1953: Desi Arnaz, Jr., born during 'I Love Lucy' episode in which Lucy gives birth to Little Ricky.
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| Love that show... that one and The Flintstones are my 2 favorites like ever! I wonder if they gave the baby TWO birth certificates for that... hahaha | |
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| Doubtful. Oh... And, for your information... I can't stand when Lucy goes "Ricky!" or when Fred goes "Wilmaaaaa!" either... ! | |
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1990: Rusty Hamer, the famous 'Make Room for Daddy' kid, kills himself.
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| I'd kill myself too if my name was "Rusty"... or... I'd kill whoever it was that gave me that freaking name! And everyone that'd say it to my face!Yeahhhhh! | |
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| Naaaah... you 're not killing anybody - ever... except on your xbox! And even there your killing ratio sucks! I slay ya all the time! Nana-nanana! Duuuuude! | |
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2005: Young 'Moesha' actor Lamont Bentley killed in drive-by shooting.
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| We lost a cast member to street violence... nothing like that ever happened on ROOTS or the Cosby Show... how tragic... and unpredictable it was too... | |
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| Not unpredictable at all... racist white trash studio execs were taking bets on how long before this exact sort of thing would occur... | |
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