PEDANTICS SQUARE: Anyone using improper English or (God forbid) "l337" speak will lose a turn. How anyone can understand that is beyond me.
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| w00t!!!11 dUDE, 1 4m go1NG +O H4x0R J00R coMPUTeR!!11 | |
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WHAT COUNTRY IS THIS?: If you understand the comic, roll again. If you don't, go and find a translator. Then, lose a turn.
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| Assim eu disse, "bom turbinas do rotor não estão indo gerar gravitons por se." | |
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| Que a foda você está falando sobre? | |
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CURSES, FOILED AGAIN: Anyone using a curse word as a punchline goes back 3 squares.
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| And so, that's what I did. | |
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