Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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Born in the Age of Aquarius, this Taurus has both feet firmly grounded - but that doesn't mean that his ultra-creative as sensitive mind is not free and unbound - because it absolutely is! Warning: my stripcreations will make you THINK - not just laugh... and sometimes ONLY THINK - and not laugh at all! My stripcreations cater to witty readers in search of something more profound... You have been WARNED! ;)
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Drink up! Today is the feast day of St. Vincent, patron of vintners & drunkards.
Merde alors... !! Et ça tombe un samedi - en plus!
Ben, quoi? Ça s'trinque une journée comme ça... !!
1885: The word psychopath first appears in print in the U.S.
About time they came up with an official "label" to affix all of us would-be Jack The Rippers!
You're just one of 1,257 ghosts in my head... this isn't 1885 anymore... and I have people to kill tonight, so... bug off!
1908: New York City outlaws smoking in public - but only for women.
Damn you, men! We are to take care of you when you're sick... but we're denied the right to be as stupid as you are?!?
Never mind that now... nitpicky nurse! I can't breathe for a minute now... won't you do something about THAT?!?
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