Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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Born in the Age of Aquarius, this Taurus has both feet firmly grounded - but that doesn't mean that his ultra-creative as sensitive mind is not free and unbound - because it absolutely is! Warning: my stripcreations will make you THINK - not just laugh... and sometimes ONLY THINK - and not laugh at all! My stripcreations cater to witty readers in search of something more profound... You have been WARNED! ;)
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The less you know, the more you believe. - -- Bono (who's wrong)
Who's gonna ride your wild horses...? NOBODY - that's who! There's no one there!
I'll zap some belief into you, loud obnoxious noisy earthling!
We have, I fear, confused power with greatness. - -- Stewart L. Udall (right)
I've got the power to make you suffer for countless AGES... padre!
But that doesn't make you great whatsoever - Great Is The Lord My God
Art is made to disturb, science reassures. - -- Georges Braque (wrong)
I went to an art exhibit... it made me so disturbed that I screwed up my experiment!
I know how you feel, dear peer o'mine! Lost your head... or bod rather...
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