1942: Nazi officials held the Wannsee conference, during which they arrived at their "final solution" that called for exterminating Europe's Jews...
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| Nazis were delusional all right... | |
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| Yeah... but we, the BLOC QUÉBÉCOIS will achieve our goals - soon! | |
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1998: American researchers announced that they had cloned calves that may produce medicinal milk.
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| MOO! - - MY mammaries are the cloned and improved ones that produce the best milk, like... EVER! | |
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| NO... MY mammaries are the cloned and improved ones that produce the best milk, like... EVER! | |
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2005: Ireland officially completes switch to metric system. U.S. remains stubborn holdout against system used by 95% of world.
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| Hey - Irish Boy... you're sheepish! You follow the trends... I SET THEM! | |
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