Drink up! Today is the feast day of St. Vincent, patron of vintners & drunkards.
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| Merde alors... !! Et ça tombe un samedi - en plus! | |
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| Ben, quoi? Ça s'trinque une journée comme ça... !! | |
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1885: The word psychopath first appears in print in the U.S.
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| About time they came up with an official "label" to affix all of us would-be Jack The Rippers! | |
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| You're just one of 1,257 ghosts in my head... this isn't 1885 anymore... and I have people to kill tonight, so... bug off! | |
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1908: New York City outlaws smoking in public - but only for women.
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| Damn you, men! We are to take care of you when you're sick... but we're denied the right to be as stupid as you are?!? | |
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| Never mind that now... nitpicky nurse! I can't breathe for a minute now... won't you do something about THAT?!? | |
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