Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)
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CC 298: Apologies go to Mandingo
That's IT! I'm going 40 days without jerkin' my yerkin. Starting NOW!!!
As far as I remember your tool is not wankable.
It isn't?
Then what do a robot do when he wants to spank the monkey
Beats me.
lukket's Comics
06/24/12 - The lukket standup show - The Molko way
01/25/12 - E-hi-quent speakers needed
12/29/11 - CC493 - Have a sad death Jesus!
12/29/11 - CC493 - Pull its ... er?
12/29/11 - Old school nerds should appreciate this
11/06/11 - CC489 - Pickup lines
11/06/11 - The lukket standup show - Next up: Time
10/08/11 - Trench setting
10/04/11 - Word! You've got a PowerPoint.
09/30/11 - Cross. Over.
09/22/11 - The lukket standup show - reflection
05/23/11 - Strips made easy by being inspired by mandingo (297236)
05/23/11 - All's well
05/22/11 - Not a keeper
05/21/11 - Because Silverlight Gordon just doesn't work that well...
05/21/11 - Crastination is for amateurs
05/20/11 - The lukket standup show - rapture
05/20/11 - The Rapture
05/08/11 - Isn't this strip a ladyjdotnet rip-off?
05/04/11 - I would take a bank holiday
04/22/11 - LDF 3
04/22/11 - LDF 2
04/22/11 - LDF 1
04/21/11 - Inspired by Real Life: Rhyme Time by four_legged_tripod
04/20/11 - The lukket standup show - vial of bile
04/17/11 - OPC57: Quake, Tsunami and Fallout - sounds like a game pack
04/17/11 - Consolation
04/17/11 - An Englishman and an Australian discuss the Bible in a bar
04/13/11 - Johnny H(e)art tribute
04/13/11 - The lukket standup show - man ager
04/11/11 - The lukket standup show - Pun reliever
04/11/11 - D'oh. A Deer.
04/09/11 - The lukket standup show - Seinfeld style
04/08/11 - Striking
04/06/11 - Current news - Norway wants its loot fish back
04/03/11 - Hand in hoes
04/03/11 - WW
03/29/11 - The lukket standup show - Lost Kid 3/3
03/29/11 - The lukket standup show - Lost Kid 2/3
03/29/11 - The lukket standup show - Lost Kid 1/3
03/28/11 - In a relationship with the modern world and it's complicated
03/28/11 - How many kilos is a Barry-ton?
03/26/11 - Stingy with the love
03/14/11 - While it lasts
03/13/11 - Dusty
03/11/11 - If phones are for asses - smartphones must be for smartasses
03/08/11 - The lukket standup show - Sheen on again
03/08/11 - Grand unified theory
03/06/11 - Tact will only get you so far
03/06/11 - Private Party - DVD bonus edition
03/06/11 - Out of the box and into the trash
03/05/11 - Private party
03/05/11 - "Not drinking too much" was maybe a better option
03/05/11 - Wear and tear
03/02/11 - People that are hooked on darjeeling
02/13/11 - Nice to meat you
02/13/11 - Grisly indeed
02/12/11 - Re: Re: Physical
02/12/11 - Physical
02/11/11 - All's well that ends on a lame pun
02/11/11 - CC 469 - V - ADH... uh... hi!
02/08/11 - Prospects
02/07/11 - Bookkeeping
02/07/11 - CC 469 - IV
02/04/11 - CC 469 - III - Terraced wives?
02/04/11 - CC 469 - II
02/04/11 - CC 469 - I
02/01/11 - Foreshadowing blocks sun rays
02/01/11 - Bottom-up approach
01/30/11 - The geek shall inherit the earth?
01/24/11 - This strip makes your head crash
01/24/11 - Can o' peas
01/24/11 - OPC 55
01/24/11 - CTS can be an STD
01/22/11 - It sneaks in everywhere...
01/18/11 - Happy Feet
01/18/11 - Whose style is it anyway?
01/17/11 - You just can't ruin it
01/16/11 - RCD 44 #2
01/16/11 - The lukket standup show - Reference
01/15/11 - The lukket standup show - Striking
01/14/11 - The lukket standup show - Go get them...
01/14/11 - If I was a vegetarian I would miss steak
01/12/11 - The lukket standup show - Unpolished Polish jokes
01/12/11 - The lukket standup show - God part II
01/12/11 - The lukket standup show - God part I
01/12/11 - CC 467
01/11/11 - The lukket standup show - The truth about mice
01/11/11 - Mice and men
01/11/11 - Maculated misconceptions
01/09/11 - Cool - as a cucumber
12/31/10 - In a relationship with the modern world and it's complicated
12/17/10 - Not short
12/14/10 - What a closet to jump out of
12/12/10 - The lukket standup show - A Nobel spirit
12/11/10 - I've had customers like that
12/08/10 - WW76 - World's Worst Wedding DJ
12/08/10 - The lukket standup show - Jew know the way to the showers?
12/05/10 - RCD 44
12/05/10 - The lukket standup show - Cereal killers
12/05/10 - CC 465: Brings out your pest in the morning - 2
12/05/10 - CC 465: Brings out your pest in the morning - 1
12/05/10 - Recorderly
12/05/10 - Profound: (adj) Having searched for something through Google
11/15/10 - The lukket standup show - Untranslatable (reference to Ã…)
11/15/10 - You may already be a loser
11/14/10 - CC 463 - Punctual
11/14/10 - Con tact
11/14/10 - Like staring at the boiling water
11/06/10 - How rumours get started
11/02/10 - Reading the signs
10/24/10 - Weak Week-end Wit
10/17/10 - Ten-ace-ity
09/26/10 - CC 461 - We didn't start the fire
09/26/10 - CC 461 - Lady in red
09/24/10 - The lukket standup show - Count/tell intelligence
09/21/10 - Light snack
09/20/10 - Healing faculties
09/17/10 - A not-so-new hope
09/14/10 - CC460: The lukket standup sho... oh lukket that
09/13/10 - Impressions from my stay in Dublin
09/10/10 - Cryptonite is SO last year
09/10/10 - Keep cool
09/05/10 - The lukket standup show - Vegetarianism
09/04/10 - It's not like it's the end of the world...
09/04/10 - The lukket standup show - Kitchen Revolution
09/02/10 - Important distinction
08/23/10 - Zed's dead, baby, Zed's dead.
08/22/10 - Goners and boners
08/18/10 - The lukket standup show - Lennon Dating
08/18/10 - What would happen if the British invented super heroes
08/18/10 - At least it's low carb
08/16/10 - The lukket standup show - Stripcreator sessions
08/15/10 - Mexican stand-up
08/13/10 - Farse Pletences
08/07/10 - Things people say
08/06/10 - Boom Shake-n-bake
08/05/10 - 3410 AD
07/28/10 - Sawyer-Dickinson syndrome
07/26/10 - Le grand chef recollects
07/25/10 - Prodigality
07/24/10 - Re: Bait?
07/22/10 - CC 455 - Sick evil brat
07/22/10 - Yuly
07/21/10 - Record breaker
07/21/10 - The Mosby Children
07/20/10 - Nice CaCO3 flavour
07/19/10 - Courtin' a bar romance
07/17/10 - CC 455 - Not without a hitch
07/16/10 - Case closed
07/16/10 - CC 455 - Hero in need of bm
07/15/10 - CC 455
07/15/10 - If they do, the press coverage may be low...
07/15/10 - Coffee wrecks
07/14/10 - Army Strip
07/12/10 - Termites having fun with backgrounds
07/11/10 - Have some karma, please
07/11/10 - The lukket standup show - Cool reason
07/10/10 - The lukket standup show - It's bad if they send an e-mail
07/10/10 - I never heard of Wiley's Dictionary or Johnny Hart
07/10/10 - Up in arms
07/09/10 - Delivered by Lincolns?
07/07/10 - Brown control
06/20/10 - Weak end
06/20/10 - Ex-factor
06/19/10 - A greasy affair
06/19/10 - Buzzwords
06/19/10 - Let's take a swing at Oswald
06/16/10 - The lukket standup show - Anna and Josef
06/14/10 - So, what's up with the weather these days?
06/07/10 - Cash Drawer II - Too much?
06/07/10 - Cash Drawer I - IMF who RU?
05/31/10 - The lukket standup show - Horst around?
05/30/10 - Vaya con dio
05/30/10 - Works every time
05/24/10 - Can you draw heat?
05/24/10 - The old don had a farm
05/24/10 - Tribute to a black-haired late night host
05/21/10 - The lukket standup show - walk, man
05/18/10 - I guess you better pack, man
05/16/10 - CC 451 - Unrealistic? The 18th amendment wants a word...
05/15/10 - If you like it...
05/15/10 - How to alienate women
05/15/10 - CC 451 - Let's call her Rita
05/15/10 - Watching Spider-Man
05/14/10 - The lukket standup show - Probably the worst joke ...
05/14/10 - God's owned country
05/13/10 - CC 451 - from ER to HR
05/13/10 - CC 451 - It's 2020 and man is threatened by his own creation
05/13/10 - A grim(m) tale
05/11/10 - That's why I don't read the onion
05/09/10 - Technically correct
05/05/10 - The lukket standup show - And they suck
05/03/10 - Comic Cup XIV - Tough call
05/01/10 - Hour hands are tide
05/01/10 - CC 450 - Far away
05/01/10 - Inspired by current events in science
04/28/10 - CC 450 - Do I Have To Say The Words?
04/28/10 - CC 450 - Think Twice
04/28/10 - Wait
04/27/10 - Fine dining
04/20/10 - IM up 2 here w/tech
04/20/10 - Taming of the shoe
04/18/10 - RCD 33
04/18/10 - New meaning to 'sweat shop' - the outtake reel
04/18/10 - New meaning to 'sweat shop'
04/17/10 - A question of definition
04/16/10 - The story of how Richard ended up in therapy
04/16/10 - Payback time
04/14/10 - Must be high up in top.
04/12/10 - RCD 32 - She did Arizona once...
04/11/10 - Feedbacklash
04/10/10 - Now listen...
04/07/10 - The lukket standup show - Inspired by AttitudeChicka
04/07/10 - CC 449
04/07/10 - The lukket standup show - Bummer
04/07/10 - The lukket standup show - Math geeks: Wait for it
04/06/10 - Guess who I just added to my favourites?
04/06/10 - Close to you
04/02/10 - The lukket standup show - Previous one was funny or not
04/01/10 - Pro- or congress
04/01/10 - The lukket standup show - ole limb pricks?
03/30/10 - CC 448 - Diesel Sweeties - the very late years
03/27/10 - The lukket standup show - riot shields?
03/27/10 - One strip - to go
03/27/10 - CC 448 - Grave
03/27/10 - CC 448 - Catch
03/26/10 - CC 448 - Devil in the details
03/26/10 - Who nose
03/25/10 - It's all about preparation
03/22/10 - (Forewarned=fourarmed)/2
03/18/10 - Abridged over troubled waters
03/17/10 - A thin layer of satire dipped in a thick layer of puns
03/15/10 - Transparency: How Leaders Create a Culture of Candor
03/15/10 - You probably need a receipt as well...
03/14/10 - Did you know the one about the kangaroo in the loo?
03/13/10 - The lukket standup show - animal strategies
03/12/10 - Nice indeed...
03/10/10 - The lukket standup show - Father figure + Daddy-0
03/09/10 - Oar-some
03/06/10 - Glass struggle
03/05/10 - The lukket standup show - inspired by a pic on Facebook
03/05/10 - Always look on the bright side of wife
03/05/10 - Rodney's wife
03/05/10 - Lunatics
03/02/10 - Potty mouth
03/01/10 - The best laid plans...
03/01/10 - Real Girlfriends squared - tribute to flipnyif1
03/01/10 - I call bereishit
03/01/10 - Bang?
02/25/10 - Hitting the nail on the head
02/24/10 - The lukket standup show - slight difference
02/22/10 - Care tactics
02/18/10 - Let's prepare for the 19th of September...
02/17/10 - Workplace Learning in Context
02/16/10 - Practice makes perfect
02/16/10 - Adaption
02/15/10 - A Practical Guide to Needs Assessment
02/15/10 - Smashing
02/09/10 - Saves on shoes as well
02/08/10 - The lukket standup show - King of comedy?
02/08/10 - Self Help Book
02/07/10 - Sperm whales and petunias beware
02/06/10 - Small details
02/06/10 - Burger flip-flop
02/03/10 - The lukket standup show - Can't spell Hollywood without wood
02/03/10 - Navigating the Mergers and Acquisitions Minefield
02/03/10 - Marketing Communications Strategy
01/21/10 - Up! in one panel
01/21/10 - The lukket standup show - Try with a yolk
01/21/10 - Too much or too little too late
01/20/10 - You know where to go if you go there
01/19/10 - Lesson in tactics
01/17/10 - The lowbrow lands
01/17/10 - About time
01/13/10 - The lukket standup show - To bacco or not to bacco
01/11/10 - Mixed results
01/10/10 - CC 443 - Adamant
01/08/10 - CC 443 - Missionary position wanted?
01/06/10 - CC 443 - rejected religion names
01/06/10 - The lukket standup show - Not available in Ireland
01/05/10 - Don't gymmy me joules
01/04/10 - CC 443 - Pathways - option 2
01/04/10 - CC 443 - Pathways - option 1
01/04/10 - None of this happened to me ...
01/04/10 - Too little of this happened to me ...
01/03/10 - Some of this happened to me ...
12/29/09 - Force of habit - two
12/29/09 - CC 442 - Fowl play
12/29/09 - CC 442 - The heat is off part two
12/29/09 - Beneath me
12/29/09 - The lighter side of crime scene investigation
12/28/09 - CC 442 - The heat is off
12/28/09 - Old nudes
12/28/09 - Change you can believe in?
12/21/09 - CC 442 - Last Comic Standing First
12/20/09 - CC 441 - Kwanzen
12/18/09 - Current news - COP15 edition
12/16/09 - A lead zinger
12/15/09 - There will hopefully be an opening soon
12/14/09 - Diary from a dictatorship
12/14/09 - Are time flies and secondants related?
12/14/09 - CC 441 - The Seven Days of Kwanzaa
12/13/09 - Steaks are high
12/12/09 - Assessment
12/11/09 - Be good for goodness sake
12/08/09 - Down
12/08/09 - Trigger happy
12/08/09 - CC 441 - Think of the kwanzaakwenzes
12/06/09 - You may already be a beginner
12/05/09 - The lukket standup show - Has soul - wants iPhone
12/04/09 - Hail Melvin
12/02/09 - Lend me your dears and I'll sing you a song
12/02/09 - Company presentation video unseen extras
12/01/09 - CC 440 - Hearts
12/01/09 - Doesn't work with Gilligan's Island
11/30/09 - I want you to transearly...
11/30/09 - CC 440 - Squigley bares it all
11/28/09 - Crummy
11/28/09 - Twisting news till they break
11/28/09 - RCD 30
11/26/09 - CC 440 - Let's jump some sharks
11/26/09 - Be thankful for what you haven't got
11/25/09 - Spit shine
11/24/09 - There's two bars on the window though
11/23/09 - hands against the 5th wall (Tribute to FactoryRejects)
11/23/09 - Suture self
11/21/09 - Showbuzz
11/19/09 - The lukket standup show - nerds should appreciate this
11/18/09 - Brown paper packages
11/17/09 - Experiences (Inspired by Choad)
11/16/09 - I've seen the future, brother
11/16/09 - Reference
11/14/09 - Room
11/12/09 - Random Brad
11/09/09 - Actually based on an idea (Tribute to
11/09/09 - Rabbit exit
11/08/09 - Why Garfield is a cat
11/08/09 - Gunfidence
11/06/09 - There's one for everything nowadays
11/04/09 - Of course it was.
10/29/09 - Timing
10/20/09 - Star Whores (Inspired by Externalization)
10/20/09 - Not my cup of tee
10/20/09 - Clever Pun Relief (Thanks go to René)
10/13/09 - Interspecial, international crime mystery
10/12/09 - Hungry violence seeker
10/08/09 - He ain't heavy
10/07/09 - Better equipped
10/03/09 - Details
10/03/09 - Too soon?
10/01/09 - The son of the boss
09/30/09 - Mike, sign language interpreter (or A/S/L)
09/29/09 - One thought at the time.
09/28/09 - HMS
09/28/09 - The lukket standup show - current events in Copenhagen
09/28/09 - Inspired extremely loosely by Jstrong
09/27/09 - CC 434 - also they tend to stink
09/27/09 - A con choice
09/26/09 - CC 434 - both
09/26/09 - CC 434 - something in between
09/25/09 - Things that may happen at some of our customers.
09/25/09 - DDistraction
09/24/09 - A reaper
09/22/09 - Hell; o darkness my old friend
09/22/09 - Games people play
09/22/09 - Jung and a Freud
09/21/09 - The lukket standup show - five leaves left
09/20/09 - Behind the crime scenes
09/20/09 - CC 433
09/19/09 - Lord of quotation mark's and apostrophe"s
09/18/09 - Soon to be found in an Alabama schoolbook...
09/14/09 - Chapter 7 and 11 in the book of life
09/13/09 - The lukket standup show - Gomorry didn't catch on
09/13/09 - ... and grey too...
09/12/09 - Adult stuff
09/12/09 - That's how I imagine US TV commercials are...
09/12/09 - The lukket standup show - going nerdy
09/12/09 - And it goes like "One, two, three..."
09/12/09 - On the other hand: Knife assaults in meetings on the decline
09/12/09 - Liberal media
09/10/09 - CC 433
09/08/09 - RDC #28 III
09/07/09 - RDC #28 II
09/05/09 - Based on a well-known feeling
08/31/09 - Sometimes he only rings once
08/30/09 - RDC #28
08/25/09 - More tactics - part two of two
08/25/09 - More tactics - part one of two
08/24/09 - New tactics
08/15/09 - Exit strategy
08/12/09 - I'm so ready for Vampire Weekend tomorrow night
08/11/09 - The world must know - based on real "life"
08/11/09 - No haraam done
08/10/09 - School of Rock
08/10/09 - Stone cold crazy
08/09/09 - Some things never change
08/06/09 - Stinestregen (Warning - Danish content)
08/06/09 - This carp - inspired by a friend's guest strip elsewhere
08/04/09 - WW75
08/04/09 - Smooth operator
07/08/09 - Let it be known to all mankind...
06/22/09 - FTC 145 - template
06/19/09 - FTC 144 - rhymes with Monkey
05/14/09 - FTC 142 - non-compliant entry
05/09/09 - FTC 142 - Your chi may improve
05/09/09 - FTC 142
05/06/09 - Force of habit
04/29/09 - The lukket standup show - it's worse in Danish
04/23/09 - Tribute to
04/21/09 - CC424 - Experiments in the bathroom
04/21/09 - FTC 140
04/21/09 - Differences
04/19/09 - Revelations
04/16/09 - Integrity
04/04/09 - STM
03/30/09 - The truth
03/21/09 - CC420
03/18/09 - CC420
03/04/09 - CC418 - Sussex and rapes
02/28/09 - CC418
02/27/09 - CC418 - Specifics
02/27/09 - Inspired by real sms correspondance
02/26/09 - WW 71 - spoiler alert
02/26/09 - CC418 - Inspired by current news
02/18/09 - CC417 - All you need is love
01/05/09 - ***
01/04/09 - What you put into your mouth
11/24/08 - CC408
11/20/08 - Anybody willing to participate in this comic is an idiot
11/18/08 - This man will die from untreated Sodoku fever
11/11/08 - The lukket standup show - catching up with not-so-new-news
11/04/08 - CC 405 - Recycling parts of a FTC 129 entry...
11/02/08 - CC 405 - At least they come in couples
11/02/08 - Inspired by my second entry to CC 405
11/02/08 - CC 405 - From my new upcoming family sitcom...
10/30/08 - CC 405 - Yorkshire pie
10/26/08 - Tribute to Doonesbury
10/26/08 - Puppy love
10/23/08 - He will have things in common with Jefferson...
10/23/08 - Scythe and the city
10/20/08 - CC 405 - Annie the 13th
10/20/08 - CC 405 - Hannah and her scream
10/08/08 - What a kerfuffle
07/23/08 - Inspired by current events in sports and entertainment
06/24/08 - Inspired by current events in sports
06/15/08 - Inspired by real-life issues
06/08/08 - In too deep - version three
06/08/08 - Inspiration
05/29/08 - Change
05/27/08 - How to lay a periodic table
05/25/08 - Happens all the time
05/25/08 - Guess what I just watched
05/24/08 - Continuum
05/23/08 - Crappy Mealâ„¢
05/22/08 - Is it too soon, or is it too old?
05/20/08 - Forever
03/24/08 - FTC 132 - the template
03/16/08 - FTC 131
03/10/08 - Don't try to compare us to another bad little fad
03/03/08 - FTC 130
03/01/08 - FTC 129: Oh brother
02/17/08 - CC 380 - 9 - Co-literal damage part 2
02/16/08 - CC 380 - 8
02/12/08 - CC 380 - 7
02/12/08 - CC 380 - 6
02/12/08 - CC 380 - 5
02/11/08 - CC 380 - 4
02/11/08 - CC 380 - 2, 3 and 3.5
02/11/08 - CC 380 - 1
02/11/08 - For this one I need a punch-line-drummer... three(DVD bonus)
02/10/08 - For this one I need a punch-line-drummer... three
02/06/08 - You don't like discrimination, do you little one
01/28/08 - Tired old pun - the nasty sequel
01/28/08 - Tired old pun - and tribute to AccentuateNegative
01/17/08 - You only die once
01/16/08 - In deep water
01/12/08 - Intricate, prehensile, multi-fingered body part
01/11/08 - The first law of powermugging
01/11/08 - For this one I need a punch-line-drummer... too
01/09/08 - RCD #12
01/02/08 - BTC 70 template
12/26/07 - For this one I need a punch-line-drummer...
12/23/07 - Weirdish entry for BTC 69
12/23/07 - FTC 124
11/12/07 - CC 373
10/21/07 - FTC 119: Template
10/21/07 - FTC 118: The winning entry...
10/14/07 - RCD #9
09/16/07 - CC 368: At least Robinson Crusoe could jack off Friday
09/16/07 - CC 368: Debugging
09/16/07 - CC 368: Another moment of carelessness
09/16/07 - CC 368: A moment of carelessness
09/16/07 - CC 368: Making the cut
09/15/07 - FTC 117: Probably true
09/11/07 - FTC 117 - More where that came from
09/09/07 - Not an entry for CC 368
09/09/07 - CC 367: The Hiroshima August 6 1945 school start
09/08/07 - A 9-digit number that begins with 124 695 and ends with 78?
09/08/07 - RIP LP
09/08/07 - Obfuscation
09/03/07 - No company should be without one
08/22/07 - FTC 115: Pearls for swine
08/22/07 - FTC 115: The Wolf teams up with The Wolf
08/12/07 - They aren't - partly based on a true story
06/24/07 - Some bees...
06/23/07 - Safety first
06/10/07 - CC 357: Blade runner
05/28/07 - Reasons my mother shouldn't open up a diner - 2
05/28/07 - Reasons my mother shouldn't open up a diner
05/23/07 - CC 355: Aburrido, NM
05/22/07 - In too deep version 2 - tribute to ArtemisStrong
05/22/07 - Every pickup has a silver lining
05/20/07 - Irrefutable
05/20/07 - UTC 5: Toxic / Sir Winston Churchill would approve
05/20/07 - Disbelief Man - tribute to Xuanwu
05/19/07 - Pun de relay
05/19/07 - The legacy of Vladimir ***in
05/18/07 - OPC 36: Accept tentatively
05/17/07 - CC 354: A-Jizz-era
05/17/07 - CC 354: A job for the drill sergeants
05/14/07 - Papa don't beach
05/13/07 - CC 354: Just like playing Risk
05/12/07 - My 700th Comic: It takes one to know one
05/12/07 - Stupid What's Your Sign Tribute to attitudechicka
05/11/07 - BTC 62: Control of Nonconforming Product / Service (8.3)
05/09/07 - UTC 4: Protector of the office supplies
05/09/07 - Like a diabetic in an insulin store
05/07/07 - Loose
05/06/07 - The same guy that translated the bible in an East German car
05/06/07 - Making light of nasty stuff
05/04/07 - The inside joke of the clothes repair shop
05/02/07 - Blasphemous rumours
04/30/07 - The further adventures of Stu Pitt's daughter
04/30/07 - Potentially obscure/offensive foreshadowing
04/29/07 - Cowboy Logic - Three Examples
04/29/07 - Exit strategy
04/28/07 - If you don't believe me, see for yourself
04/28/07 - The Current News - 5
04/28/07 - Guess who I met in Goa
04/28/07 - I want your problems
04/22/07 - Does Fox keep geese?
04/22/07 - Ghost of futures exchange
04/22/07 - Reference Librarian - Remix
04/22/07 - I blame Amnesty International
04/18/07 - Happens all the time
04/07/07 - A suture without a thread of evidence
04/06/07 - Under S
04/05/07 - A valet excuse for a pun
03/27/07 - OPC 34: 2 2 +
03/26/07 - OPC 34: Bothering Heights
03/26/07 - OPC 34: No registration required
03/26/07 - Punderwater
03/25/07 - CC 350: From the barrel of a Browning version 2 - by request
03/25/07 - CC 350: From the barrel of a Browning
03/25/07 - CC 350: A literary beacon in the night of ignorance
03/25/07 - Record Store
03/24/07 - Comedian seeks to spoon
03/24/07 - CC 350: 45 seconds of fame
03/23/07 - Meet the Buffets
03/23/07 - An inconvenient truth
03/22/07 - Da capo ad infinito
03/22/07 - BTC 61 Template
03/21/07 - Distraction
03/19/07 - Hallelujah!
03/19/07 - Dreams
03/18/07 - 1-900-623-9433
03/18/07 - What's Ludolph's Number Again?
03/18/07 - Didi's Gogo Bar
03/18/07 - BTC 60: Yo mamma's so fat she probably liked this comic
03/17/07 - Pun-religious reasoning
03/17/07 - Cup of coffee in the morning - injokester tribute
03/16/07 - In a British office
03/14/07 - Stealth
03/13/07 - Out of a clear blue scythe
03/12/07 - Goodbye Abbey Road?
03/12/07 - Stripcreator Typecasting
03/11/07 - The new boyfriend
03/11/07 - The Sexual adventures of Stu Pitt's daughter - 14
03/11/07 - The Sexual adventures of Stu Pitt's daughter - 13
03/10/07 - Sequels have weak stories - 3
03/10/07 - Sequels have weak stories - 2
03/10/07 - Sequels have weak stories - 1
03/10/07 - Supposedly very infectious
03/08/07 - Works with customers too
03/07/07 - Answer: Quite a lot
03/07/07 - The Current News - 4
03/06/07 - Gillette HQ
03/05/07 - Jesus 2007 A.D.
03/04/07 - Goth Titanic
03/03/07 - Candidates - read and learn - part 1
03/03/07 - In too deep
03/03/07 - The morning after
03/02/07 - You make me feel so hot
03/01/07 - Tie a red ribbon round the ole oak tree
02/28/07 - Down with the man on the floor
02/27/07 - Expert's opinion
02/27/07 - A first time for everything
02/26/07 - I'm walking on the beach
02/25/07 - How Romantic
02/25/07 - Latin lover?
02/25/07 - Pun-conventional
02/24/07 - No water - just add words
02/24/07 - Ninja Kitchen TV
02/23/07 - Faith v2 RC 4 (tribute to AccentuateNegative)
02/22/07 - Newsflash
02/21/07 - CC 347: Le portmanteur magnifique
02/21/07 - Steve, the inappropriate news caster (sorry choad)
02/21/07 - How fine are you today
02/20/07 - Untimely death
02/19/07 - Not-so-randomly-appearing snowman
02/18/07 - Couplings
02/16/07 - FTC106: It's in order
02/16/07 - OPC 32: ... and nice tits too...
02/15/07 - Inspired by Windows 2000 Server
02/14/07 - An ode to the things people say
02/14/07 - CC 347: You'll appreciate this more if you're a geek
02/13/07 - If it was good enough in 1991...
02/12/07 - Where am I
02/11/07 - FTC105: The Kind of stuff that only Prince would sing about
02/11/07 - Office Space Invaders 10 (fin?)
02/11/07 - Office Space Invaders 9
02/11/07 - Office Space Invaders 8
02/11/07 - Office Space Invaders 7
02/11/07 - Office Space Invaders 6
02/11/07 - Office Space Invaders 5
02/11/07 - Office Space Invaders 4
02/11/07 - Office Space Invaders 3
02/11/07 - Office Space Invaders 2
02/11/07 - Office Space Invaders 1
02/10/07 - It's all about the Monet
02/10/07 - Now he works with Unix
02/10/07 - Me Sweepstakes
02/10/07 - Rightsizing
02/08/07 - Rabbit changes
02/07/07 - Shake your spear like a polaroid picture
02/07/07 - Special order
02/04/07 - Zest for life
02/04/07 - Quiet Sundays 4
02/04/07 - Quiet Sundays 3
02/04/07 - Quiet Sundays 2
02/04/07 - Quiet Sundays
02/03/07 - OPC 31: Life in Whiterock
02/03/07 - Saved by the cripple - 5 (Attention Whore 72)
02/03/07 - Saved by the cripple - 4 (Attention Whore 71)
02/03/07 - Saved by the cripple - 3 (Attention Whore 70)
02/03/07 - Saved by the cripple - 2 (Attention Whore 69)
02/03/07 - Saved by the cripple - 1 (Attention Whore 68)
01/29/07 - FTC 104: Rubber versus Broken Glass
01/28/07 - ____________*___________
01/21/07 - The Current News - 3
01/21/07 - CC 345: It's four o'clock and we're in trouble deep
01/21/07 - Creampie train - 2
01/21/07 - Creampie train - 1
01/20/07 - Hillarious
01/20/07 - Cell reception
01/20/07 - Brownback Mountain - sponsored by the GOP
01/20/07 - The Current News - 2
01/20/07 - The Current News - 1
01/17/07 - Wasn't this in Deja Vu 2 ?
01/15/07 - Time to turn over another bay-leaf...
01/14/07 - CC 344: Technically healthier
01/11/07 - CC 344: Technically on the safer side
01/10/07 - FTC 103: A date out of hell...
01/10/07 - OPC 28: ... and rushed Las Vegas marriages too...
01/08/07 - CC 344: Technically on the safe side
01/06/07 - Cowboy physics - the outtakes (5)
01/06/07 - Cowboy physics - the outtakes (4)
01/06/07 - Cowboy physics - the outtakes (3)
01/06/07 - Cowboy physics - the outtakes (2)
01/06/07 - Cowboy physics - the outtakes (1)
12/18/06 - I'm a frayed I don't think so
12/17/06 - To be Into mail
12/16/06 - Viva Las Vegan
12/16/06 - Punish me
12/09/06 - Inspired by real Swedish events
12/03/06 - A new partner - 4 - apologies to HCRoyall
12/03/06 - OPC26 - This comic is about getting way to much information
12/03/06 - A new partner - 3
12/02/06 - A new partner - 2
11/29/06 - A new partner
11/14/06 - No need for PI's
11/12/06 - CC 337: Land of the fee
11/12/06 - OPC 23: This comic doesn't have a good zinger or singer
11/12/06 - OPC 23: Got a license to quilt
11/09/06 - OPC 23: Donald Duck should be proof of concept
10/22/06 - I live in the country
10/21/06 - CC 335: Why you should always hire strippers
10/21/06 - FTC 97: And stealing from Monty Python qualifies as?
10/21/06 - FTC 97: You wouldn't want to see that
10/14/06 - CC 334: Torture Time - 4
10/14/06 - CC 334: Torture Time - 3
10/14/06 - CC 334: Torture Time - 2
10/14/06 - CC 334: Torture Time - 1
09/30/06 - I know this one about an ice cream parlour
09/24/06 - The True Story of Lot
09/17/06 - FTC 93: Didn't mention what's-her-name
09/17/06 - Oh snap!
08/27/06 - Inspired by Neovid
07/05/06 - Rock's greatest questions answered.
06/26/06 - The reason why USPS got a stingray ban
06/24/06 - Bush and the GOP are SO thoughful! (sorry inflatable_man)
06/11/06 - CC 324: A count'ry entry
05/22/06 - BTC 53: Bad on so many levels
05/21/06 - Babel babble
05/15/06 - CC 321: At least he's recycling
04/30/06 - Is that sow?
04/13/06 - WW 45: Smashing
04/12/06 - Reference
04/12/06 - Got it 100%
04/10/06 - Fifty/Fifthief
04/09/06 - The Sexual adventures of Stu Pitt's daughter - 12
04/09/06 - The Sexual adventures of Stu Pitt's daughter - 11
04/09/06 - The Sexual adventures of Stu Pitt's daughter - 10
04/09/06 - The Sexual adventures of Stu Pitt's daughter - 9
04/09/06 - The Sexual adventures of Stu Pitt's daughter - 8
03/25/06 - The Sexual adventures of Stu Pitt's daughter - 7
03/25/06 - The Sexual adventures of Stu Pitt's daughter - 6
03/25/06 - The Sexual adventures of Stu Pitt's daughter - 5
03/25/06 - The Sexual adventures of Stu Pitt's daughter - 4
03/25/06 - The Sexual adventures of Stu Pitt's daughter - 3
03/25/06 - The Sexual adventures of Stu Pitt's daughter - 2
03/25/06 - The Sexual adventures of Stu Pitt's daughter - 1
03/19/06 - Double randomnification - getting creepier all the time
03/19/06 - BTC 50: A stupid entry
03/19/06 - CC 315: Acquit playing games with me
03/19/06 - CC 315: Uh huh?
03/11/06 - Background story
03/05/06 - CC 314: Funny? Dunno, but true.
02/17/06 - ICC 28: Not-so-happy camper
02/12/06 - You might be a Dane if...
01/28/06 - CC 311: Thank you for the demo
01/22/06 - Diner's club
01/22/06 - CC 311: There's a Natasha Bedingfield reference for you
01/22/06 - CC 311: Are you lonesome tonight is no laughing matter
01/22/06 - CC 311: I will survive - 3
01/22/06 - CC 311: I will survive - 2
01/22/06 - CC 311: I will survive - 1
01/16/06 - Xeroman 10 - An offer you can't refuse
01/16/06 - Xeroman 9 - Another reference
01/16/06 - Xeroman 8 - The inevitable reference
01/16/06 - Xeroman 7 - The deal is sealed
01/16/06 - Xeroman 6 - Arch enemies meet for the first time
01/16/06 - Xeroman 5 - Arch enemy pt 2
01/16/06 - Xeroman 4 - Arch enemy pt 1
01/16/06 - Xeroman 3 - lovelife pt 2
01/16/06 - Xeroman 2 - lovelife pt 1
01/16/06 - Xeroman 1 - the beginning
01/16/06 - You're so bunny
01/15/06 - Fool me once
01/15/06 - DIC: Anacomical info
01/14/06 - CC 310: MyDork
01/09/06 - Lesser known signs of the apocalypse 12
01/09/06 - Lesser known signs of the apocalypse 11
01/09/06 - Lesser known signs of the apocalypse 10
01/09/06 - Lesser known signs of the apocalypse 9
01/09/06 - Lesser known signs of the apocalypse 8
01/09/06 - Lesser known signs of the apocalypse 7
01/09/06 - Lesser known signs of the apocalypse 6
01/09/06 - Lesser known signs of the apocalypse 5
01/09/06 - Lesser known signs of the apocalypse 4
01/09/06 - Lesser known signs of the apocalypse 3
01/09/06 - Lesser known signs of the apocalypse 2
01/09/06 - Lesser known signs of the apocalypse 1
01/03/06 - ICC #21
01/03/06 - ICC #21
01/03/06 - ICC #21: Somewhere between 1 and 99%
12/11/05 - OPC 19: Under the misspelltoe
12/11/05 - FTC 79: Another Dead Kennedy bites the Dust
12/11/05 - OPC 19: That's where it all went wrong with christmas
11/29/05 - CC 305: That explains a lot (based on finn34 + squidrabies)
11/27/05 - CC 305: Nailed that one (based on gabe_billings')
11/27/05 - CC 305: Tard boy and finkelman (sorry squabies)
11/26/05 - ICC #15: Give it a tight squeeze
11/26/05 - ICC #15: Forest chipmunk
11/26/05 - ICC #15: Resheepe
11/26/05 - ICC #15: Meal value
11/26/05 - ICC #15: That's what safe search is for...
11/21/05 - CC 305: Dexxlexic zombie
11/21/05 - CC 305: Not without tumor (Hommage to Wirthling)
11/17/05 - ICC 11: cRaver
11/13/05 - CC 304: Amoosing
11/13/05 - CC 304: My pinkies are so attentive
11/13/05 - TRCC: Gun with the kin
11/12/05 - TRCC: The Last Strawberry
11/12/05 - CC 304: The other half of a newscaster
11/12/05 - CC 304: Background check needed
11/12/05 - CC 304: Comic Cup?
11/12/05 - CC 304: At the speechalist's
11/12/05 - CC 304: eBench
11/10/05 - ICC 12: See Walker Run
11/10/05 - ICC 12: Ex man now cathedra
11/10/05 - ICC 12: Hitney
11/06/05 - OPC 16: Johnny in search of his biological father...
11/06/05 - OPC 16: Oh boy...
11/06/05 - OPC 16: You'd have to be here...
10/23/05 - ICC 6: Soon to be known from spam mail
10/23/05 - Abe Vigoda Theatre: Finding Nemo
10/23/05 - Abe Vigoda Theatre: Lord of the Rings 1, 2 and 3
10/23/05 - Abe Vigoda Theatre: The Sound of Music
10/20/05 - Don't mess with the sopranos
10/19/05 - Kaufman rip off...
10/19/05 - Comic Cup XIII: etc
10/05/05 - Indie woes
10/02/05 - CC 299: Compelling reasons
10/02/05 - De-Termination? 5
10/02/05 - De-Termination? 4
10/02/05 - De-Termination? 3
10/02/05 - De-Termination? 2
10/02/05 - De-Termination? 1
10/01/05 - Wedding Reception 21
10/01/05 - Wedding Reception 20
10/01/05 - Wedding Reception 19
10/01/05 - Wedding Reception 18
10/01/05 - Wedding Reception 17
10/01/05 - Wedding Reception 16
10/01/05 - Wedding Reception 15
10/01/05 - OPC 11: 2 in 1
09/30/05 - OPC 11: Sore like an eagle
09/27/05 - CC 298: Sauce who?
09/27/05 - CC 298: Other things in life
09/27/05 - CC 298: Wanker in the Dark
09/26/05 - CC 298: Based on a Tour story
09/26/05 - CC 298: Too late for that
09/25/05 - CC 298: Better than sex?
09/25/05 - CC 298: A dog-forsaken place
09/25/05 - CC 298: Aw... ain't he rude
09/25/05 - CC 298: Doggie bag style
09/25/05 - CC 298: Jerk in marriage
09/25/05 - CC 298: Son of "I'll go into celibacy"
09/25/05 - CC 298: Apologies go to Mandingo
09/25/05 - CC 298: Hope of deliverance
09/13/05 - CC 296: In real life he'd probably been promoted...
08/21/05 - situbu.sit
08/14/05 - BTC 36: A bit late for that, ain't it?
08/14/05 - BTC 36: Please contact my agents for film rights
08/13/05 - OPC 7: Don't show birds "The Birds"
08/13/05 - OPC 7: It totally blows
08/10/05 - Random intertextual reference
08/10/05 - Ripping off alcoac14/303241
08/09/05 - Sexual Association Guy 11 - the early years
08/09/05 - CC 292: Good representation fees...
08/07/05 - OPC 7: Sexual Association Guy 10
08/07/05 - OPC 7: Sexual Association Guy 9
08/07/05 - OPC 7: Sexual Association Guy 8
08/07/05 - OPC 7: Sexual Association Guy 7 - the early years
08/07/05 - OPC 7: Sexual Association Guy 6 - the early years
08/07/05 - OPC 7: Sexual Association Guy 5
08/07/05 - OPC 7: Sexual Association Guy 4
08/07/05 - OPC 7: Sexual Association Guy 3
08/07/05 - OPC 7: Sexual Association Guy 2
08/07/05 - OPC 7: Sexual Association Guy 1
08/07/05 - OPC 7: This bird has flown
08/07/05 - Sun TV - Sex, crime, scandals, gossip, royals, sports, news
08/02/05 - BTC 35: Template
07/28/05 - CC 291: Non-compliant example
07/28/05 - CC 291: Compliant example
07/24/05 - Wedding Reception 14
07/21/05 - CC290: A Toyota 0.92 cc ?
07/20/05 - Wedding Reception 13
07/20/05 - Wedding Reception 12
07/20/05 - Wedding Reception 11
07/20/05 - Wedding Reception 10
07/20/05 - Wedding Reception 9
07/20/05 - Wedding Reception 8
07/20/05 - Wedding Reception 7
07/20/05 - Wedding Reception 6
07/20/05 - Wedding Reception 5
07/19/05 - Wedding Reception 4
07/19/05 - Wedding Reception 3
07/19/05 - Wedding Reception 2
07/19/05 - Wedding reception 1
07/17/05 - CC 289: British telly these days...
07/17/05 - BTC 34: Contractions with death
07/16/05 - CC 289: Filter filth
07/16/05 - Britney Spears, 2055.
05/15/05 - BTC 29: Stuck
05/15/05 - RM4 - It's not Jennifer's fault that her groom is DEAF
05/12/05 - FTC 62: Crime in 6 letters - ends with r.
05/07/05 - CC 281: Snickers all around in the Milky Way...
05/07/05 - Too polish for CC 281...
05/06/05 - BTC 29: Template
05/03/05 - CC 281: Uh huh
05/03/05 - CC 281: Co-literal damage
05/03/05 - CC 281: Maybe the owner is from BARtislava...
05/01/05 - BTC 28: Details details...
04/25/05 - RM3 - Template 3
04/25/05 - RM3 - Template 2
04/25/05 - RM3 - Template 1
04/23/05 - RM2: Random surprise...
04/23/05 - RM2: Microbial tragedy
04/23/05 - Random city arrest house
04/17/05 - I won, now what?
04/15/05 - Random joke
04/13/05 - Like on film
04/10/05 - RM - wait for it...
04/09/05 - A space oddity
04/07/05 - I like'm smoked...
04/06/05 - The other 364 days...
04/06/05 - Random insight...
04/03/05 - Shooters restaurant
04/03/05 - Oh shirt!
04/03/05 - Titanic feat. invisible girl
04/02/05 - Son of a ....
04/02/05 - Apparently not "Deer hunter"
04/02/05 - Ghuided tour
03/28/05 - FTC 59: If you loathe somebody set them free...
03/25/05 - BTC 23: You put the ass in assistant...
03/25/05 - Fly me to the moon...
01/23/05 - Cowboy Medicine
01/20/05 - Saw this in a Danish newspaper today
01/16/05 - CC 272: Perceptions 5
01/16/05 - CC 272: Perceptions 4
01/16/05 - CC 272: Perceptions 3
01/16/05 - CC 272: Perceptions 2
12/26/04 - Love stinks (Attention Whore 67)
12/26/04 - What blue heard (Attention Whore 66)
12/26/04 - What brunette said (Attention whore 65)
12/26/04 - Now what? (Attention whore 64)
12/26/04 - An unexpected visit (Attention whore 63)
12/26/04 - Christmas/2
10/18/04 - WW #28: Undercover donts
10/16/04 - WW #27: Meet the parents
10/10/04 - CC 261: Diesel meanies - episode 10
10/10/04 - CC 261: Diesel meanies - episode 9
10/10/04 - CC 261: Diesel meanies - episode 8
10/10/04 - CC 261: Diesel meanies - episode 7
10/10/04 - CC 261: Diesel meanies - episode 6
10/10/04 - CC 261: Diesel meanies - episode 5
10/10/04 - CC 261: Diesel meanies - episode 4
10/10/04 - CC 261: Diesel meanies - episode 3
10/10/04 - CC 261: Diesel meanies - episode 2
10/10/04 - CC 261: Diesel meanies - episode 1
09/18/04 - BTC 17 Template
09/13/04 - BTC 16: Diesel Sweeties 1250
09/12/04 - FTC#44: Hate when that happens
09/12/04 - BTC 16: Son of a ...
09/08/04 - An autumn nights dream
09/04/04 - Take me home
09/04/04 - The war chancellor finds his Peace Garden State
09/03/04 - The story of Ben Dover
09/03/04 - All the way to Leno
08/21/04 - Know your audience
08/21/04 - FTC 42: Don Who?
08/21/04 - FTC 42: The ultimate price
08/15/04 - CC 253: Take time - don't kill it.
08/08/04 - Olé 2 - based on a choadwarrior strip
08/08/04 - BTC#13: ... does winning the intro count?
07/27/04 - CC 252: Violence good. Sex bad.
07/26/04 - CC 252: Well, duh.
06/26/04 - BTC#9: Yesterday I met her brother
06/26/04 - WW #20: Not much R.E.S.P.E.C.T.
06/20/04 - Third thoughts ... (Attention Whore 62)
06/20/04 - Second thoughts ... (Attention Whore 61)
06/20/04 - Every cloud is a cloud ... (Attention Whore 60)
06/20/04 - Um... yeah... (Attention Whore 59)
06/20/04 - Uh huh... (Attention Whore 58)
06/20/04 - Mixed up for real... (Attention Whore 57)
06/20/04 - Getting all mixed up IV (Attention Whore 56)
06/20/04 - Getting all mixed up III (Attention Whore 55)
06/20/04 - Getting all mixed up II (Attention Whore 54)
06/20/04 - Getting all mixed up (Attention Whore 53)
06/20/04 - BTC#8: Geography will save the day...
06/20/04 - ZS 33: I double dare you...
05/31/04 - FTC 36: Cool reason?
05/23/04 - Research in the 21st century - XXI
05/23/04 - Research in the 21st century - XX
05/23/04 - Research in the 21st century - XIX
05/23/04 - Research in the 21st century - XVIII
05/23/04 - Research in the 21st century - XVII
05/23/04 - Research in the 21st century - XVI
05/23/04 - Research in the 21st century - XV
05/23/04 - Research in the 21st century - XIV
05/23/04 - Research in the 21st century - XIII
05/23/04 - Research in the 21st century - XII
05/23/04 - Research in the 21st century - XI
05/23/04 - Research in the 21st century - X
05/23/04 - Research in the 21st century - IX
05/23/04 - Research in the 21st century - VIII
05/23/04 - Research in the 21st century - VII
05/23/04 - Research in the 21st century - VI
05/23/04 - Research in the 21st century - V
05/23/04 - Research in the 21st century - IV
05/23/04 - Research in the 21st century - III
05/23/04 - Research in the 21st century - II
05/23/04 - Research in the 21st century - I
05/08/04 - Â there's still something she isn't telling him...
05/08/04 - To the rescue...
05/07/04 - ZS 29: Don't you hate it when that happens?
05/02/04 - FTC 33: Competition
04/25/04 - The bukkake background
04/24/04 - Beginner's luck?
04/18/04 - WW #12: Worst things to tell superheroes' families
04/18/04 - CC 240: Lurking in the forrest...
04/18/04 - FTC 31: Duh!?
04/11/04 - Michael visits grandma VII
04/11/04 - Michael visits grandma VI
04/11/04 - Michael visits grandma V
04/11/04 - Michael visits grandma IV
04/11/04 - Michael visits grandma III
04/11/04 - Michael visits grandma II
04/11/04 - Michael visits grandma I
04/10/04 - CC 239: Lucky (?)
04/10/04 - WW#11: Worst things to say in a restaurant while on vacation
04/10/04 - CC 239: Karma Police...
04/10/04 - CC 239: Four songs in three panels...
04/10/04 - CC 239: "Lucky" misheard...
04/07/04 - Unseen: episode 1 - scene 15
04/07/04 - Unseen: episode 1 - scene 14
04/07/04 - Unseen: episode 1 - scene 13
04/07/04 - Unseen: episode 1 - scene 12
04/07/04 - Unseen: episode 1 - scene 11
04/07/04 - Unseen: episode 1 - scene 10
04/07/04 - Unseen: episode 1 - scene 9
04/07/04 - Unseen: episode 1 - scene 8
04/07/04 - Unseen: episode 1 - scene 7
04/07/04 - Unseen: episode 1 - scene 6
04/07/04 - Unseen: episode 1 - scene 5
04/07/04 - Unseen: episode 1 - scene 4
04/07/04 - Unseen: episode 1 - scene 3
04/07/04 - Unseen: episode 1 - scene 2
04/07/04 - Unseen: episode 1 - scene 1
04/03/04 - FTC #29 My idea
03/27/04 - FTC #29 Template
03/21/04 - BONUS 237: Jeg sutter for vildt.
03/21/04 - CC 237: copy, right?
03/21/04 - CC 237: MikeyG - a look behind the scenes
03/21/04 - FTC 28: Probably not so bad
02/22/04 - CC 233: The invisible family X
02/22/04 - CC 233: The invisible family IX
02/22/04 - CC 233: The invisible family VIII
02/22/04 - CC 233: The invisible family VII
02/22/04 - CC 233: The invisible family VI
02/22/04 - CC 233: The invisible family V
02/22/04 - CC 233: The invisible family IV
02/22/04 - CC 233: The invisible family III
02/22/04 - CC 233: The invisible family II
02/22/04 - CC 233: The invisible family I
02/16/04 - WwSeX
02/15/04 - FTC 23: Technicalities
02/15/04 - CC 232: the Return of the Ring
02/15/04 - CC 232: Dem bones...
02/15/04 - CC 232: Assic's Demise
02/08/04 - Housebroken...
02/07/04 - CC 231: Eat your oats (War X)
02/07/04 - CC 231: Mass media distraction (War IX)
02/07/04 - CC 231: Mass distraction (War VIII)
02/07/04 - CC 231: Let's have a blast (War VII)
02/07/04 - CC 231: Let's have a blast (War VI)
02/07/04 - CC 231: Hole lotta fun (War V)
02/07/04 - CC 231: Victory! Sort of... (War IV)
02/07/04 - CC 231: Fight for what is dear (War II)
02/07/04 - CC 231: Oatless (War I)
02/07/04 - CC 231: Free the press (War III)
02/07/04 - Breakup redux - reversed
02/01/04 - Hope for McNocock
01/24/04 - Careful what you wish
01/20/04 - FTC #19: Dedicated fans
01/18/04 - CC 229: Sleeping with the fishes...
01/18/04 - CC 229: Damned "Clone Panel" button...
01/03/04 - CC 227: The consequences of underwater romance...
01/03/04 - CC 227: A portrait of Boinky33
01/03/04 - CC 227: Hightlights from the SC standup show
01/03/04 - CC 227: Hate when that happens...
01/03/04 - CC 227: There is a TV-show like this every Friday in Vietnam
01/03/04 - CC 227: Outstaring snowmen...
01/03/04 - CC 227: Wrong spell...
01/03/04 - CC 227: One trip to the moon. Three surprises...
01/03/04 - CC 227: A sheep in search for her father
01/03/04 - CC 227: An ordinary day at the McJob?
01/01/04 - Life seen through an inbox (Attention whore 52)
01/01/04 - Making a long story short (Attention whore 51)
01/01/04 - Careful what to do or say (Attention whore 50)
01/01/04 - Definately not a hentai comic! (Attention whore 49)
01/01/04 - The night is darkest before the dawn (Attention whore 48)
01/01/04 - What's that sound (Attention whore 47)
01/01/04 - Maneuvres in the dark (Attention whore 46)
01/01/04 - I bet Kaddar has the version I need... (Attention whore 45)
01/01/04 - Unzip (Attention whore 44)
01/01/04 - ... thy name is "Woman" (Attention whore 43)
01/01/04 - ZS 13: An unexpected visitor...
01/01/04 - Paranoia - part 5
01/01/04 - Paranoia - part 4
01/01/04 - Paranoia - part 3
01/01/04 - Paranoia - part 2
01/01/04 - Paranoia - part 1
12/30/03 - All you need is hate
12/30/03 - FTC 16: It's approaching once more
12/30/03 - CC 226: Next year I promise not to use the default joke...
12/29/03 - FTC 16: Another year comes prematurely...
12/27/03 - CC 226: Food for thoughts
11/06/03 - Hanoi fiction I: lukket meets asiangirl1
10/12/03 - CC 215: Don't call me, Al
10/09/03 - FTC #2: Hmmn
10/07/03 - CC 214: A great thread to society.
10/07/03 - CC 214: No metal jacket required
10/05/03 - CC 214: Cthulhu returns XI
10/02/03 - PV 94: The winner is announced.
10/01/03 - Snap! (Attention whore 42)
10/01/03 - Tit for tat (Attention whore 41)
10/01/03 - A trap is set... (Attention whore 40)
10/01/03 - Old school ways (Attention whore 39)
10/01/03 - Basic Instinct (Attention Whore 38)
10/01/03 - The breaking news of the day (Attention Whore 37)
10/01/03 - Honesty is teh sux0r II (Attention Whore 36)
10/01/03 - Honesty is teh sux0r I (Attention Whore 35)
10/01/03 - Honesty is teh r0x0r (Attention Whore 34)
10/01/03 - Point of no return (Attention Whore 33)
10/01/03 - Microsoftitis - or how I finally got to ditch MSIE
10/01/03 - CC 213: Dr. Strangelove - or how I learned to stop Shining
09/30/03 - CC 213: (Based on 202) Good people are hard to find
09/29/03 - CC 213: ASOUE
09/29/03 - CC 213: Lovely absinth, wonderful absinth
09/29/03 - CC 213 (based on CC 202): Oh the pun we have...
09/26/03 - CC 212: Retaliation
09/21/03 - CC 211: A question of perspective (does it matter) III
09/21/03 - CC 211: A question of perspective II
09/21/03 - CC 211: A matter of perspective I
09/21/03 - CC 211: Three strips in one
09/14/03 - CC 210: "How I made my millions"
09/08/03 - CC 209: The show must go on
09/07/03 - CC 209: Let's drink to that
09/07/03 - I can't believe that my 100th comic is a Monty Python ripoff
09/06/03 - CC 209: Boom...
09/06/03 - The characters with the issues
09/06/03 - CC 209: The little difference
09/06/03 - CC 209: Some are more equal than others
09/06/03 - CC 209: Stereotypewritten
09/03/03 - CC 208: Dig this.
09/02/03 - CC 208: Before Ray Tomlinson
09/02/03 - CC 208: Getting lucky?
08/30/03 - CC 207: Milne, Shepard and Disney turn in their graves.
08/30/03 - Stop your fight before I beat one of you out with the other
08/29/03 - Dilemma (Attention whore 32)
08/29/03 - Beer changes everything (Attention whore 31)
08/29/03 - What date is it? Is it a date? (Attention whore 30)
08/29/03 - Don't panic. (Attention whore 29)
08/29/03 - And a Freudian slip for desert (Attention whore 28)
08/29/03 - Freudian slips on the side (Attention whore 27)
08/29/03 - First impressions last (Attention whore 26)
08/29/03 - Ahoy sailor! (Attention whore 25)
08/29/03 - Getting all Freudian (Attention whore 24)
08/29/03 - Getting all predictable (Attention whore 23)
08/29/03 - Go to sleep (Attention whore 20.5)
08/29/03 - Ring ring (Attention whore 22)
08/29/03 - Second thoughts (Attention Whore 21)
08/28/03 - Cthulhu returns X 10.1
08/28/03 - Cthulhu returns X
08/28/03 - Cthulhu returns IX
08/28/03 - Cthulhu returns VIII
08/28/03 - Cthulhu returns VII
08/28/03 - Cthulhu returns VI
08/28/03 - Cthulhu returns V
08/28/03 - Cthulhu returns IV
08/28/03 - Cthulhu returns III
08/28/03 - Cthulhu returns II
08/28/03 - Cthulhu returns I
08/27/03 - Intelligent life on the bottom of the sea.
08/27/03 - CC 207: Spy vs Spy - when motivation fails.
08/27/03 - And so it was written
08/27/03 - Garfield done wrong...
08/27/03 - Those kids...
08/26/03 - CC 206: Best wishes on your new PC
08/26/03 - Yeah right...
08/25/03 - Monopoly III
08/25/03 - Monopoly II
08/25/03 - Monopoly I
08/25/03 - Hail to the chimp.
08/25/03 - Homage to retard
08/25/03 - One pun too many
08/25/03 - Duck
08/24/03 - Call my name and I'll be there...
08/23/03 - Thirteen thirty-seven
08/23/03 - Freedom of speech III
08/23/03 - Freedom of speech II
08/23/03 - Freedom of speech.
08/23/03 - CC 206: Father's death.
08/22/03 - CC 206: Mother's Day
08/20/03 - Bait
08/19/03 - Lucky?
08/19/03 - A question of motive
08/19/03 - H. C. Andersen modernized III (The Emperor's new clothes)
08/18/03 - Modern H. C. Andersen II (The Ugly Duckling)
08/18/03 - Modern H. C. Andersen I (The woman and the eggs)
08/17/03 - So long and thanks for all the nails.
08/17/03 - How can you tell
08/16/03 - The logic of attention.
08/16/03 - Suicidal Tendencies III
08/16/03 - Suicidal Tendencies II
08/16/03 - Suicidal tendencies I
08/16/03 - Sour times
08/16/03 - A powerless super power.
08/16/03 - Human nature
08/16/03 - Games people play
08/15/03 - Like a flie on feces.
08/15/03 - Written with great big fiery letters... (Attention whore 20)
08/15/03 - Familiar feelings 2 (Attention Whore 19)
08/15/03 - Familiar feelings (Attention Whore 18)
08/15/03 - French - a deceptive language (Attention Whore 17)
08/15/03 - 125 grams of meat... (Attention Whore 16)
08/12/03 - To hell with customer service.
08/09/03 - Impro-wise (Attention Whore 15)
08/09/03 - The tell-tale hearts (Attention Whore 14)
08/09/03 - What was he thinking. (Attention Whore 13)
08/09/03 - Maneuvres in the dark (Attention whore 12)
08/09/03 - The early bird ... (Attention Whore 11)
08/09/03 - Double dating 2 (Attention whore 10)
08/09/03 - Time management (Attention whore 9)
08/09/03 - Double Dating (Attention whore 8)
08/09/03 - That's what friends are for 2 (Attention whore 7)
08/09/03 - That's what friends are fore (Attention whore 6)
08/09/03 - Obsession? (Attention whore 5)
08/09/03 - That will never work (Attention whore 4)
08/09/03 - A question of definition (Attention whore 3)
08/09/03 - Oh the irony (Attention whore 2)
08/08/03 - Attention whore
08/07/03 - Retard man vs. Retardo
08/07/03 - Fatal addiction
08/06/03 - Communication error
08/06/03 - Nostalgia isn't like in the old days.
08/05/03 - A noob meets Kaufman.
08/05/03 - The cost of fame
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lukket's CC entries
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