 11: cRaver
11/13/05 - CC 304: Amoosing
11/13/05 - CC 304: My pinkies are so attentive
11/13/05 - TRCC: Gun with the kin
11/12/05 - TRCC: The Last Strawberry
11/12/05 - CC 304: The other half of a newscaster
11/12/05 - CC 304: Background check needed
11/12/05 - CC 304: Comic Cup?
11/12/05 - CC 304: At the speechalist's
11/12/05 - CC 304: eBench
11/10/05 - ICC 12: See Walker Run
11/10/05 - ICC 12: Ex man now cathedra
11/10/05 - ICC 12: Hitney
11/06/05 - OPC 16: Johnny in search of his biological father...
11/06/05 - OPC 16: Oh boy...
11/06/05 - OPC 16: You'd have to be here...
10/23/05 - ICC 6: Soon to be known from spam mail
10/23/05 - Abe Vigoda Theatre: Finding Nemo
10/23/05 - Abe Vigoda Theatre: Lord of the Rings 1, 2 and 3
10/23/05 - Abe Vigoda Theatre: The Sound of Music
10/20/05 - Don't mess with the sopranos
10/19/05 - Kaufman rip off...
10/19/05 - Comic Cup XIII: etc
10/05/05 - Indie woes
10/02/05 - CC 299: Compelling reasons
10/02/05 - De-Termination? 5
10/02/05 - De-Termination? 4
10/02/05 - De-Termination? 3
10/02/05 - De-Termination? 2
10/02/05 - De-Termination? 1
10/01/05 - Wedding Reception 21
10/01/05 - Wedding Reception 20
10/01/05 - Wedding Reception 19
10/01/05 - Wedding Reception 18
10/01/05 - Wedding Reception 17
10/01/05 - Wedding Reception 16
10/01/05 - Wedding Reception 15
10/01/05 - OPC 11: 2 in 1
09/30/05 - OPC 11: Sore like an eagle
09/27/05 - CC 298: Sauce who?
09/27/05 - CC 298: Other things in life
09/27/05 - CC 298: Wanker in the Dark
09/26/05 - CC 298: Based on a Tour story
09/26/05 - CC 298: Too late for that
09/25/05 - CC 298: Better than sex?
09/25/05 - CC 298: A dog-forsaken place
09/25/05 - CC 298: Aw... ain't he rude
09/25/05 - CC 298: Doggie bag style
09/25/05 - CC 298: Jerk in marriage
09/25/05 - CC 298: Son of "I'll go into celibacy"
09/25/05 - CC 298: Apologies go to Mandingo
09/25/05 - CC 298: Hope of deliverance
09/13/05 - CC 296: In real life he'd probably been promoted...
08/21/05 - situbu.sit
08/14/05 - BTC 36: A bit late for that, ain't it?
08/14/05 - BTC 36: Please contact my agents for film rights
08/13/05 - OPC 7: Don't show birds "The Birds"
08/13/05 - OPC 7: It totally blows
08/10/05 - Random intertextual reference
08/10/05 - Ripping off alcoac14/303241
08/09/05 - Sexual Association Guy 11 - the early years
08/09/05 - CC 292: Good representation fees...
08/07/05 - OPC 7: Sexual Association Guy 10
08/07/05 - OPC 7: Sexual Association Guy 9
08/07/05 - OPC 7: Sexual Association Guy 8
08/07/05 - OPC 7: Sexual Association Guy 7 - the early years
08/07/05 - OPC 7: Sexual Association Guy 6 - the early years
08/07/05 - OPC 7: Sexual Association Guy 5
08/07/05 - OPC 7: Sexual Association Guy 4
08/07/05 - OPC 7: Sexual Association Guy 3
08/07/05 - OPC 7: Sexual Association Guy 2
08/07/05 - OPC 7: Sexual Association Guy 1
08/07/05 - OPC 7: This bird has flown
08/07/05 - Sun TV - Sex, crime, scandals, gossip, royals, sports, news
08/02/05 - BTC 35: Template
07/28/05 - CC 291: Non-compliant example
07/28/05 - CC 291: Compliant example
07/24/05 - Wedding Reception 14
07/21/05 - CC290: A Toyota 0.92 cc ?
07/20/05 - Wedding Reception 13
07/20/05 - Wedding Reception 12
07/20/05 - Wedding Reception 11
07/20/05 - Wedding Reception 10
07/20/05 - Wedding Reception 9
07/20/05 - Wedding Reception 8
07/20/05 - Wedding Reception 7
07/20/05 - Wedding Reception 6
07/20/05 - Wedding Reception 5
07/19/05 - Wedding Reception 4
07/19/05 - Wedding Reception 3
07/19/05 - Wedding Reception 2
07/19/05 - Wedding reception 1
07/17/05 - CC 289: British telly these days...
07/17/05 - BTC 34: Contractions with death
07/16/05 - CC 289: Filter filth
07/16/05 - Britney Spears, 2055.
05/15/05 - BTC 29: Stuck
05/15/05 - RM4 - It's not Jennifer's fault that her groom is DEAF
05/12/05 - FTC 62: Crime in 6 letters - ends with r.
05/07/05 - CC 281: Snickers all around in the Milky Way...
05/07/05 - Too polish for CC 281...
05/06/05 - BTC 29: Template
05/03/05 - CC 281: Uh huh
05/03/05 - CC 281: Co-literal damage
05/03/05 - CC 281: Maybe the owner is from BARtislava...
05/01/05 - BTC 28: Details details...
04/25/05 - RM3 - Template 3
04/25/05 - RM3 - Template 2
04/25/05 - RM3 - Template 1
04/23/05 - RM2: Random surprise...
04/23/05 - RM2: Microbial tragedy
04/23/05 - Random city arrest house
04/17/05 - I won, now what?
04/15/05 - Random joke
04/13/05 - Like on film
04/10/05 - RM - wait for it...
04/09/05 - A space oddity
04/07/05 - I like'm smoked...
04/06/05 - The other 364 days...
04/06/05 - Random insight...
04/03/05 - Shooters restaurant
04/03/05 - Oh shirt!
04/03/05 - Titanic feat. invisible girl
04/02/05 - Son of a ....
04/02/05 - Apparently not "Deer hunter"
04/02/05 - Ghuided tour
03/28/05 - FTC 59: If you loathe somebody set them free...
03/25/05 - BTC 23: You put the ass in assistant...
03/25/05 - Fly me to the moon...
01/23/05 - Cowboy Medicine
01/20/05 - Saw this in a Danish newspaper today
01/16/05 - CC 272: Perceptions 5
01/16/05 - CC 272: Perceptions 4
01/16/05 - CC 272: Perceptions 3
01/16/05 - CC 272: Perceptions 2
12/26/04 - Love stinks (Attention Whore 67)
12/26/04 - What blue heard (Attention Whore 66)
12/26/04 - What brunette said (Attention whore 65)
12/26/04 - Now what? (Attention whore 64)
12/26/04 - An unexpected visit (Attention whore 63)
12/26/04 - Christmas/2
10/18/04 - WW #28: Undercover donts
10/16/04 - WW #27: Meet the parents
10/10/04 - CC 261: Diesel meanies - episode 10
10/10/04 - CC 261: Diesel meanies - episode 9
10/10/04 - CC 261: Diesel meanies - episode 8
10/10/04 - CC 261: Diesel meanies - episode 7
10/10/04 - CC 261: Diesel meanies - episode 6
10/10/04 - CC 261: Diesel meanies - episode 5
10/10/04 - CC 261: Diesel meanies - episode 4
10/10/04 - CC 261: Diesel meanies - episode 3
10/10/04 - CC 261: Diesel meanies - episode 2
10/10/04 - CC 261: Diesel meanies - episode 1
09/18/04 - BTC 17 Template
09/13/04 - BTC 16: Diesel Sweeties 1250
09/12/04 - FTC#44: Hate when that happens
09/12/04 - BTC 16: Son of a ...
09/08/04 - An autumn nights dream
09/04/04 - Take me home
09/04/04 - The war chancellor finds his Peace Garden State
09/03/04 - The story of Ben Dover
09/03/04 - All the way to Leno
08/21/04 - Know your audience
08/21/04 - FTC 42: Don Who?
08/21/04 - FTC 42: The ultimate price
08/15/04 - CC 253: Take time - don't kill it.
08/08/04 - Olé 2 - based on a choadwarrior strip
08/08/04 - BTC#13: ... does winning the intro count?
07/27/04 - CC 252: Violence good. Sex bad.
07/26/04 - CC 252: Well, duh.
06/26/04 - BTC#9: Yesterday I met her brother
06/26/04 - WW #20: Not much R.E.S.P.E.C.T.
06/20/04 - Third thoughts ... (Attention Whore 62)
06/20/04 - Second thoughts ... (Attention Whore 61)
06/20/04 - Every cloud is a cloud ... (Attention Whore 60)
06/20/04 - Um... yeah... (Attention Whore 59)
06/20/04 - Uh huh... (Attention Whore 58)
06/20/04 - Mixed up for real... (Attention Whore 57)
06/20/04 - Getting all mixed up IV (Attention Whore 56)
06/20/04 - Getting all mixed up III (Attention Whore 55)
06/20/04 - Getting all mixed up II (Attention Whore 54)
06/20/04 - Getting all mixed up (Attention Whore 53)
06/20/04 - BTC#8: Geography will save the day...
06/20/04 - ZS 33: I double dare you...
05/31/04 - FTC 36: Cool reason?
05/23/04 - Research in the 21st century - XXI
05/23/04 - Research in the 21st century - XX
05/23/04 - Research in the 21st century - XIX
05/23/04 - Research in the 21st century - XVIII
05/23/04 - Research in the 21st century - XVII
05/23/04 - Research in the 21st century - XVI
05/23/04 - Research in the 21st century - XV
05/23/04 - Research in the 21st century - XIV
05/23/04 - Research in the 21st century - XIII
05/23/04 - Research in the 21st century - XII
05/23/04 - Research in the 21st century - XI
05/23/04 - Research in the 21st century - X
05/23/04 - Research in the 21st century - IX
05/23/04 - Research in the 21st century - VIII
05/23/04 - Research in the 21st century - VII
05/23/04 - Research in the 21st century - VI
05/23/04 - Research in the 21st century - V
05/23/04 - Research in the 21st century - IV
05/23/04 - Research in the 21st century - III
05/23/04 - Research in the 21st century - II
05/23/04 - Research in the 21st century - I
05/08/04 - Â there's still something she isn't telling him...
05/08/04 - To the rescue...
05/07/04 - ZS 29: Don't you hate it when that happens?
05/02/04 - FTC 33: Competition
04/25/04 - The bukkake background
04/24/04 - Beginner's luck?
04/18/04 - WW #12: Worst things to tell superheroes' families
04/18/04 - CC 240: Lurking in the forrest...
04/18/04 - FTC 31: Duh!?
04/11/04 - Michael visits grandma VII
04/11/04 - Michael visits grandma VI
04/11/04 - Michael visits grandma V
04/11/04 - Michael visits grandma IV
04/11/04 - Michael visits grandma III
04/11/04 - Michael visits grandma II
04/11/04 - Michael visits grandma I
04/10/04 - CC 239: Lucky (?)
04/10/04 - WW#11: Worst things to say in a restaurant while on vacation
04/10/04 - CC 239: Karma Police...
04/10/04 - CC 239: Four songs in three panels...
04/10/04 - CC 239: "Lucky" misheard...
04/07/04 - Unseen: episode 1 - scene 15
04/07/04 - Unseen: episode 1 - scene 14
04/07/04 - Unseen: episode 1 - scene 13
04/07/04 - Unseen: episode 1 - scene 12
04/07/04 - Unseen: episode 1 - scene 11
04/07/04 - Unseen: episode 1 - scene 10
04/07/04 - Unseen: episode 1 - scene 9
04/07/04 - Unseen: episode 1 - scene 8
04/07/04 - Unseen: episode 1 - scene 7
04/07/04 - Unseen: episode 1 - scene 6
04/07/04 - Unseen: episode 1 - scene 5
04/07/04 - Unseen: episode 1 - scene 4
04/07/04 - Unseen: episode 1 - scene 3
04/07/04 - Unseen: episode 1 - scene 2
04/07/04 - Unseen: episode 1 - scene 1
04/03/04 - FTC #29 My idea
03/27/04 - FTC #29 Template
03/21/04 - BONUS 237: Jeg sutter for vildt.
03/21/04 - CC 237: copy, right?
03/21/04 - CC 237: MikeyG - a look behind the scenes
03/21/04 - FTC 28: Probably not so bad
02/22/04 - CC 233: The invisible family X
02/22/04 - CC 233: The invisible family IX
02/22/04 - CC 233: The invisible family VIII
02/22/04 - CC 233: The invisible family VII
02/22/04 - CC 233: The invisible family VI
02/22/04 - CC 233: The invisible family V
02/22/04 - CC 233: The invisible family IV
02/22/04 - CC 233: The invisible family III
02/22/04 - CC 233: The invisible family II
02/22/04 - CC 233: The invisible family I
02/16/04 - WwSeX
02/15/04 - FTC 23: Technicalities
02/15/04 - CC 232: the Return of the Ring
02/15/04 - CC 232: Dem bones...
02/15/04 - CC 232: Assic's Demise
02/08/04 - Housebroken...
02/07/04 - CC 231: Eat your oats (War X)
02/07/04 - CC 231: Mass media distraction (War IX)
02/07/04 - CC 231: Mass distraction (War VIII)
02/07/04 - CC 231: Let's have a blast (War VII)
02/07/04 - CC 231: Let's have a blast (War VI)
02/07/04 - CC 231: Hole lotta fun (War V)
02/07/04 - CC 231: Victory! Sort of... (War IV)
02/07/04 - CC 231: Fight for what is dear (War II)
02/07/04 - CC 231: Oatless (War I)
02/07/04 - CC 231: Free the press (War III)
02/07/04 - Breakup redux - reversed
02/01/04 - Hope for McNocock
01/24/04 - Careful what you wish
01/20/04 - FTC #19: Dedicated fans
01/18/04 - CC 229: Sleeping with the fishes...
01/18/04 - CC 229: Damned "Clone Panel" button...
01/03/04 - CC 227: The consequences of underwater romance...
01/03/04 - CC 227: A portrait of Boinky33
01/03/04 - CC 227: Hightlights from the SC standup show
01/03/04 - CC 227: Hate when that happens...
01/03/04 - CC 227: There is a TV-show like this every Friday in Vietnam
01/03/04 - CC 227: Outstaring snowmen...
01/03/04 - CC 227: Wrong spell...
01/03/04 - CC 227: One trip to the moon. Three surprises...
01/03/04 - CC 227: A sheep in search for her father
01/03/04 - CC 227: An ordinary day at the McJob?
01/01/04 - Life seen through an inbox (Attention whore 52)
01/01/04 - Making a long story short (Attention whore 51)
01/01/04 - Careful what to do or say (Attention whore 50)
01/01/04 - Definately not a hentai comic! (Attention whore 49)
01/01/04 - The night is darkest before the dawn (Attention whore 48)
01/01/04 - What's that sound (Attention whore 47)
01/01/04 - Maneuvres in the dark (Attention whore 46)
01/01/04 - I bet Kaddar has the version I need... (Attention whore 45)
01/01/04 - Unzip (Attention whore 44)
01/01/04 - ... thy name is "Woman" (Attention whore 43)
01/01/04 - ZS 13: An unexpected visitor...
01/01/04 - Paranoia - part 5
01/01/04 - Paranoia - part 4
01/01/04 - Paranoia - part 3
01/01/04 - Paranoia - part 2
01/01/04 - Paranoia - part 1
12/30/03 - All you need is hate
12/30/03 - FTC 16: It's approaching once more
12/30/03 - CC 226: Next year I promise not to use the default joke...
12/29/03 - FTC 16: Another year comes prematurely...
12/27/03 - CC 226: Food for thoughts
11/06/03 - Hanoi fiction I: lukket meets asiangirl1
10/12/03 - CC 215: Don't call me, Al
10/09/03 - FTC #2: Hmmn
10/07/03 - CC 214: A great thread to society.
10/07/03 - CC 214: No metal jacket required
10/05/03 - CC 214: Cthulhu returns XI
10/02/03 - PV 94: The winner is announced.
10/01/03 - Snap! (Attention whore 42)
10/01/03 - Tit for tat (Attention whore 41)
10/01/03 - A trap is set... (Attention whore 40)
10/01/03 - Old school ways (Attention whore 39)
10/01/03 - Basic Instinct (Attention Whore 38)
10/01/03 - The breaking news of the day (Attention Whore 37)
10/01/03 - Honesty is teh sux0r II (Attention Whore 36)
10/01/03 - Honesty is teh sux0r I (Attention Whore 35)
10/01/03 - Honesty is teh r0x0r (Attention Whore 34)
10/01/03 - Point of no return (Attention Whore 33)
10/01/03 - Microsoftitis - or how I finally got to ditch MSIE
10/01/03 - CC 213: Dr. Strangelove - or how I learned to stop Shining
09/30/03 - CC 213: (Based on 202) Good people are hard to find
09/29/03 - CC 213: ASOUE
09/29/03 - CC 213: Lovely absinth, wonderful absinth
09/29/03 - CC 213 (based on CC 202): Oh the pun we have...
09/26/03 - CC 212: Retaliation
09/21/03 - CC 211: A question of perspective (does it matter) III
09/21/03 - CC 211: A question of perspective II
09/21/03 - CC 211: A matter of perspective I
09/21/03 - CC 211: Three strips in one
09/14/03 - CC 210: "How I made my millions"
09/08/03 - CC 209: The show must go on
09/07/03 - CC 209: Let's drink to that
09/07/03 - I can't believe that my 100th comic is a Monty Python ripoff
09/06/03 - CC 209: Boom...
09/06/03 - The characters with the issues
09/06/03 - CC 209: The little difference
09/06/03 - CC 209: Some are more equal than others
09/06/03 - CC 209: Stereotypewritten
09/03/03 - CC 208: Dig this.
09/02/03 - CC 208: Before Ray Tomlinson
09/02/03 - CC 208: Getting lucky?
08/30/03 - CC 207: Milne, Shepard and Disney turn in their graves.
08/30/03 - Stop your fight before I beat one of you out with the other
08/29/03 - Dilemma (Attention whore 32)
08/29/03 - Beer changes everything (Attention whore 31)
08/29/03 - What date is it? Is it a date? (Attention whore 30)
08/29/03 - Don't panic. (Attention whore 29)
08/29/03 - And a Freudian slip for desert (Attention whore 28)
08/29/03 - Freudian slips on the side (Attention whore 27)
08/29/03 - First impressions last (Attention whore 26)
08/29/03 - Ahoy sailor! (Attention whore 25)
08/29/03 - Getting all Freudian (Attention whore 24)
08/29/03 - Getting all predictable (Attention whore 23)
08/29/03 - Go to sleep (Attention whore 20.5)
08/29/03 - Ring ring (Attention whore 22)
08/29/03 - Second thoughts (Attention Whore 21)
08/28/03 - Cthulhu returns X 10.1
08/28/03 - Cthulhu returns X
08/28/03 - Cthulhu returns IX
08/28/03 - Cthulhu returns VIII
08/28/03 - Cthulhu returns VII
08/28/03 - Cthulhu returns VI
08/28/03 - Cthulhu returns V
08/28/03 - Cthulhu returns IV
08/28/03 - Cthulhu returns III
08/28/03 - Cthulhu returns II
08/28/03 - Cthulhu returns I
08/27/03 - Intelligent life on the bottom of the sea.
08/27/03 - CC 207: Spy vs Spy - when motivation fails.
08/27/03 - And so it was written
08/27/03 - Garfield done wrong...
08/27/03 - Those kids...
08/26/03 - CC 206: Best wishes on your new PC
08/26/03 - Yeah right...
08/25/03 - Monopoly III
08/25/03 - Monopoly II
08/25/03 - Monopoly I
08/25/03 - Hail to the chimp.
08/25/03 - Homage to retard
08/25/03 - One pun too many
08/25/03 - Duck
08/24/03 - Call my name and I'll be there...
08/23/03 - Thirteen thirty-seven
08/23/03 - Freedom of speech III
08/23/03 - Freedom of speech II
08/23/03 - Freedom of speech.
08/23/03 - CC 206: Father's death.
08/22/03 - CC 206: Mother's Day
08/20/03 - Bait
08/19/03 - Lucky?
08/19/03 - A question of motive
08/19/03 - H. C. Andersen modernized III (The Emperor's new clothes)
08/18/03 - Modern H. C. Andersen II (The Ugly Duckling)
08/18/03 - Modern H. C. Andersen I (The woman and the eggs)
08/17/03 - So long and thanks for all the nails.
08/17/03 - How can you tell
08/16/03 - The logic of attention.
08/16/03 - Suicidal Tendencies III
08/16/03 - Suicidal Tendencies II
08/16/03 - Suicidal tendencies I
08/16/03 - Sour times
08/16/03 - A powerless super power.
08/16/03 - Human nature
08/16/03 - Games people play
08/15/03 - Like a flie on feces.
08/15/03 - Written with great big fiery letters... (Attention whore 20)
08/15/03 - Familiar feelings 2 (Attention Whore 19)
08/15/03 - Familiar feelings (Attention Whore 18)
08/15/03 - French - a deceptive language (Attention Whore 17)
08/15/03 - 125 grams of meat... (Attention Whore 16)
08/12/03 - To hell with customer service.
08/09/03 - Impro-wise (Attention Whore 15)
08/09/03 - The tell-tale hearts (Attention Whore 14)
08/09/03 - What was he thinking. (Attention Whore 13)
08/09/03 - Maneuvres in the dark (Attention whore 12)
08/09/03 - The early bird ... (Attention Whore 11)
08/09/03 - Double dating 2 (Attention whore 10)
08/09/03 - Time management (Attention whore 9)
08/09/03 - Double Dating (Attention whore 8)
08/09/03 - That's what friends are for 2 (Attention whore 7)
08/09/03 - That's what friends are fore (Attention whore 6)
08/09/03 - Obsession? (Attention whore 5)
08/09/03 - That will never work (Attention whore 4)
08/09/03 - A question of definition (Attention whore 3)
08/09/03 - Oh the irony (Attention whore 2)
08/08/03 - Attention whore
08/07/03 - Retard man vs. Retardo
08/07/03 - Fatal addiction
08/06/03 - Communication error
08/06/03 - Nostalgia isn't like in the old days.
08/05/03 - A noob meets Kaufman.
08/05/03 - The cost of fame
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